Monday, November 14, 2016

"An Awesome Sight Of Light"

This is a picture of the super moon. I missed shooting it because it appeared this morning at 7:30 am,  I took one tonight shown below. 11-14-2016  Perryton, Texas
Super moon tonight at 7:30 pm. With my camera. Nothing different about this pic. 11-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I waited all day to get a picture of the super moon tonight. When it finally  showed it looked just like any other moon. I looked on the computer and discovered the super moon today was at 7:30 am instead of pm. I missed it, but found one on the computer and posted it. I have drifted away somewhat from being interested in the moon. I guess I finally got enough of an amazing thing. The condition of the world has been taking center stage in my life for the past two years. Now that the election is over maybe I can settle down to being normal.

It seems like there is always something to disrupt our happiness when we feel so blessed sometimes. There is never going to be anything but a short vacation from life’s hard work and worries. Some day beyond this beautiful moon there is going to be perfect peace and rest forever and ever. We must comfort one another with these words and be thankful for friends who will share our burdens with us. When I saw this gorgeous moon tonight I was reminded of the quote, “A picture is worth more than a thousand words.” I will keep my eyes glued on things above. Day by day we are getting closer to our eternal home.

I often think of all the good times we have missed just because of sin that creeps into our lives and separates us one from another. A life without sin is fiction. It just didn’t happen, but we only cause ourselves more sorrow by holding onto the evil that attacked us. Some people call it “naïve.” I think of it as being jealous, or without compassion. Whatever, it is sin that needs to be denied. Sometimes we need to put ourselves in the washing machine with a lot of soap and wash out the dirt in our lives. A dirty body will soon become a stinky body if not washed often. Worse than that it becomes an ugly body. Eventually it becomes a sick body without remedy.

I have been highly alarmed by all the foolish, disgusting sights that’s been happening all over America for the past few days because some harboring hate-mongers didn’t get their way. How sad to know that these people have sealed their conscience, and few, if any will ever realize their foolishness. We have to ask ourselves how could this kind of evil penetrate so deeply into the heart and destroy a soul that was intended to be whole. The fact remains that separation has happened and sorrow and bloodshed will follow many to an early grave. I can’t see a repentance in the future. I see only a doomed life for more people than I ever imagined. The love of God must stay in our hearts regardless of all the evil that confronts us every day. It didn’t use to be this way. What happened?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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