Wednesday, November 30, 2016

"Wait For The Icicles To Melt"

One of the many beautiful trees showing off in my town. This one is just across the street from my church.11-30-2016 Perryton, Texas,
The sun makes this tree seem so brilliant. Notice the dead tree in front. 11-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.
The shaded church is where I attend. It is pretty when the light is on it. 11-30-2016 Perryton, Texas

I am showing some of the gorgeous fall colors of trees here where I live in Perryton, Texas. These trees happen to be right across the street from my church about four blocks from where I live. There are many more colorful trees scattered all around the city. The last of spring and summer beauty is about to come to an end with dead limbs taking its place. Icicles will be hanging from the branches a big part of the winter. Those can be beautiful sometimes also. I have seen some as long as ten feet. I am trying to adjust to the bad weather that will happen in a short time. I started back to painting again today. I think I will be content as I love painting so much.

Since I have been home from Thanksgiving visiting my children, my spirit has escalated. I seem to have been receiving messages, (some might call them vibes,)  that take me to the prayer closet where I can talk to the Lord and tell Him all my troubles. Then He tells me to tell Him what I want. I lose all shyness and tell Him what I really want to happen. I give Him all the reasons why I want these things, pointing out that I know I am not deserving, but He can work miracles, and I want a miracle to take place soon. Like a child asking Santa for certain presents, I must seem the same to my Father in heaven. We are little children in His sight. He cares for us, and wants to give us even better gifts than our earthly fathers gave us. How can we blame anyone but ourselves if we are living below a bountiful life? At this time I am very happy even with the icicles that are fixing to hang from our limbs. They will melt, and new life will spring forth because of them. I believe I will be posting nothing but good news for the next several months. Stay in touch with me and find out how many gifts I have received from my Heavenly Father who is King of all Kings.

How much does God have to do for us before we realize He is doing lots more than we deserve? Are we spoiled so badly that we pout if we get our feelings hurt? When I compare myself to Jesus, I just want to hide and never be seen again. The fact is He does not want us to hide, He wants us to repent and let Him give us a happy and prosperous life. I’m wiping all shame from my face and eating from Jesus table just as He has invited me to do. I will never be perfect until the day I leave this old sinful world and receive a new life in Glory Land. Until then I will do the best I can to help everyone who are stymied and holding onto life by a thread. I will try to speak words of love and encouragement, and forever hold these hurting souls up before God. These are the things that make us fit to eat at the Kings table.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


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