Saturday, December 10, 2016

"Dear Santa You Light Up My Life"

Santa Clause has come to visit us a few days. He smokes his pipe and looks over his Christmas list that he holds in his lap. This is an old family favorite. 12-10-2016  Perryton, Texas.

Old Santa Clause has come to visit us for a few days. When he knocks on our door I begin to get the Christmas spirit. He sits on his stool smoking his pipe and reading his Christmas list that he holds in his lap. This old guy has been visiting us for many years. He may have gotten arthritis over the years, but when he gets plugged into electricity he never misses a move. After Christmas is over we burry him in the same box he came in. He does not live again till the next Christmas. This is a story I like to tell all the little children. I like to see their little eyes light up like the Christmas lights. My own arthritis hinders me from going Christmas shopping so I have learned to make do with the more simple and easiest things possible. My greatest thrill about Christmas any more is hearing about the wonderful times everyone else had. That means everything to me.

 I do plan to go to the Senior Citizens Christmas party again this year. It is always so nice and many gifts are given to the lucky ones who get their names drawn out of the hopper. Two years ago my name was drawn. I received a scented candle that gives off a wonderful fragrance without being lighted. I still enjoy it every day. The Christmas dinner is great with so many different goodies available. Of course the decorations are top notch. Its always nice to see so many old friends and acquaintances there. Most usually there are over 100 people who attend.  I believe this community social club is a plus for Perryton. I appreciate all the hard work that so many do to make this place enjoyable.

I also have plans made to spend New Years Eve away from home with my two sisters. We are all looking forward to that date. The biggest worry is the weather. My sisters and I both will be traveling over a hundred miles. We have been blessed with two nights free rooms by a special person. Our buffet breakfast will be furnished with the room reservations. Can anyone start the New Year off with any better pleasure than that? I am thankful for the gift of the rooms. It may just be that this New Year is the one that will make me happy just like before I lost my husband, four years ago. I had thought it was impossible, but something tells me now I am going to live happy again. I am giving all his cloths away finally, for someone to have a good Christmas who couldn’t afford one otherwise. There are several nice suits and shirts, and also a pair of eel hide boots that my husband loved. He only wore them on special occasions. It has taken me four years to give his nice cloths away. My closets are going to be missing something that can never be replaced. I guess its taken me that long to decide he is never coming back. I know this sounds crazy, but I wish him a Merry Christmas in heaven where he will never have to die again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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