Tuesday, December 13, 2016

"Venus At Christmas Time"

This was Venus last night view from Perryton, Texas. It appeared much larger than what's on the picture. It was very close to earth. 12-13-2016 Perryton, Texas.
This small green spot is Venus. It looked like a huge star that had several points all which were sparkling. So unbelievable. The temperature on Venus was 900 degree last night. 12-13-2016 Perryton, Texas.

My son, Chuck, called me last night to take notice of the planet, Venus. It was large, and appeared to be a huge star with all the points sparkling. It seemed very close to earth. Chuck told me the heat from this Planet was 900 degree last night  12-12-2016. Chuck is very knowledgeable on the earth creation, and studies a lot on the science experiments that are still being practiced every day. He has a passion for nature, and earth creations. When he took the college exam he scored in the top ten of the science test. It is very interesting to listen to him explain all the details about what makes certain things happen, but unless one is educated on the subject they get lost quick. He has captured my interest to a pretty high degree. I have taken lots of pictures of earth-sky objects, and read a lot from the computer about them. I am at this time doing a painting of New York’s Central Park which was created in the area of where a glacier left huge rocks. Chuck has explained all about this glacier, but again I don’t fully understand all the facts of nature, although I do love the artifacts. Scientist are always trying to prove a theory, but so far many have not been proven to satisfy a majority of the people. Global warming is one of the most controversial studies of the times. I doubt that it will ever get any farther than its been for the past fifty years. Several people have gotten rich promoting the theory because of their greed for money, nothing more. This is my opinion. It’s like many prophets have, and still are acquiring thousands of followers who were subdued by their charm. Even after their prophecies failed to prove out. The gullible cravers of wanting to be right about their broadcast of a true prophet, doesn’t seem to stop with the false results. Some people just feed off fake news that keeps their heart beating. The story of the fairy never left them even after they were older. I might add, God gives those who have a true and honest heart the gift of discernment. No one can be right one hundred percent all the time, but it sure helps to have this gift.

As we enter a New Year of adventure let us be more positive of getting it straight before declaring that a lie is the truth. We can offer opinions, but never fail to let it be known that it is an opinion. Accusations are a hard sin to pay for if they are not true. You will find that statement in the word of God. I often am reminded of the scripture quoted by Jesus in Matthew 18:6, KJV. ”But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” We are all referred to by God as little ones.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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