Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Garden And The Garden"

Jean's Comment's: "A Garden And The Garden":  A little spot of heaven in my back yard. Sharing with the bee's and humming birds. 6-30-2015 Perryton, Texas. Welcome to my place ...

"A Garden And The Garden"

 A little spot of heaven in my back yard. Sharing with the bee's and humming birds. 6-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Welcome to my place of peace and joy. So good to feel wanted by my friends. 6-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

My flower garden was striking with color this morning, although with the bright sun shinning on it so true the colors seem a bit faded in the picture. My day begins each morning with a short time of enjoying my flowers. Those beauties, and my coffee put me on the go. Rick and I went to Chuck’s house this morning, since he is disabled, and worked hard in the yard for an hour. I love “working out” in that fashion; Plus the yard looked better without saying we just got our exercise. I reminded Rick of myself being raised up on a farm and learning how to work in the field. Weeds are no stranger to me. I chopped them down for years before Charles stole me away and moved me to town. I wanted to continue living on a farm, but my husband had had enough of hard work as a kid, and he wouldn’t dare live in the country again. After all these years I still have some, “farm girl” in me,  and take it out in my yards. I just like to weed out bad things and humor the good things. I find this rides over into the humanity life also. I know I cannot toil, and water, someone’s else’s garden, but its hard to walk away when I see so many ugly signs of tattoo’s and such, that are poisoning the beautiful flowers God created for His own pleasure. Soon there will be more weeds and trash in the former “Garden of Eden” than God cares to keep. A huge bonfire will be ignited by the owner Himself. Many of God’s garden care-givers are working hard to inform the drifting snapdragons, bachelor  button’s, daisies, and all other yearning pure-breeds, that they need to keep their first love and stay in their own bed. Nothing will change the evil that has taken possession of the good mind of yesterday, but some future drifter may be saved. Same-sex partners, changing of the sex organs, and the permanent graffiti etched into the body, which is the temple of God, cannot be tolerated by the Divine Power that controls the universe, much longer. The prodigal son drifted away from his loving father, but he was able to reconnect before it was too late. We can compare the prodigal son, or daughter, (wasteful spending,) to the gullible sinful son or daughter who is not satisfied with what God intended them to be. I wonder how many evil-seekers will be reconnected with their Heavenly Father before it is too late. I am not, or never want to be, part of the mega-church that tells people they do not have to worry about committing sin.  They can live their own way and listen to the minister to convenience them that they are going to please God no matter what. Is it any wonder that they are called mega-churches? If there was no danger of displeasing God who wouldn’t want to be part of such a church. The truth is, that philosophy is a false teaching and will send many into destruction. “God grant me wisdom to help the blind to see.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, June 29, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Sharing A Shouting Time With All"

Jean's Comment's: "Sharing A Shouting Time With All":  The sun is still shinning. God showed President Obama that He could surround the sun with rainbow colors that would out shinned the White...

"Sharing A Shouting Time With All"

 The sun is still shinning. God showed President Obama that He could surround the sun with rainbow colors that would out shinned the White House. 6-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Streaks from the sun are proof that brightness is all around us. We will never be blinded by evil. 6-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Today, June 29, 2015, my sister, Betty’s birthday, is lifting me up to the mountain tops. The gorgeous sunshine with all the rainbow colors made me shout for joy. Then the white streaks shooting off from the sun in every direction was  thrilling to the soul. This beautiful Heaven and Earth will pass away, according to God’s word, but He says, “My Word will never pass away.” Matthew 24:35 KJV. May we all enjoy the beauty of this big earth while keeping the Word of God deep in our hearts. When we pass from this life, God’s word will remain in our souls through out eternity. A Psalm of David.   Psalms 14:1.  The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt. They have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. When people do not read, and keep God’s Word, “They are saying there is no God.” Their lips tell a lie. They are worse than the atheists who are not lying  when they say, “There is no God.” They truly believe that. There is a difference in an unbeliever and a hypocrite. “God have mercy on them both.” 

The words I write on this blog are only a small token of my love for God. I want to be a messenger for my Lord. Each day I try to send a message that by faith, I believe God has laid on my heart to deliver. I never know who, or if any, is receiving any good from them, but that is not important. I feel as if I am pleasing Jesus by obeying His command to, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 KJV. Since the internet has come into existence I am now able to do part of that command. I am getting viewers from several different countries, thanks also to advanced technology in keeping track of all data. There is no room for excuses in today’s world for not proclaiming God’s word far and near. I am only a sinner saved by grace, and I love to tell people about it. I feel like the best and greatest friend I ever had is Jesus. Yes, He is a friend to me. It’s hard to explain, but I did personally meet Him, and He has remained my close friend every since. He has told me as long as I trust Him He will never leave me nor forsake me. He has kept that promise now for sixty years. Can anyone ask for more than that? I have a God given duty to declare God’s Word the truth, and if I make some people uncomfortable, I don’t apologize. The truth is in the Word, and if one thinks they can change it to suit their own way, they are a fool. I am satisfied with the good life God has given me, and I never fail to thank Him daily for it. The unthankful is the poison that causes Jesus wounds to open and bleed again. How can they possible do Him that way? Its hard to not defend our Lord when we see the enemy at work against Him more and more each day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Where Did We Miss The Mark"

Jean's Comment's: "Where Did We Miss The Mark": Just looking for a place to worship my Jesus. I have found it here. 6-28-2015 Perryton, Texas. I had a coke with a friend last evening....

"Where Did We Miss The Mark"

Just looking for a place to worship my Jesus. I have found it here. 6-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I had a coke with a friend last evening. We spent an hour or so just catching up on the news. It was fun to chitchat and exchange news we heard from some of our friends. Nothing can take the place of friends. I am thankful for my friends who are well and doing good, but I am sad for those who are not doing so well. Life can certainly be unbalanced sometimes. Like a teeter- totter we are up and down. Each time I lose a friend to death I have a hard time getting over it. Over the years I’ve had so many till it seems as though everybody is my friend. I thank God for giving me peace and understanding. I am a senior citizen therefore, I am losing someone close to me quite often. I still enjoy long chats with those who are well in mind and body. Every time we count our friends we are counting our blessings. “Thank you Lord.” 

Rick and I visited another church this morning. The service was a complete change from what we are used to. It was lengthy, and mostly consisted of singing with band music. There were no hymns or piano music at all. The singing was words of one praying to God, with the same line being sang over and over. The congregation was asked to stand through the entire song service, probably 45 minutes. This church has the largest congregation of any in this city. It is beautiful, and the people are extra nice and friendly. What more can I say? I am still trying to digest it all, but am having a hard time passing it off. What are we looking for in a church today? I truly have to say, I don’t know what I need to feel safe and secure amongst a crowd of people. I am tempted to say I get more personal contact with Jesus in my home. But the bible teaches us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. I do believe the churches have been robbed of the sweet, sweet spirit we used to sing about. We keep trying to find it, but I don’t think it will ever feel welcome in our churches again. If the Holy Spirit can’t find someone to move through, and to speak for Him, then He will not hang around. I do have to say I believe there has been so much ignorance exploited in the church in past times until the real spirit of God cannot wedge himself into the one who is yielded and still.  Yes, ignorance is the greatest hindrance God has  to deal with. Not evil, but ignorance. Too many people try to force their own feelings on others. This is definitely not God’s way. The Holy Spirit Himself will descend upon the one who is chosen for the delivery of His power. He needs no volunteers, although one has to be yielded. When the Spirit descends there is complete harmony in the crowd. No individual, or individuals should attempt to force God’s power upon the congregation. That is self control and it does not please God. There is more to be said about this than I am qualified for, so I will leave it there for now.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "Last Call For Repentance"

Jean's Comment's: "Last Call For Repentance": One last call for repentance. Seek Him while He MAY be found. 6-28-2015 Perryton, Texas. Millions have seared their conscience. The proo...

"Last Call For Repentance"

One last call for repentance. Seek Him while He MAY be found. 6-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Millions have seared their conscience. The proof is all around us. When people can take God's Holy Word and trash it like is happening today, they have no conscience to warn them. They have been turned over to a reprobate mind, because of closing their ears to the truth. They are as wolves in sheep's clothing. We who know the fate of these deceived ones are saddened, and are begging God to give them one more chance. That is all we can do, but sometimes God will extend one more day or two for a person to repent. The truth is it usually don't do any good, because so many have seared their conscience. They can no longer be convicted of their sin. I would be begging and pleading with God to have mercy with me if I didn't know for sure He had already forgiven me of my sins. One can only imagine the suffering that will be placed upon those who have trod the blood of Jesus Christ under their feet. They will not escape.

I plead with you to read the following message and consider the truth there in. There still may be time for you to repent.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Question: "What does it mean to have a seared conscience?"

The Bible speaks of a seared conscience in 1 Timothy 4:2. The conscience is the God-given moral consciousness within each of us (Romans 2:15). If the conscience is “seared”—literally “cauterized”—then it has been rendered insensitive. Such a conscience does not work properly; it’s as if “spiritual scar tissue” has dulled the sense of right and wrong. Just as the hide of an animal scarred with a branding iron becomes numb to further pain, so the heart of an individual with a seared conscience is desensitized to moral pangs.

Paul identifies those who have a seared conscience in 1 Timothy 4:1–2: “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.” In this passage, we learn three things about false teachers who lead others into apostasy: 1) they are mouthpieces for evil spirits, since they promulgate “things taught by demons”; 2) they are hypocritical liars, since they wear a mask of holiness but are full of falsehood; and 3) they are unscrupulous, since their consciences have been cauterized. This explains much. How can false teachers lie with no shame and spread deception with no compunction? Because they have seared consciences. They are past feeling that lying is wrong.

Earlier in the epistle, Paul speaks of the “good conscience” as opposed to the seared conscience. “Advancing God’s work,” he says, comes by faith, and love “comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (1 Timothy 1:4–5). A good conscience has the capability to tell right from wrong and is free from guilt. A person with a good conscience maintains his integrity. He enjoys fellowship with those who “walk in the light, as [Jesus] is in the light” (1 John 1:7). The lies of the devil are anathema to the one with a good conscience. Rather than follow the lies of apostates, he will “fight the battle well, holding on to faith and a good conscience” (1 Timothy 1:18–19).

Proverbs 6:27 asks a rhetorical question to illustrate the consequences of adultery: “Can a man scoop fire into his lap / without his clothes being burned?” To paraphrase the question in relation to false teaching, “Can an apostate dispense the fiery lies of hell without his conscience being seared?”

Recommended Resources: Overcoming Sin and Temptation by John Owen and Logos Bible Software.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Keep Your Garden Free From Weeds"

Jean's Comment's: "Keep Your Garden Free From Weeds":                    Still adoring my flowers. How good they make me feel. 6-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.                                      ...

"Keep Your Garden Free From Weeds"

                   Still adoring my flowers. How good they make me feel. 6-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

                                   A variety of colors and sizes. 6-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

My after noon stroll through the yards gives me new courage and appreciation for the wondrous beauties of God. I see His presence in every flower, every bird, every tree, and in every creeping thing such as the tiny toad frog which would not come out in the opening and let me take its picture. There are many large, white, clouds today hiding the sun so it isn’t too hot. The sky is absolutely gorgeous to look at. I can think of nothing that would be more enjoyable, except to chat with friends and family. I am blessed with all. Even with all of the beauty of God surrounding me, I still have to involve myself in the matters of dangerous people tearing up God’s creation by uprooting every good seed He planted before He went to  the garden of Gethsemane. I am, and will always be, a keeper of that beautiful garden Jesus left for us. Some believe we have to accept, and keep every thorny weed, or ugly bush, that grows among the beautiful flowers. I say they don’t belong there, and I will keep them out if I possible can. There is another place for that kind of “no-good” life, and I choose to keep it in its place. If God had enough trust-worthy garden keepers there would be no need to fight weeds from morning till night. I know I cannot do all that needs to be done to keep God’s garden clean, but I can work hard and tirelessly to do as mush as possible. Use-to-be‘s, but now have lost their beauty because of accepting cross breeds of thorny growth need to be pulled up by the roots and cast out of God’s perfect garden. They only multiply and cause more work for the garden keepers. There is coming a time, according to God’s word, that all trash will be destroyed by fire, which will include the entire world. I believe it says some will escape, but only those who lived according to God’s command, not anyone’s opinion. By faith, and by reading God’s word daily, I plan to be in the few that escape the great fire. Only if I am a good garden keeper can that happen. I feel as if the time has come for those sympathizers of trashy weeds, and even growing among them, be put out of God’s beautiful garden. I no longer have faith for them to change. They have chosen their path, and no one is going to talk them out of following it. In plain simple words they have been turned over to a reprobate mind. Romans 1:28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. No wonder they feel no wrong in having same-sex partners. They have been turned over to a reprobate mind. This scripture is not only fitting for homosexuals or lesbians, it could apply to all who ignore the word of God, and do things their own way. “Talk it over with Jesus.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 26, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Lord Jesus Come Quickly"

Jean's Comment's: "Lord Jesus Come Quickly": John's Vision. The Lord is coming soon, but not soon enough 6-26-2015 Perryton, Texas. So this is why yesterday I felt an inten...

"Lord Jesus Come Quickly"

John's Vision. The Lord is coming soon, but not soon enough 6-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

So this is why yesterday I felt an intense pressure being put on me to yield to the Spirit of God. I mentioned it in my blog, but I wasn’t sure just what the calling was all about. I couldn’t see how I could repeat an event that happened to me a few years ago, but it definitely was not leaving my mind. I laid the past dramatic, but real, “moving of the Holy Spirit,” scene on the alter last night. I asked God to let me know what He wanted me to do.

When I awoke this morning I am now sure God answered my earnest request. I got the shock of my life when I heard the news that the Highest Court in our land had ruled in favor of same-sex marriage in all 50 states. I was suddenly awakened to the fact that God’s wrath is increasing daily. I already knew that, but not to the full extend that it really exist. I got a “wake-up” call that I had requested. Now all I can say is, “Lord Jesus come quickly.” But I cannot have it my way, because I volunteered to do what God asked me to do. By faith I will follow the voice of God even though I feel inefficient.

A few years ago I was searching for the will of God when I entered a large church with a small congregation. I had attended this church once before and was graciously greeted by the pastor who showed me all through the building and welcomed me back. At that time I did not feel comfortable to choose that church for my own. I spoke of my appreciation to the small group before I left. A few years later I assumed it was my own choice when I decided to attend some Wednesday night services. I probably had attended about four services, but I never engaged in any of the group activities during service. I stayed silent, but expressed my love in a smiling way. I was feeling somewhat withdrawn from the usual practice of the people who made up the church congregation. They wore jogging cloths, some of the women wore tight jeans, some looked as though they needed to bathe, some of the men wore long hair and some wore earrings and had beards, some had lots of tattoos, and all were perfectly content with any, and everything that might on an impulse happen. I had worn my usual everyday cloths, such as if I was going grocery shopping. A pair of slacks and knit top. It was winter time so I wore a sweater that blended with my pants and top. On about the fourth night of my Wednesday night attendance the pastor came and sit down by me putting his arm around me, and said, “I didn’t ask you, but do you have a special need or something. Is that why you are coming? Do you need prayer for Charles?” He knew that my husband had cancer, but I thought it strange the way he approached me about the matter. I said, “well yes my husband could always use prayer, but I was just coming to be here with the people.” Then he said, “you make the people nervous the way you dress.” I had never in my life been spoken to like that in a church. I wanted to walk out  immediately, but the Spirit moved me to stay and not cause distraction. I did know that this would be my last night there, and I felt I had to stand up during testimony service and state my reason for being there, although I didn’t know what to say. The time came, and I stood up and tried to be nice without showing any emotional feelings of rejection. I simply started by commending the people on such a nice pastor as they had. I said just a few more words then the Holy Spirit took over. Through me the Spirit spoke these words. “Some of you may be wondering why I have been coming here these past few weeks. I am wondering that same thing. But I want to tell you I am on a mission and you need to get ready for perilous times ahead. They are coming soon. I won’t be back as far as I know now, but I wish you all God’s blessing. The service continued without the pastor making one reference as to what I said. I was the first one to leave after the service was dismissed. I noticed several eyes focused on me as I walked down the aisle. Some acted like they wanted to follow me, but I was fast to exit that place of disrespect. Now after my recent touch by the Holy Spirit, I am made to realize that my short time at the “Church of Disrespect.” was ever so planned by God. Those perilous times I spoke of are more pressing now than then. It is going to be a sad day when people cannot any longer be heard by God. I declare this is a fact, and I do not have any answer. The time has come and gone for people to worship the true and living God. I am not saying that no one can be spared the wrath of God, but the scripture declares that all even the babies will suffer for the sins of the ungodly. That is one of God’s mysteries to me, but I trust Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Why The Wakeless Nights"

Jean's Comment's: "Why The Wakeless Nights":            Snapdragons are doing great. One of my favorite flowers. 6-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.     This is a little hummingbird at th...

"Why The Wakeless Nights"

           Snapdragons are doing great. One of my favorite flowers. 6-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

  This is a little hummingbird at the left edge of the fence. He wasn't quite ready to start his propelling over the flowers. 6-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Its almost too nice out this morning to come back into the house. Rick and visited for quite some time, then I watered the flowers. A little humming bird landed on the fence and I got a picture of it. I wanted it to open its wings and start propelling, but it didn’t want to do that just yet. The ground is covered with green apples that have fallen off the tree. Its always a big job keeping them raked up. We can’t mow till we get all the apples off the lawn. I ate a few green plums while watering the flowers. They are about half ripe, but with salt they taste good. They are half apricot and half plum. Hopefully we will have blackberry pie coming Sunday. The little pin wheels are doing a good job of keeping the birds out of them. There is always enough wind to turn the wheels and the birds don’t dare get close to them.

I was awake early again this morning. I guess I just don’t have time to sleep. I got up at six, after lying awake for three hours. I starting my work day right away. I had breakfast, then begin to do some business on the computer. I am hurrying to finish this blog so I can start painting. I am suppose to meet a friend sometime today, but that may have to wait till tomorrow. I prepared lunch yesterday for today. We are having tuna salad sandwiches and ice cream. Maybe I can get a lot done on the painting I want to hurry and finish. I have it all together in my head if only I can just get it all together in the room. Even to the spot I want to hang this painting. There are not enough words to express how happy I am to hang this painting. I think it will cheer me each day, and keep me excited about my past with my family.

Tomorrow is another day, and I think I already know what I am suppose to write about. It may take me longer than one day to enter the realm of, another place and atmosphere, but I must, and will get there. Its been far too long since I experienced such unspeakable, tangible, reality of heavenly presence without any control of my own. It is something that one don’t choose to do themselves, but another power grasps the mind and you are in control of this other power which guides you where it wants you to go. I had a recall last night of such an experience and I feel as if I am being nominated again for the same super-natural awaking. I was at first drawn back, but then I had to remember we are not our own, but we belong to the one who redeemed us and at that remembrance I was ready to yield myself to that authority. I cannot see at this time how any such experience could ever happen for me again, but I know all things are possible with God. I just want to be ready whenever God wants to use me, in what ever way He desires. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Change Of Thought"

Jean's Comment's: "A Change Of Thought":  These two love birds got caught in the act.  Quick action love.   6-24-2015 Perryton, Texas. I didn't get their heads, but they we...

"A Change Of Thought"

 These two love birds got caught in the act.  Quick action love.   6-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.
I didn't get their heads, but they were in action. Almost to quick for the camera. 6-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.

My interest changed this morning from a humming bird to a love-bird quickie. How sweet to watch the fowls of the air mating for some babies. What an awesome God of all creation who made a way for every life to reproduce. Almost seems impossible, but that’s who God is. For some reason I was suppose to change my idea of shooting a little humming bird pulling nectar out of my flowers, to a couple of love birds matting. I had planned my blog to show a sweetie little humming bird enjoying its morning meal. I was set to stay as long as needed to get the picture of one. Then I noticed all the excitement in the apple tree on a dead limb. Two little birds were trying to hang onto the limb while engaging in sex. It took several attempts, but finally they made it. What exactly I got  out of that I don’t know. It’s such a common thing till I couldn’t make a connection to anything. I suppose I could say it was a reminder that young, and active, is still around. Anyway I’m getting better with my picture taking because fast is usually not fast enough for a shot such as this. I’m sure the female bird will be gathering twigs to build a nest probably in the roof of my patio. I did have a message to write this morning, but I can’t find a place to start. I think most everyone understands that. Sometimes the message presents its-self without modification. This is called “divine deliverance” to the intended one. I just don’t feel sufficient to do a sermon of  this nature. Maybe God can use me to do that, but it would be unknown to me.

The thought that keeps coming to me is self-glory. My husband has said many of times about someone who praises themselves a lot, “if they can’t get someone to brag on them, then they will brag on themselves.” I do see this happening a lot. I am also sure that Jesus is not pleased with that of thinking. If we seek, and get self admiration, then we have our reward already. Matthew 6:1. Another scripture to remember is this. Proverbs 16:18. Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. I have heard my father quote that scripture almost a million times or less. I believe it from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. The one thing that will always keep a beautiful girl from winning the contest is showing too much pride in themselves. I believe many have gotten too far away from the humble teachings of our early childhood. Bending to the knees and asking for forgiveness  is a good way to start the process of unloading pride. We must exchange our self-admiration for a crown of thorns. When the fear of God comes upon us greatly, its easy to make the exchange.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Oh Bird So Tiny And Thrilling I Love Your Hum"

Jean's Comment's: "Oh Bird So Tiny And Thrilling I Love Your Hum":  I waited 30 minutes this morning for a little humming bird to hover over my flowers. It flew back and forth many times but never would la...

"Oh Bird So Tiny And Thrilling I Love Your Hum"

 I waited 30 minutes this morning for a little humming bird to hover over my flowers. It flew back and forth many times but never would land. 6-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.
I even tried to take a pic of the humming bird in flight, but it was too fast for my camera. Very excithing though. 6-23-2015 perryton, Texas.

A lovely, cool breezy morning for sitting out enjoying the flowers and birds. I wanted to take a picture of a beautiful little humming bird that kept flying over the flowers, but it wouldn’t land. I had to give up. It made me get behind on my morning schedule. I must stop letting things like this hinder my work. I have procrastinated too long already. I know I am suppose to be content with my time, but that doesn’t mean content on just one thing. I have several things going that needs to be finished. I think God has given me too much desire for pleasure and not enough for work. I will take it however way it is and count it as a priceless gift. I love my gift of gab, and will find a way to use it every day. Other things may have to wait, but I must gab daily. Some may call relaxation and pleasure a waste of time, but I have to define those as a true blessing from God after the age of fifty. By faith I am claiming these two gifts as two of my most cherished talents. I am a senior citizen in the USA. I will graduate the day I die. A higher and more blessed place of learning will have just begun. The mascot is a crown of jewels. I can’t wait to wear it.

A thread of hope is weaving back and forth in my mind in hopes of completing my family circle of loved ones. A few have been blocked from joining the loving circle of arms that reaches out to them. They themselves have put the block in place, and refuse to remove it by reason of loving evil more than good. The chances of this block ever being removed is slim. I still believe in miracles, but have to admit that this miracle will probably never happen. My request for two of the most precious loves of my heart is this. If I die before either of them I want a hair from each of their heads to be buried with me in my coffin. They can never be removed from my remains. I know no one on this earth can ever understand, but my God knows all about it. Nothing can ever break the bond of love that was made in heaven and given to last through out eternity. A bond of love such as this can only be broken by death. A thin line separates hate from love with love over shadowing a bit. Hate is a bad word, but many bad things have been caused by it. It takes a miracle of love to forget the hurtful things that has happened because of unwanted children who had to battle with life’s difficulties. True repentance from parents didn’t repair the years of damage. They operate on parts that can never be replaced, causing a trail of fire and smoke. I love the damaged, and the repented cause for it. Is God’s love great enough to match mine? Much, much more.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, June 22, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Not Just Bird Business"

Jean's Comment's: "Not Just Bird Business": The bird on top of the patio roof has a twig in its mouth trying to get in one of the small openings  where she can build her nest. They c...

"Not Just Bird Business"

The bird on top of the patio roof has a twig in its mouth trying to get in one of the small openings  where she can build her nest. They cannot enter the inside of the patio, just the outside openings. 6-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Some of the recently matted birds are now busy trying to get nests built so they can lay their eggs. The bird I have posted is building its nest under my patio roof. I don’t like then raising in my patio cover, but I can’t keep them out. At least they cannot get inside. It is screened from top to bottom. It is interesting to watch them going in and out each time bringing another twig. They are very particular in choosing there material for building their nest. I noticed sometimes the daddy bird helps the mother to decide. What a worthless hobby I have, but it can keep me occupied for an hour or two sometimes. This pleasure with the birds is taking place while I am sitting out watching for humming birds and colorful butterflies as they make themselves welcome to my flowers. Rick joins me a lot and together we imagine the thoughts of the flying beauties. They are like humans in some ways as they all mate, raise babies, and provide food while teaching them to go out on their own. The strange part about fowl is I never see any seniors having trouble walking or flying. I assume they leave their old to die without doing anything for them. The young is all I ever see, at least young enough to mate, but not young enough to see them nourished. I am sure the in between are out there, I just can’t detect them. At least I do have life existence in my yard, even without troublesome pets.

I have been informed again today of some answered prayers, but not in any specific way. The person sharing these, small things, they called them, was more shocked than they would have been if something big had happened. One of these, God watching over us, things happened to be a small amount of money dropped by them while sitting down. The person said she noticed a man watching where she was sitting, but thought nothing about it. Finally she became suspicious and started watching him. She reached for some money she had put in her purse side-pocket, and it wasn’t there. She then looked down at the floor and saw the money lying there. She let the man know with her glance that she knew what he was up to, then he walked away. She is sure God kept her money safe while the predator waited for her to leave. Then a second miracle happened not long after.

She and her husband were headed back home after a trip to the mountains. Her husband was driving so she leaned back in her seat to take a nap. Instantly she was awaken and opened her eyes to see a car coming toward them. She screamed at her husband and he jerked the car over into the proper lane barely escaping a bad wreck. Her husband was looking through the rearview mirror watching a woman he had just passed trying to flag someone down. He was thinking he might need to turn around and go back and had ventured into a lane of on coming traffic. The person told me she was sure God woke her up to prevent a maybe fatal accident. Let us all ask ourselves, how close are we living to God? Could he get us awake in an instances time?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Sunshine And More"

Jean's Comment's: "Sunshine And More": This beautiful sunrise was a happy greeting to me this morning. It made me smile. 6-21-2015 Perryton, Texas A full view of the "tre...

"Sunshine And More"

This beautiful sunrise was a happy greeting to me this morning. It made me smile. 6-21-2015 Perryton, Texas
A full view of the "tree from heaven" I speak of often. An umbrella shapped tree that shades the entire yard. 6-21-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Its so nice to be greeted early in the morning with a beautiful sunrise. I was up this morning early enough to see its first rays of light. I glanced around the neighborhood and everything seemed so quite and peaceful. The big “tree of heaven” that I speak about a lot, was spreading it’s leafy branches and making a shade for most of my yard. My neighbors to my right have taken their camper and gone to Colorado for a few days. Since its Sunday there are no activity going on around the school grounds. I haven’t even seen a jogger this morning. Life within our community boundaries is something to be admired. I watch the news and see all the bad stuff going on in other parts of the world, and it makes me more appreciative of my own small, hand-shaking, neck-hugging, city of Perryton, Texas. I am proud to say that most of our citizens are part of the “Grand Old Party,” I used to be active in the local GOP headquarters, but have retired from it now, although I still speak out for it. I do some party promotion on the computer, especially for a candidate  I want to get elected. I feel like it is our God given duty to speak out for what we believe is right.

Today is the official Father’s Day. Our church celebrated Father’s Day last Sunday, but to all fathers I wish you a happy day. My own father left this world about forty three years ago, but I think of him almost every day. I am still trying to figure out what his mission was here on earth. No doubt he had a job assigned to him when he was born, but it was never told by him to anyone. Some of his family members believe he was a Jew, but that neither was ever made known to us. He definitely was a Christian, and quoted from the King James version of the bible every day. Years after his death a Minister’s License from a Baptist organization with his ordination decree was discovered, but that was never made known to any of us children either. I have felt for a long time that my father was some kind of special servant of God. My husband first made me aware of that. I will never know the real meaning of his life, but I am a seed of his faith. Whatever grows from it I accept as God’s will. I will not question. My dad would be 117 today. He has formed a mighty host of heirs in so many years some of whom are not known to me. I long to know more about my earthy family when the roll is called up yonder. I will be patient and keep busy for my Master until then. And as the old hymnal goes, “You may look for me for I’ll be there.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The Wounded Soldier Is The Proof Of Willingness"

Jean's Comment's: "The Wounded Soldier Is The Proof Of Willingness":                    My home at 1114 Michigan St. Perryton Texas. 6-20-2015 Perryton, Texas. I call this tree the "tree of heaven.&qu...

"The Wounded Soldier Is The Proof Of Willingness"

                   My home at 1114 Michigan St. Perryton Texas. 6-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.
I call this tree the "tree of heaven." It is a favorite in my neighborhood. 6-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This hot Saturday is cooking my goose, but the breeze is so nice and cool. My home made the headlines today. I suddenly became aware of what it really means to me. No other place in the world would I rather be than 1114 Michigan St. Perryton, Texas. This place has been my home for 48 years. It gets sweeter every day, and I thank God daily for providing it for me. The big “Tree of Heaven” as I call it, looked so brilliantly yellow and greenish this afternoon. It is a very large tree, and has been here almost as long as the house. The birds have choir practice there nearly every day. They are a pleasure to listen to. Each day I remind myself if something happens to my home, like so many others has had to happen to theirs, I will not cry because I have been blessed here for longer than I deserve. I can make it anywhere my Lord leads me. I feel so secure in my comfortable zone, but we all know time changes everything. My two older sons are near my side daily. Neither of them have family to care for, so we three are destined to stay together till the end of our journey here on earth. A few years ago I never dreamed of it being this way. That is why I tell people not to worry about their future. God is surely going to have things his way, and His way is always best.

I feel relieved today after unloading a heavy weight from my chest last night. I fought with the need to do it, but finally I knew I had to.  Life doesn’t come without responsibilities. We do not always get to choose our jobs, but with God’s help we can claim victory. There wouldn’t be any wars if every country agreed with each other, or if some didn’t want more power than they presently have. It is with this kind of evil dominating desire that war has to be declared. The same principal applies to the individual human mind. People also like controlling power sometimes. Finally war has to be declared. A splitting of two different opinions, but because of unwillingness to admit to dominating control by one party, causes war within the church. This type of temperamental expulsion, in my opinion, can be called archaic, but without ever having true understanding thereof. To the best that can be said, its shameful and should not be followed. It finally can cause great harm to any who try extra hard to correct the problem. In our own individual lives there is a time to declare war, and fight with Godly, courageous, power, dropping a spiritual bomb to the evil one, that will destroy their ability to continue with their destructive language. The prayer warriors sometimes gets promoted to the front lines. A true Godly warrior will willingly go, but few are numbered in that rank. “Use me Lord to do what you call me to do.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 19, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Bitter Without The Sweet"

Jean's Comment's: "Bitter Without The Sweet": Hosea and wife Gomer. A perfect example of life's hurts. 6-19-2015 Perryton, Texas. This is not an eulogy that one would enjoy givi...

"Bitter Without The Sweet"

Hosea and wife Gomer. A perfect example of life's hurts. 6-19-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This is not an eulogy that one would enjoy giving, nor is it a retaliation for disloyalty, but rather a sad expression of someone who could have been more deserving of better things had they been honest and thoughtful of others. Yes, this is an expression should I be called upon to give it. The one I am describing is liken to Gomer, wife of Hosea. Gomer was a prostitute and ran away from Hosea, but he loved her anyway. He bought her back after she had been sold into slavery. My subject is not a prostitute in the terms we know them today, but is probably worse. She is claiming to be the near perfect Christian, but her life tells a different story. She has had many chances to change her evil ways, but chooses to live with a poisonous vapor that she mixes herself. She has now chosen to destroy her last hope of recovering from self-righteousness as I see it. I am saddened to have to say this, but when the time comes to dust the bottom of your shoes when you leave their doorsteps, it has to happen. God knows when enough is enough, and He lets His servants know also. I don’t suffer alone by the wounds of these Gomers. Jesus suffered long before my time. I am sincerely asking God tonight to show me my mistakes so I may correct them. But for those who think they have made no mistakes, I offer my sympathy. We are not living in Disney Land, but in the Promise Land. We must always remember that, and be thankful for every breath we breath. Hosea had an unfaithful wife. I had an unfaithful friend. Hurt is hurt no matter how you put it, but God didn’t make a prophet out of me. He made me a servant to be accepted or unaccepted, and tells me when I need to move on. I have hesitated to speak about a subject so discouraging as this, but I felt like the time was now. I still have the Hosea love, but not the Hosea tolerance. My friends are too important to me than to have them suffer from something I was trying hard to change into something good. The Gomer In my life has just passed away as far as I am concerned, and I am expressing my sadness for her.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "When The Frog Jumped I Jumped"

Jean's Comment's: "When The Frog Jumped I Jumped": A pink bouquet of roses in my flower bed. How cheerful they make me feel. 6-19-2015 Perryton, Texas. I was cutting weeds in my yard this...

"When The Frog Jumped I Jumped"

A pink bouquet of roses in my flower bed. How cheerful they make me feel. 6-19-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I was cutting weeds in my yard this morning when a tiny toad frog no bigger than my thumbnail jumped out at me. I caught it, put it in a plastic box to take a picture, but the picture was blurry so out went the toad. I had not seen a toad frog in my yard in several years. I guess the rain caused a lot more than moister to our blessed abode. I don’t know what toad frogs are good for, but somehow I like to see them once in awhile. This little one was a high jumper, and if I hadn’t let it go I think it would have finally been able to jump out of the 5” plastic box I had it in. It was an inspiration for me to keep jumping along, and get those weeds hacked down. Too bad it took a baby frog to inspire me. I just feel so excited today for some reason. I hope God is not getting me ready for a storm. I mentioned to Rick this morning while drinking coffee on the patio how good God is. I told him I was so thankful for peace and quite, and prosperity  in our local environment. Then I asked, how long will it be that way? I answered my own question with these words. As long as we trust God. That is a powerful statement to make with all the evil and advancing Satanic power moving closer to our own neighborhoods every day. We may be shot, but its better to be shot in church than in the bar. We must never give in to Satanic ideology that so many of our “so called education pros,” are trying to promote. They have nothing to support their demagogy but man themselves. They are becoming more susceptible every day, but I warn not to pay attention to any of this foolish malarkey. Those who are trying to change the accepted society that has already been cursed, are just causing more harm to the steadfast believers of God. The good must suffer with the bad, but not forever.

I think I have spoken enough to let you know why I enjoy my beautiful roses that has not changed their beauty since their creation. There have been many cross-breeds, but the same cheerful faces show up on the pure, and original roses. I am looking for the real, genuine, untouched beauty that cannot be replaced by shameful signs of mockery. I am looking for that “Rose of Sharon” that never fades away. Comparing our lives with real true, and beautiful blooming roses, how do we qualify? Do we need to wish for more of the original beauty God gave us at birth before we damaged the body with every kind of poison that enticed us? Not many of us can say no, we don’t need to improve our rosy life at all. We just need to admit it, and work daily to enlighten our Glory in Jesus Christ our Lord.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Jean's Comment's: Have you ever seen a banana tree in Texas?  The Li...

Jean's Comment's: Have you ever seen a banana tree in Texas?  The Li...: Have you ever seen a banana tree in Texas?  The Lilies looked like one this afternoon. I guess the sun is too hot for them to open up. 6-1...
Have you ever seen a banana tree in Texas?  The Lilies looked like one this afternoon. I guess the sun is too hot for them to open up. 6-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.
An x-ray of a little bird with seemingly smoke coming from its body. 6-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.

With the temperature standing at 95 degree with no breeze at all, its too hot to be perching on a line, baking while doing so. I noticed this little bird and started watching it. It seemed to be fastened to the line since it never moved at all. Its legs seemed to be folding under it, and I could almost see smoke coming from the tiny body. Then the Lilies  were closed up and looked like bananas. The rain was nice, and the temperature was great for several weeks, but that seems to all be over now. Rick and I got both yards mowed this morning, but not without a lot of sweat. I actually went to the store right after I finished mowing with my hair looking like I just got out of the shower. I was embarrassed when our county judge came over to shake my hand. I knew not to try and sneak in and out of that store without someone like that seeing me, but I was in a big hurry to get some eggs so I could make cornbread to go with our ham and beans. I was starving after so much manual labor. It didn’t take long for me to have the meal complete with fried potato’s to go with it. I am resting now while doing what I love to do best. Sharing my simple, comfortable life with others who care to read it. Then I will paint for awhile.

I got some wonderful news awhile ago. My grandson had an eardrum transplant this morning, and the doctor gave them a very good and encouraging report. It will take a few days of healing before the full results are known, but after coming out of the recovery room He called his mother. He told her he thinks he can already hear some with it now. He had no eardrum at all before the transplant. His other ear had just part of its normal hearing. The one eardrum was removed as a child because of a growth. We are so thankful for all the prayers God has answered for this grandson and his family. In spite of all our weaknesses God makes us strong and empowers us for greater service to Him. We can never belittle ourselves enough to keep God from blessing us if only we will put our trust in Him. I have great expectations for this grandson’s future. I love him so much and thank God for letting him be born into our family. He has a lovely wife and an adorable baby girl. He has been blessed with a good job, and a wonderful church. Now a new ear. What more could one ask for? Happy days are ahead for this family. I will always be grateful, and not forget to thank our Lord for His wonderful gift of healing that has been given to our family. God cannot bless us unless we remember to thank Him daily.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sorry that I cannot fix the mess up  on this blog. Just can't figure out what happened, and too tired to keep trying.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty And The Beast As I Tell It"

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty And The Beast As I Tell It":           Crimson red roses are a delight to anyone's imagination. 6-17-2015 Perryton, Texas. Happy summer days are keeping my mind ...

"Beauty And The Beast As I Tell It"

          Crimson red roses are a delight to anyone's imagination. 6-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Happy summer days are keeping my mind under control, with the help of all my lovely flowers. Faith, hope, and cheer are forming a mountain of patience inside me. What a high dollar gift from God! I can show this exquisite gift off daily if I don’t forget and leave it at home. It should be worn around my neck like one wears an emergency alert locket around their neck. Like the alert necklace, the faith locket can mean life or death at times. I have decided to sleep and shower with my expensive locket around my neck.

I pray every night that God will keep me from having bad dreams and nightmares. He usually does just that, but for some reason I did have a wild nightmare last night. It didn’t last long, and I am not troubled with any after effects. Its more laughable than frightful now. I kept trying to call for Rick to come, but I couldn’t make him hear me. I don’t think I was making any sound or he could have heard me even if he was in another bedroom with the door closed. I thought I was screaming to the top of my lungs. Last night I thought two dogs had come through the front door, which had been left ajar, and they were attacking me. I was doing a pretty good job of knocking them off, but I was trying to scream for Rick. I couldn’t make enough noise to reach him and I couldn’t get off the couch. It was like I was paralyzed. How good it felt to wake up and discover it was a nightmare. I did get out of bed and make sure the doors were all locked. I suppose in this case one could say my expensive locket didn’t help however, I believe God did hear me clear up in heaven and woke me up. “Thank you Lord.”  My husband has awaken me many times when I was having one of these nightmares, but since he’s been gone I just depend upon God now.

When I grew up and left home to get married, I left a protecting father behind. I exchanged him for a protecting husband, but now I have to depend upon my Heavenly Father. I think I have made a good switch each time. I never feel alone. Even though I am a widow, God has provided me with family and friends. He is also there whenever I need more strength than the earthly support that surrounds me. Is there any more to be seeking than that?  No, I have it all. Its up to me not to mess it up, and with the patience I am getting daily from God, I will keep my victory in Jesus forever. Even the dogs cannot hurt me. They may scare me, but they only can scare for a moment. I am protected by the Mighty arm of God. I invite all to join this fellowship with Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Tall Wild And Stupid"

Jean's Comment's: "Tall Wild And Stupid": Just had to show off my asparagus plants. Rick is 6' 1" and he is standing on a rock wall around the plants making this plant abo...

"Tall Wild And Stupid"

Just had to show off my asparagus plants. Rick is 6' 1" and he is standing on a rock wall around the plants making this plant about 9' tall. 6-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.
These plants came through the ground this last spring. Its unbelievable how fast they have grown. 6-16-2015 Perryton, Texas

I am amazed at how fast the asparagus plants have grown since they popped through the ground this past spring. In approximately 3 months they have reached a height of 9’. At that rate when they stop growing in the fall they should be 15 or so foot tall. I know of no other plant that grows that fast without stopping. I get encouraged every morning when I go out to look them over. I have to give all the nice rain we’ve had this spring credit for the fast-growing asparagus. Rick is 6’ 1’ tall and he is standing above the ground where the plants are growing from on a rock wall that surrounds the plants. The height of the plants towers over his head at least 3’. We are looking for props to hold them straight up.

A friend called me this morning from Oklahoma City. She had just got back from a trip to a place in Wyoming where her granddaughter lives. She was telling me about wild horses that roam the hills there not far from where she was staying. She and some family members drove the short distance to look at them. It was interesting to hear her tell about this one horse who at first sight of them standing not too far away, was a little hesitant to move closer to them. After awhile he slowly came closer then just stopped and seemingly poised for them to take his picture. Then two more horses saw that this leading one was  o k, so they slowly started making their way to the party. They all three stood in picture position, and pictures were made of them. My friend said some of these horses are captured and  tamed enough to give to distressed soldiers for therapy treatment. I am for helping our brave men and women soldiers in any way possible to recover from all the extreme trauma they have had to endure.

My friends who support what I do are a light unto my path. I thank God for each and everyone of them. I lift them up in my prayers daily. Once in awhile I have to omit one or two only because they were not the really true friend I was hoping for. It leaves a hole in my heart to have to do that, but when God says now is the time, I know it has to be done. A snake is a snake no matter how much you try to charm them. I find this true in some people also. There can never be a change-over from snake to cake. I have to believe it was meant to be that way, but remember the snake was not always the evil prowler. He made his own fate just like some people make theirs. How true are we to our friends?  And how many friends are we leaving out of our lives because we think we are smarter and more liked by God. “Lord help the stupid to be healed.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, June 15, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The Grapes That Laugh"

Jean's Comment's: "The Grapes That Laugh": This pinwheel protects the grapes from being eaten by the birds. They are afraid to go near this noisy little turning wheel. 6-15-2015 Per...

"The Grapes That Laugh"

This pinwheel protects the grapes from being eaten by the birds. They are afraid to go near this noisy little turning wheel. 6-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The grapes are doing good as long as this little pinwheel keeps turning. 6-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.

It looks like we will have plenty of grape jelly this summer. If we can keep the birds from stripping the grapes off the vine. We have fastened two little pinwheels to the top of the vines, and as long as the wind blows the wheels will turn making the birds afraid to get in the vines. Otherwise they would have all the grapes stripped within minutes. Its happened several times before when we hadn’t heard birds likes grapes, or how to keep them away. They also like to peck on the plums when they start to get ripe, so we have to watch and pick them a little before they are completely ripe. The rain we had yesterday evening made everything look fresh and lively today. Even the weeds are reaching up to the sky. I haven’t been able to control them because its too muddy most of the time. I am looking at a lot of work in the future.

Today has been one of those trying days. I had a few surprises none of which was too bad, but certainly not good. I learned two insurance policy’s had gone up more than I thought was reasonable, and also an utility bill had a big increase. Then while backing out of my parking place at the post office, a guy didn’t look before he started backing out and hit my passenger side back tail light and side of fender. I knew the guy to be honest, and had no worry about the repair bill, but I still was sad about getting my car smashed up. I am going to have to wait two weeks to get it repaired, and I am not happy about that. I have no right to be grumbling. I am so thankful for all the times things could have been worse. There are bigger and better blessings ahead if I don’t act vengeful. How nice it is to live in perfect peace. Its up to each one of us to make our environment a peaceful one. Sometimes we have to move away from a troublesome environment, but its better to do that than to stay where things are never going to change for the better. We may feel as though we have given up a lot, but again I say its better to compromise than to bicker. The compromise may mean we have to give up our rights, but whatever it takes, I say move away from the ruins and count it but loss. Nothing can take the place of peace. So once again I am thanking to my Lord for peaces and happiness, along with great expectations for the future. No matter who says we are not good servants, it is not anyone’s place to put a, “no good” label on us. Every single one of us have the right to judge ourselves even if we sometimes get it wrong. “Blessed are those who humble themselves for they shall be exalted.” Luke 14:11. I chose not to give the scripture for those who are always damning someone, but it is not a good promise for them. I will pick the poor and humble anytime over the proud and unworthy. it’s a pretty tough choice to make sometimes, but personality usually is the deciding factor in my decision to this effect. I am not a lover of a few, but for all of God’s children. Who decided to make us pick and choose who we want to call blessed?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Noah's Dove Came By Here Yesterday"

Jean's Comment's: "Noah's Dove Came By Here Yesterday": Rain is pouring off patio roof. Can clearly be seen in picture.6-14-2014 Perryton, Texas. Three tone sky in the west. Blue, Beige, and b...

"Noah's Dove Came By Here Yesterday"

Rain is pouring off patio roof. Can clearly be seen in picture.6-14-2014 Perryton, Texas.
Three tone sky in the west. Blue, Beige, and black. The rain is coming from somewhere. Its hard to tell. 6-14-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This Sunday evening at 6:30 the rain is coming down like a flood. We’re having an unusual, early summer season. For several weeks it has rained just every two or three days. Our country side is beginning to look like a forest. The thunder roars, and the lightening flashes so much till I wonder if it will ever stop. I am still looking for that rainbow. It must be beautiful when it does appear.

Church services this morning were right to the core of our human mind thinking. I had never heard it said before like our pastor preached it today. He must have read some of our minds. The message did one thing for us if nothing else. We are all made to pattern after one kind of life style. After being born, we go to school to learn, then after high school, on to college so we can get good jobs, so we can work, so we can retire, but  by the time we finish college we have so much student loan debt till we have to work twelve years to pay it off. When we finally do retire its now time to start planning to die. Then we wonder just what life is all about. We learned that life is not, “pie in the sky,” but a continuous struggle to keep moving on with it. This is what’s called success. This may sound depressing to some, but to me it was an assurance that I am not alone in my way of thinking. We weren’t born of our own doing, but life was given to us by the Creator. We have to use it to the very best of our ability so we may be able to pass the test in the end. Make no excuse, you are bought and paid for by Jesus’ blood so you don’t have much say so about what you would like to do. I took this sermon home with me this morning, and I intend to remember it for quite awhile. The bottom line is, “life is not a bed of roses, but a load of cares to work through daily.” The Holy Spirit never leaves us sad but for a moment. He is there to lift us up even in the darkest of times. We can shout the victory if we but trust Him. As it has been said, “there is always light at the end of the tunnel.” Go slow, and use the mind God gave you, along with the same faith he bestowed upon you, and the way will become clear soon. Yes, life is hard sometimes, but it can be better if we thrust our cares upon the mercy of God. He will always be there for us, but we are the ones who have to ask. Relief doesn’t come quickly, but surety. Luke 19:13  occupy till I come. Lets all stay busy doing something for God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Tribute To All Fathers"

Jean's Comment's: "A Tribute To All Fathers": Rick Sharp with youngest daughter, Rayna, at her graduation certification for a surgical technician. February of 2000. 6-13-2015 Perryton,...

"A Tribute To All Fathers"

Rick Sharp with youngest daughter, Rayna, at her graduation certification for a surgical technician. February of 2000. 6-13-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Rick Sharp's oldest daughter, Angela. Her high school senior graduation picture. 6-13-2014 Perryton, Texas.
I am happy to be spending Father’s Day this year with my son Rick. Due to distance and work-related issues, he will not be with his two daughters this Father’s Day. I thought it would mean a lot to him if I posted pictures of his two daughters. Angela and Rayna. He also has a step daughter, Amanda, whom I did not have a picture of. He and I, the grandmother, are proud of all these daughters. There has been some dark days in the past, but once a daughter, always a daughter. Love abides, even in the worse of times, for everybody. Rick has been a loving son to me, as well as a loving father to his girls. I am a highly blessed mother and grandmother. I feel as though God gave everyone of my children and grandchildren to me without holding anything back. “Thank you Heavenly Father, for them all.”

I want to send out happy “Father’s Day” wishes to my other son who is a great father also. And to my son-in-law, who fathered two wonderful sons. I also want to wish a happy Father’s Day to all fathers across the nation. Sometimes I think their important role in life has been over looked to a certain extent. After all, the male was created first, and God blessed him with a wife who bore him children. Hundreds of years of time has tried to change that creative image into a shameful and disgraceful idol. Much has been done to make this believable. A place is reserved to all who have had a part in that alteration process. My thoughts are going to those fathers who really deserve more than what they have been handed out, as well as those who are shown love and honor every day by those who believe in the  power of man by means of their creation. I am thrilled to send out every father a happy Father’s Day blessing.

I will be celebrating Father’s Day with Rick tomorrow at church. All fathers will be honored there with a scrumptious meal after church services. A proud mother will be sitting at his side. He just recently handed me a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Mother’s Day. After church he took me out to eat. I can try and return the gesture of love in behalf of his daughters. I know they will appreciate that. I just believe a good father can never be over paid. In time they will be rewarded for all they have done for their children, even though some have not received proper rewarding on earth. God bless all children who have shown love to their fathers in a special way. I feel like I do not fit into that category myself. If it were to do over, I would show my father more love than I did while he was with me. Its too late now, and I feel the sorrow from my failure every day. Please take, and respect, your father more seriously.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 12, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Until Then"

Jean's Comment's: "Until Then": Seventeen of these ponderous apricot crossed plums are much like a cluster of large grapes. 6-12-2015 Perryton, Texas. Walking th...

"Until Then"

Seventeen of these ponderous apricot crossed plums are much like a cluster of large grapes. 6-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Walking through the yard this morning after a heavy rain yesterday, in disbelief we found not one of the cluster of apricot-plums had fallen off. There are seventeen of these large plums all touching each other in a long  cluster. This fruit is very delicious when ripe. Even sliding off the seed. There are lots more on the tree, but not in a cluster like this bunch. The rain came at a good time as it was getting dry here again. What a wonderful spring and summer we have had. We are set for several more days of rain. We couldn’t be more thankful.

Rick and I had planned to go fishing this morning, but after we got everything ready it started to rain. I suppose the fish will wait on us and be ready to bite when we do get to go. I am ready for a day out with fun, sun, and relaxation. We have a very nice place to go for all of that, not very far from our house. I’m hoping we get to go before the, Fourth of July, because there will be so many people at the lake then till we won’t be able to fish. I like to sneak in and take control of the covered deck that extends a good piece out in the lake. We can sit up our lawn chairs, arrange all our fishing gear, move our cooler close to our chairs, drop our lines into the well of the deck, and wait for that big bite. If Rick will keep up with me, we might catch enough to invite several friends over for a cook-out. We are set for the race.

Tomorrow is tree trimming day. Our neighbor is coming over to help Rick trim all the trees. I am hoping for a nice morning so the job can get done. It has been needing to be tackled for a couple of years. “Like a good neighbor, Doug is always there.” He and his wife, Betty, are the best. I need to think of something nice to do for them. My wonderful neighbors is another reason I never want to move from here. Sometimes we are tempted to move closer to the other children, as that is what they desire, but so far we haven’t been able to break the trend. I must always put God’s way above my own. So far I haven’t felt His direction of moving me. Although I would love to be close to all four of my children, and be in a larger city where I wouldn’t have to drive so far to see a doctor. I think that is common sense thinking. I just have so much to leave behind till I wonder if I will ever make that decision without being forced by an act of must. That is one of the things I pray about daily, and trust God to have His way with me. Until then I will keep on singing.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Cheerful Mind Brings Much Laughter"

Jean's Comment's: "A Cheerful Mind Brings Much Laughter": I am still enjoying the cannas' growing tall, and blooming brightly reaching nearly to the top of the fence. 6-11-2015 Perryton, Texas...

"A Cheerful Mind Brings Much Laughter"

I am still enjoying the cannas' growing tall, and blooming brightly reaching nearly to the top of the fence. 6-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The asparagus has already reached  6 foot and growing taller each day. Should have a big crop next year. 6-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Oriental grass, roses, rhubarb, and a cherry tree are adding to my interest this morning. 6-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I enjoy my back yard so much its hard for me not to keep posting pictures of everything. Rick and I sit out on the patio for about an hour each morning just chatting and enjoying the cool breeze while gazing at all the fast growing stuff in the back yard. This is what makes retirement so wonderful for both of us. We both have had our share of hard work in the past.   Yet I cannot enjoy all this without saying a short prayer for all of those whom I know who do not have a good retirement life. It makes me so thankful for what I have even though it might not be anything to brag about. Every morning when I wake up I wonder what good news I am going to get today. There are times when we all have to fight depression, but that is God’s way of making us more appreciative when we recover from such a dreadful time. If we keep focused on the brighter days ahead they will surely come. I do not think about bad news. I think positive in spite of creepy little thoughts that just have a way of emerging sometimes. I sometimes have to remind myself of a promise I have been given by God. That always helps to bring back hope and expectation with a desire to push on through all the dregs that may have collected. I will admit there have been times when I could think of nothing but the worse however, after a few more prayers those times disappear and I wonder why I ever was troubled by them. Some psychiatrist will say that certain thoughts can be devastating if they are allowed to dwell in the mind. I don’t disagree with that. The question is, how do the victims of such dreaded thoughts unload them? And sometimes there is warning in certain unpleasant thoughts that may be worth keeping. To say it more precisely I have very little confidence in psychiatrist. My one and only remedy is to rely upon the Lord. For those who do not believe in God to this extent, I would suggest an appointment with a psychiatrist, but again I have to have little faith in them. The cause of this mental problem is not understood by any human mind, as to my way of thinking. And if it was the Doctor can only treat it, not heal it. Medication can help, but not heal. I believe the most healthy thing one can do for mental problems is unload them at the alter of prayer. For younger children the parent or adult counselor needs to unload for them. The Great Almighty God can, and will heal in the name of Jesus. The human life is filled with daily battles, some larger than others, but none that cannot be won by our God. Trust Him and let Him prove Himself to you. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp