Monday, June 22, 2015

"Not Just Bird Business"

The bird on top of the patio roof has a twig in its mouth trying to get in one of the small openings  where she can build her nest. They cannot enter the inside of the patio, just the outside openings. 6-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Some of the recently matted birds are now busy trying to get nests built so they can lay their eggs. The bird I have posted is building its nest under my patio roof. I don’t like then raising in my patio cover, but I can’t keep them out. At least they cannot get inside. It is screened from top to bottom. It is interesting to watch them going in and out each time bringing another twig. They are very particular in choosing there material for building their nest. I noticed sometimes the daddy bird helps the mother to decide. What a worthless hobby I have, but it can keep me occupied for an hour or two sometimes. This pleasure with the birds is taking place while I am sitting out watching for humming birds and colorful butterflies as they make themselves welcome to my flowers. Rick joins me a lot and together we imagine the thoughts of the flying beauties. They are like humans in some ways as they all mate, raise babies, and provide food while teaching them to go out on their own. The strange part about fowl is I never see any seniors having trouble walking or flying. I assume they leave their old to die without doing anything for them. The young is all I ever see, at least young enough to mate, but not young enough to see them nourished. I am sure the in between are out there, I just can’t detect them. At least I do have life existence in my yard, even without troublesome pets.

I have been informed again today of some answered prayers, but not in any specific way. The person sharing these, small things, they called them, was more shocked than they would have been if something big had happened. One of these, God watching over us, things happened to be a small amount of money dropped by them while sitting down. The person said she noticed a man watching where she was sitting, but thought nothing about it. Finally she became suspicious and started watching him. She reached for some money she had put in her purse side-pocket, and it wasn’t there. She then looked down at the floor and saw the money lying there. She let the man know with her glance that she knew what he was up to, then he walked away. She is sure God kept her money safe while the predator waited for her to leave. Then a second miracle happened not long after.

She and her husband were headed back home after a trip to the mountains. Her husband was driving so she leaned back in her seat to take a nap. Instantly she was awaken and opened her eyes to see a car coming toward them. She screamed at her husband and he jerked the car over into the proper lane barely escaping a bad wreck. Her husband was looking through the rearview mirror watching a woman he had just passed trying to flag someone down. He was thinking he might need to turn around and go back and had ventured into a lane of on coming traffic. The person told me she was sure God woke her up to prevent a maybe fatal accident. Let us all ask ourselves, how close are we living to God? Could he get us awake in an instances time?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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