Wednesday, June 3, 2015

"Aching Bones Makes Stronger Ggroans"

                 No good photographer. I didn't pay him. He like it. 6-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Thanks rain for all the hard work you piled up on me. I wouldn't let Rick do this job. He can't do it good enough. You have to be a friend to this edger or it won't work for you.  6-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Having some fun in the sun today until I used up all my muscle flex. The edger I was using is old and hard to make go. The good thing about it is I only have to use it once a year. We can use the string in the weed-eater to edge with the rest of the time. It is a busy time around our house at this time. The rain kept us from doing anything in the yard for about a month. We’re showing some progress every day. My body was needing the exercise its now getting. And I have to laugh at the crazy way I look while I’m getting it. A hot shower made the perfect stopping place for my body today, except for a nap and a late lunch. Tomorrow Rick will weed-eat and cut the grass. He spent most of this morning repairing equipment and running to the store for parts. I didn’t realize how much my husband did keeping this place up. I’ve always heard you miss them the most after they are gone forever. I will agree with that. So thankful that my son was willing to come and help me out.

While we move on along this life’s journey we are constantly being notified of another friend or trusted advisor, etc, either dying or being set back in some way. How is it that we can accept these losses or misfortunes and keep our own spirits up? Only by the love and power of God. Its hard for me to quote this scripture, but Jesus said to his followers, “come and follow me and spread the gospel.” Then one said to Him, “I must go and bury my father.” Another said, “but I have need to do this or that.” Then Jesus said, “Let the dead bury their own dead------ (my question is, was not this father the own of the one God said no to?) “but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:58-62. I take this command that Jesus gave his disciples very seriously. Although I believe Jesus was trying to make a point of the importance of proclaiming His word. I doubt Jesus would be that demanding of everyone. It is a serious scripture to remember and think about often.  We can proclaim God’s word every day, every where we go, in some way. Don’t forget to speak, act, and follow God’s word at the funeral you are attending. I have taken dozens of food dishes to our church this year already for funerals held there. All of whom I known and loved dearly. It is hard, but I have a job to do, and must keep moving on. We just want to be human and ask God why is this happening anyway. We are grown-ups and can’t do that, but we can wonder. “Grace is greater than all our sins.“ A part of a sweet old hymnal that I’ve been singing a lot lately. Oh! How I love those old hymnals. A repeat of “one-liners” can never take their place. It just will not happen, no matter how hard the modern world may try.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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