Thursday, June 25, 2015

"Why The Wakeless Nights"

           Snapdragons are doing great. One of my favorite flowers. 6-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

  This is a little hummingbird at the left edge of the fence. He wasn't quite ready to start his propelling over the flowers. 6-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Its almost too nice out this morning to come back into the house. Rick and visited for quite some time, then I watered the flowers. A little humming bird landed on the fence and I got a picture of it. I wanted it to open its wings and start propelling, but it didn’t want to do that just yet. The ground is covered with green apples that have fallen off the tree. Its always a big job keeping them raked up. We can’t mow till we get all the apples off the lawn. I ate a few green plums while watering the flowers. They are about half ripe, but with salt they taste good. They are half apricot and half plum. Hopefully we will have blackberry pie coming Sunday. The little pin wheels are doing a good job of keeping the birds out of them. There is always enough wind to turn the wheels and the birds don’t dare get close to them.

I was awake early again this morning. I guess I just don’t have time to sleep. I got up at six, after lying awake for three hours. I starting my work day right away. I had breakfast, then begin to do some business on the computer. I am hurrying to finish this blog so I can start painting. I am suppose to meet a friend sometime today, but that may have to wait till tomorrow. I prepared lunch yesterday for today. We are having tuna salad sandwiches and ice cream. Maybe I can get a lot done on the painting I want to hurry and finish. I have it all together in my head if only I can just get it all together in the room. Even to the spot I want to hang this painting. There are not enough words to express how happy I am to hang this painting. I think it will cheer me each day, and keep me excited about my past with my family.

Tomorrow is another day, and I think I already know what I am suppose to write about. It may take me longer than one day to enter the realm of, another place and atmosphere, but I must, and will get there. Its been far too long since I experienced such unspeakable, tangible, reality of heavenly presence without any control of my own. It is something that one don’t choose to do themselves, but another power grasps the mind and you are in control of this other power which guides you where it wants you to go. I had a recall last night of such an experience and I feel as if I am being nominated again for the same super-natural awaking. I was at first drawn back, but then I had to remember we are not our own, but we belong to the one who redeemed us and at that remembrance I was ready to yield myself to that authority. I cannot see at this time how any such experience could ever happen for me again, but I know all things are possible with God. I just want to be ready whenever God wants to use me, in what ever way He desires. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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