Friday, June 19, 2015

"When The Frog Jumped I Jumped"

A pink bouquet of roses in my flower bed. How cheerful they make me feel. 6-19-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I was cutting weeds in my yard this morning when a tiny toad frog no bigger than my thumbnail jumped out at me. I caught it, put it in a plastic box to take a picture, but the picture was blurry so out went the toad. I had not seen a toad frog in my yard in several years. I guess the rain caused a lot more than moister to our blessed abode. I don’t know what toad frogs are good for, but somehow I like to see them once in awhile. This little one was a high jumper, and if I hadn’t let it go I think it would have finally been able to jump out of the 5” plastic box I had it in. It was an inspiration for me to keep jumping along, and get those weeds hacked down. Too bad it took a baby frog to inspire me. I just feel so excited today for some reason. I hope God is not getting me ready for a storm. I mentioned to Rick this morning while drinking coffee on the patio how good God is. I told him I was so thankful for peace and quite, and prosperity  in our local environment. Then I asked, how long will it be that way? I answered my own question with these words. As long as we trust God. That is a powerful statement to make with all the evil and advancing Satanic power moving closer to our own neighborhoods every day. We may be shot, but its better to be shot in church than in the bar. We must never give in to Satanic ideology that so many of our “so called education pros,” are trying to promote. They have nothing to support their demagogy but man themselves. They are becoming more susceptible every day, but I warn not to pay attention to any of this foolish malarkey. Those who are trying to change the accepted society that has already been cursed, are just causing more harm to the steadfast believers of God. The good must suffer with the bad, but not forever.

I think I have spoken enough to let you know why I enjoy my beautiful roses that has not changed their beauty since their creation. There have been many cross-breeds, but the same cheerful faces show up on the pure, and original roses. I am looking for the real, genuine, untouched beauty that cannot be replaced by shameful signs of mockery. I am looking for that “Rose of Sharon” that never fades away. Comparing our lives with real true, and beautiful blooming roses, how do we qualify? Do we need to wish for more of the original beauty God gave us at birth before we damaged the body with every kind of poison that enticed us? Not many of us can say no, we don’t need to improve our rosy life at all. We just need to admit it, and work daily to enlighten our Glory in Jesus Christ our Lord.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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