Wednesday, June 24, 2015

"A Change Of Thought"

 These two love birds got caught in the act.  Quick action love.   6-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.
I didn't get their heads, but they were in action. Almost to quick for the camera. 6-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.

My interest changed this morning from a humming bird to a love-bird quickie. How sweet to watch the fowls of the air mating for some babies. What an awesome God of all creation who made a way for every life to reproduce. Almost seems impossible, but that’s who God is. For some reason I was suppose to change my idea of shooting a little humming bird pulling nectar out of my flowers, to a couple of love birds matting. I had planned my blog to show a sweetie little humming bird enjoying its morning meal. I was set to stay as long as needed to get the picture of one. Then I noticed all the excitement in the apple tree on a dead limb. Two little birds were trying to hang onto the limb while engaging in sex. It took several attempts, but finally they made it. What exactly I got  out of that I don’t know. It’s such a common thing till I couldn’t make a connection to anything. I suppose I could say it was a reminder that young, and active, is still around. Anyway I’m getting better with my picture taking because fast is usually not fast enough for a shot such as this. I’m sure the female bird will be gathering twigs to build a nest probably in the roof of my patio. I did have a message to write this morning, but I can’t find a place to start. I think most everyone understands that. Sometimes the message presents its-self without modification. This is called “divine deliverance” to the intended one. I just don’t feel sufficient to do a sermon of  this nature. Maybe God can use me to do that, but it would be unknown to me.

The thought that keeps coming to me is self-glory. My husband has said many of times about someone who praises themselves a lot, “if they can’t get someone to brag on them, then they will brag on themselves.” I do see this happening a lot. I am also sure that Jesus is not pleased with that of thinking. If we seek, and get self admiration, then we have our reward already. Matthew 6:1. Another scripture to remember is this. Proverbs 16:18. Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. I have heard my father quote that scripture almost a million times or less. I believe it from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. The one thing that will always keep a beautiful girl from winning the contest is showing too much pride in themselves. I believe many have gotten too far away from the humble teachings of our early childhood. Bending to the knees and asking for forgiveness  is a good way to start the process of unloading pride. We must exchange our self-admiration for a crown of thorns. When the fear of God comes upon us greatly, its easy to make the exchange.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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