Saturday, June 6, 2015

"Integrity Means Everything"

I just had to be encouraged when I looked up and saw this bird eying me up from a line not far from my head. Usually the birds won't lite close to people, but this little bird seemed so friendly. It would fly away then immediately fly back and land closer to me. 6-6-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This perfectly shaped pine tree is so loved by me. We planted it at match-stem size forty years ago. I have to pick up pine cones almost every morning, but it is worth it. 6-6-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I was sitting out this morning waiting for a humming bird to hover over my flowers, but it never happened. Instead a little silver bird flew very close to me and perched on a T V line. It was unusual to see a bird land so close to people. I forgot the humming bird and took a picture of the pretty little silver, friendly bird. It did make me feel like the bird was at ease while perching a short distance from me. After a few moments of admiring the brave little bird, I walked to the front yard to look for a humming bird in my flowers there. I suppose it is a bit too early yet, but I suddenly was made aware of the Excellency of the pine tree that is shaped so desirably, and definitely makes the other trees look less important. We planted this tree forty years ago when it was the size of a match stem. It used to grow its branches at the top of the ground, but because of its obstruction to backing out the drive we had to cut off the lower branches. It was very beautiful before we trimmed the branches. As I’m sure you can tell I am enjoying my home and my yards a lot this summer. Rick is enjoying them also. We both work hard to keep things up. When we’re not in the yard we are sitting before the T V discussing our differences of opinion in politics and religion. It gets to be quite interesting sometimes. Of course we both like to eat also. We never fail to think of something good to eat. How blessed, and how thankful we are. We pray for our children and grandchildren daily, and I’m sure they are enjoying the results of our prayers. That is what our God does for us when we ask.

The Reality T V show is taking our interest now. I never watched this show as long as it was entertainment, but now since its become a great controversial issue all around the nation, I have joined in to the debate in any way I can make myself be heard. To be silent is to agree with the show. I do not agree, and I will let it be known. I was proud last night to hear two or three doctors and well-know publicists speaking right into my way of thinking. They were being criticized from all directions, but I was at home cheering them on. I believe if one is going to put themselves in the public eye then they better be honest and not try to cover anything up. Some are saying, but its nobody’s business. I beg their pardon. They are getting paid by the people who have faith in the validity of the producers of this show, who claim it is all a reality. Nothing is hidden nor made up. That is just a lie, and yes it is some of the people’s business. We need more digging of facts instead of less. I approve of the facts that some genuine concerned people were able to get. God Bless them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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