Thursday, June 18, 2015

Have you ever seen a banana tree in Texas?  The Lilies looked like one this afternoon. I guess the sun is too hot for them to open up. 6-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.
An x-ray of a little bird with seemingly smoke coming from its body. 6-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.

With the temperature standing at 95 degree with no breeze at all, its too hot to be perching on a line, baking while doing so. I noticed this little bird and started watching it. It seemed to be fastened to the line since it never moved at all. Its legs seemed to be folding under it, and I could almost see smoke coming from the tiny body. Then the Lilies  were closed up and looked like bananas. The rain was nice, and the temperature was great for several weeks, but that seems to all be over now. Rick and I got both yards mowed this morning, but not without a lot of sweat. I actually went to the store right after I finished mowing with my hair looking like I just got out of the shower. I was embarrassed when our county judge came over to shake my hand. I knew not to try and sneak in and out of that store without someone like that seeing me, but I was in a big hurry to get some eggs so I could make cornbread to go with our ham and beans. I was starving after so much manual labor. It didn’t take long for me to have the meal complete with fried potato’s to go with it. I am resting now while doing what I love to do best. Sharing my simple, comfortable life with others who care to read it. Then I will paint for awhile.

I got some wonderful news awhile ago. My grandson had an eardrum transplant this morning, and the doctor gave them a very good and encouraging report. It will take a few days of healing before the full results are known, but after coming out of the recovery room He called his mother. He told her he thinks he can already hear some with it now. He had no eardrum at all before the transplant. His other ear had just part of its normal hearing. The one eardrum was removed as a child because of a growth. We are so thankful for all the prayers God has answered for this grandson and his family. In spite of all our weaknesses God makes us strong and empowers us for greater service to Him. We can never belittle ourselves enough to keep God from blessing us if only we will put our trust in Him. I have great expectations for this grandson’s future. I love him so much and thank God for letting him be born into our family. He has a lovely wife and an adorable baby girl. He has been blessed with a good job, and a wonderful church. Now a new ear. What more could one ask for? Happy days are ahead for this family. I will always be grateful, and not forget to thank our Lord for His wonderful gift of healing that has been given to our family. God cannot bless us unless we remember to thank Him daily.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sorry that I cannot fix the mess up  on this blog. Just can't figure out what happened, and too tired to keep trying.

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