Wednesday, June 17, 2015

"Beauty And The Beast As I Tell It"

          Crimson red roses are a delight to anyone's imagination. 6-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Happy summer days are keeping my mind under control, with the help of all my lovely flowers. Faith, hope, and cheer are forming a mountain of patience inside me. What a high dollar gift from God! I can show this exquisite gift off daily if I don’t forget and leave it at home. It should be worn around my neck like one wears an emergency alert locket around their neck. Like the alert necklace, the faith locket can mean life or death at times. I have decided to sleep and shower with my expensive locket around my neck.

I pray every night that God will keep me from having bad dreams and nightmares. He usually does just that, but for some reason I did have a wild nightmare last night. It didn’t last long, and I am not troubled with any after effects. Its more laughable than frightful now. I kept trying to call for Rick to come, but I couldn’t make him hear me. I don’t think I was making any sound or he could have heard me even if he was in another bedroom with the door closed. I thought I was screaming to the top of my lungs. Last night I thought two dogs had come through the front door, which had been left ajar, and they were attacking me. I was doing a pretty good job of knocking them off, but I was trying to scream for Rick. I couldn’t make enough noise to reach him and I couldn’t get off the couch. It was like I was paralyzed. How good it felt to wake up and discover it was a nightmare. I did get out of bed and make sure the doors were all locked. I suppose in this case one could say my expensive locket didn’t help however, I believe God did hear me clear up in heaven and woke me up. “Thank you Lord.”  My husband has awaken me many times when I was having one of these nightmares, but since he’s been gone I just depend upon God now.

When I grew up and left home to get married, I left a protecting father behind. I exchanged him for a protecting husband, but now I have to depend upon my Heavenly Father. I think I have made a good switch each time. I never feel alone. Even though I am a widow, God has provided me with family and friends. He is also there whenever I need more strength than the earthly support that surrounds me. Is there any more to be seeking than that?  No, I have it all. Its up to me not to mess it up, and with the patience I am getting daily from God, I will keep my victory in Jesus forever. Even the dogs cannot hurt me. They may scare me, but they only can scare for a moment. I am protected by the Mighty arm of God. I invite all to join this fellowship with Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


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