Sunday, June 21, 2015

"Sunshine And More"

This beautiful sunrise was a happy greeting to me this morning. It made me smile. 6-21-2015 Perryton, Texas
A full view of the "tree from heaven" I speak of often. An umbrella shapped tree that shades the entire yard. 6-21-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Its so nice to be greeted early in the morning with a beautiful sunrise. I was up this morning early enough to see its first rays of light. I glanced around the neighborhood and everything seemed so quite and peaceful. The big “tree of heaven” that I speak about a lot, was spreading it’s leafy branches and making a shade for most of my yard. My neighbors to my right have taken their camper and gone to Colorado for a few days. Since its Sunday there are no activity going on around the school grounds. I haven’t even seen a jogger this morning. Life within our community boundaries is something to be admired. I watch the news and see all the bad stuff going on in other parts of the world, and it makes me more appreciative of my own small, hand-shaking, neck-hugging, city of Perryton, Texas. I am proud to say that most of our citizens are part of the “Grand Old Party,” I used to be active in the local GOP headquarters, but have retired from it now, although I still speak out for it. I do some party promotion on the computer, especially for a candidate  I want to get elected. I feel like it is our God given duty to speak out for what we believe is right.

Today is the official Father’s Day. Our church celebrated Father’s Day last Sunday, but to all fathers I wish you a happy day. My own father left this world about forty three years ago, but I think of him almost every day. I am still trying to figure out what his mission was here on earth. No doubt he had a job assigned to him when he was born, but it was never told by him to anyone. Some of his family members believe he was a Jew, but that neither was ever made known to us. He definitely was a Christian, and quoted from the King James version of the bible every day. Years after his death a Minister’s License from a Baptist organization with his ordination decree was discovered, but that was never made known to any of us children either. I have felt for a long time that my father was some kind of special servant of God. My husband first made me aware of that. I will never know the real meaning of his life, but I am a seed of his faith. Whatever grows from it I accept as God’s will. I will not question. My dad would be 117 today. He has formed a mighty host of heirs in so many years some of whom are not known to me. I long to know more about my earthy family when the roll is called up yonder. I will be patient and keep busy for my Master until then. And as the old hymnal goes, “You may look for me for I’ll be there.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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