Wednesday, June 10, 2015

"No Firing Off Yet"

                            Cannas are blooming this morning. 6-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.  
                                     Squirrel eying up the flowers.  6-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Today is another beautiful one. The cannas’ are blooming, and they are lovely to look at. Every few days I have some new kind of flower blooming. Some bloom early spring, some bloom early summer, and some bloom all summer long. I even have flowers blooming in the fall. I love them all, and they keep me cheered up most of the time. The mosquitoes are so bad now, after all the rain, till I can hardly stay outside at all. I need to do yard work, but I cannot keep these dare devils off my body. Even with spray repellent they bite like that stuff is good. It has always been known that we have to take the bad with the good. I dart in and out several times a day, checking on the plums and berries. I have to pick them at first stages of ripeness or the birds beat me to them. They stripped my cherries before I knew it.

Yes, life has its struggles and set-backs. Sometimes we have to wait for days to see a break-through in our discouragement. Then we slowly build back up to where we left off, and hope to gain a little more progress this time. The game goes on through out our lives. I keep waiting for something exciting to happen. As many things as I have ordered from my God, I think I will surely get something big soon. It seems like everything is on back order, but it will be delivered in time. Like a child with poor parents who don’t understand why Santa didn’t bring them what they asked for, I sometimes have the same wonder. Although I know I have had far more given to me that I deserve. The one thing I won’t ever quit asking God for is the salvation of all my family members with an extra request of blessing them as much as he has blessed me. I look in the mailbox every day for this package. I know its on back order, but it will arrive when God decides to deliver it.

Unless I keep up my work I have promised myself to do, I will never reap the blessing I desire. It is now time that I move on with the project of adding a website to my identity with all my art work displayed. A big portion of that goal has been reached, but I must finish the rest. I feel as though I cannot be stopped this time short of reaching the target with a hit in the bird’s eye. I thought this day would never come, but it has, and I refuse to be hindered again. I know what I want and I will work as hard as needed to get it. Now that is the mind of a determined “whachamacallit.” I call it  cannon fire without a trigger. Ah! No joking I am on my way to winding it up.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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