Sunday, June 14, 2015

"Noah's Dove Came By Here Yesterday"

Rain is pouring off patio roof. Can clearly be seen in picture.6-14-2014 Perryton, Texas.
Three tone sky in the west. Blue, Beige, and black. The rain is coming from somewhere. Its hard to tell. 6-14-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This Sunday evening at 6:30 the rain is coming down like a flood. We’re having an unusual, early summer season. For several weeks it has rained just every two or three days. Our country side is beginning to look like a forest. The thunder roars, and the lightening flashes so much till I wonder if it will ever stop. I am still looking for that rainbow. It must be beautiful when it does appear.

Church services this morning were right to the core of our human mind thinking. I had never heard it said before like our pastor preached it today. He must have read some of our minds. The message did one thing for us if nothing else. We are all made to pattern after one kind of life style. After being born, we go to school to learn, then after high school, on to college so we can get good jobs, so we can work, so we can retire, but  by the time we finish college we have so much student loan debt till we have to work twelve years to pay it off. When we finally do retire its now time to start planning to die. Then we wonder just what life is all about. We learned that life is not, “pie in the sky,” but a continuous struggle to keep moving on with it. This is what’s called success. This may sound depressing to some, but to me it was an assurance that I am not alone in my way of thinking. We weren’t born of our own doing, but life was given to us by the Creator. We have to use it to the very best of our ability so we may be able to pass the test in the end. Make no excuse, you are bought and paid for by Jesus’ blood so you don’t have much say so about what you would like to do. I took this sermon home with me this morning, and I intend to remember it for quite awhile. The bottom line is, “life is not a bed of roses, but a load of cares to work through daily.” The Holy Spirit never leaves us sad but for a moment. He is there to lift us up even in the darkest of times. We can shout the victory if we but trust Him. As it has been said, “there is always light at the end of the tunnel.” Go slow, and use the mind God gave you, along with the same faith he bestowed upon you, and the way will become clear soon. Yes, life is hard sometimes, but it can be better if we thrust our cares upon the mercy of God. He will always be there for us, but we are the ones who have to ask. Relief doesn’t come quickly, but surety. Luke 19:13  occupy till I come. Lets all stay busy doing something for God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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