Saturday, June 27, 2015

"Keep Your Garden Free From Weeds"

                   Still adoring my flowers. How good they make me feel. 6-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

                                   A variety of colors and sizes. 6-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

My after noon stroll through the yards gives me new courage and appreciation for the wondrous beauties of God. I see His presence in every flower, every bird, every tree, and in every creeping thing such as the tiny toad frog which would not come out in the opening and let me take its picture. There are many large, white, clouds today hiding the sun so it isn’t too hot. The sky is absolutely gorgeous to look at. I can think of nothing that would be more enjoyable, except to chat with friends and family. I am blessed with all. Even with all of the beauty of God surrounding me, I still have to involve myself in the matters of dangerous people tearing up God’s creation by uprooting every good seed He planted before He went to  the garden of Gethsemane. I am, and will always be, a keeper of that beautiful garden Jesus left for us. Some believe we have to accept, and keep every thorny weed, or ugly bush, that grows among the beautiful flowers. I say they don’t belong there, and I will keep them out if I possible can. There is another place for that kind of “no-good” life, and I choose to keep it in its place. If God had enough trust-worthy garden keepers there would be no need to fight weeds from morning till night. I know I cannot do all that needs to be done to keep God’s garden clean, but I can work hard and tirelessly to do as mush as possible. Use-to-be‘s, but now have lost their beauty because of accepting cross breeds of thorny growth need to be pulled up by the roots and cast out of God’s perfect garden. They only multiply and cause more work for the garden keepers. There is coming a time, according to God’s word, that all trash will be destroyed by fire, which will include the entire world. I believe it says some will escape, but only those who lived according to God’s command, not anyone’s opinion. By faith, and by reading God’s word daily, I plan to be in the few that escape the great fire. Only if I am a good garden keeper can that happen. I feel as if the time has come for those sympathizers of trashy weeds, and even growing among them, be put out of God’s beautiful garden. I no longer have faith for them to change. They have chosen their path, and no one is going to talk them out of following it. In plain simple words they have been turned over to a reprobate mind. Romans 1:28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. No wonder they feel no wrong in having same-sex partners. They have been turned over to a reprobate mind. This scripture is not only fitting for homosexuals or lesbians, it could apply to all who ignore the word of God, and do things their own way. “Talk it over with Jesus.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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