Tuesday, June 30, 2015

"A Garden And The Garden"

 A little spot of heaven in my back yard. Sharing with the bee's and humming birds. 6-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Welcome to my place of peace and joy. So good to feel wanted by my friends. 6-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

My flower garden was striking with color this morning, although with the bright sun shinning on it so true the colors seem a bit faded in the picture. My day begins each morning with a short time of enjoying my flowers. Those beauties, and my coffee put me on the go. Rick and I went to Chuck’s house this morning, since he is disabled, and worked hard in the yard for an hour. I love “working out” in that fashion; Plus the yard looked better without saying we just got our exercise. I reminded Rick of myself being raised up on a farm and learning how to work in the field. Weeds are no stranger to me. I chopped them down for years before Charles stole me away and moved me to town. I wanted to continue living on a farm, but my husband had had enough of hard work as a kid, and he wouldn’t dare live in the country again. After all these years I still have some, “farm girl” in me,  and take it out in my yards. I just like to weed out bad things and humor the good things. I find this rides over into the humanity life also. I know I cannot toil, and water, someone’s else’s garden, but its hard to walk away when I see so many ugly signs of tattoo’s and such, that are poisoning the beautiful flowers God created for His own pleasure. Soon there will be more weeds and trash in the former “Garden of Eden” than God cares to keep. A huge bonfire will be ignited by the owner Himself. Many of God’s garden care-givers are working hard to inform the drifting snapdragons, bachelor  button’s, daisies, and all other yearning pure-breeds, that they need to keep their first love and stay in their own bed. Nothing will change the evil that has taken possession of the good mind of yesterday, but some future drifter may be saved. Same-sex partners, changing of the sex organs, and the permanent graffiti etched into the body, which is the temple of God, cannot be tolerated by the Divine Power that controls the universe, much longer. The prodigal son drifted away from his loving father, but he was able to reconnect before it was too late. We can compare the prodigal son, or daughter, (wasteful spending,) to the gullible sinful son or daughter who is not satisfied with what God intended them to be. I wonder how many evil-seekers will be reconnected with their Heavenly Father before it is too late. I am not, or never want to be, part of the mega-church that tells people they do not have to worry about committing sin.  They can live their own way and listen to the minister to convenience them that they are going to please God no matter what. Is it any wonder that they are called mega-churches? If there was no danger of displeasing God who wouldn’t want to be part of such a church. The truth is, that philosophy is a false teaching and will send many into destruction. “God grant me wisdom to help the blind to see.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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