Friday, June 26, 2015

"Lord Jesus Come Quickly"

John's Vision. The Lord is coming soon, but not soon enough 6-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

So this is why yesterday I felt an intense pressure being put on me to yield to the Spirit of God. I mentioned it in my blog, but I wasn’t sure just what the calling was all about. I couldn’t see how I could repeat an event that happened to me a few years ago, but it definitely was not leaving my mind. I laid the past dramatic, but real, “moving of the Holy Spirit,” scene on the alter last night. I asked God to let me know what He wanted me to do.

When I awoke this morning I am now sure God answered my earnest request. I got the shock of my life when I heard the news that the Highest Court in our land had ruled in favor of same-sex marriage in all 50 states. I was suddenly awakened to the fact that God’s wrath is increasing daily. I already knew that, but not to the full extend that it really exist. I got a “wake-up” call that I had requested. Now all I can say is, “Lord Jesus come quickly.” But I cannot have it my way, because I volunteered to do what God asked me to do. By faith I will follow the voice of God even though I feel inefficient.

A few years ago I was searching for the will of God when I entered a large church with a small congregation. I had attended this church once before and was graciously greeted by the pastor who showed me all through the building and welcomed me back. At that time I did not feel comfortable to choose that church for my own. I spoke of my appreciation to the small group before I left. A few years later I assumed it was my own choice when I decided to attend some Wednesday night services. I probably had attended about four services, but I never engaged in any of the group activities during service. I stayed silent, but expressed my love in a smiling way. I was feeling somewhat withdrawn from the usual practice of the people who made up the church congregation. They wore jogging cloths, some of the women wore tight jeans, some looked as though they needed to bathe, some of the men wore long hair and some wore earrings and had beards, some had lots of tattoos, and all were perfectly content with any, and everything that might on an impulse happen. I had worn my usual everyday cloths, such as if I was going grocery shopping. A pair of slacks and knit top. It was winter time so I wore a sweater that blended with my pants and top. On about the fourth night of my Wednesday night attendance the pastor came and sit down by me putting his arm around me, and said, “I didn’t ask you, but do you have a special need or something. Is that why you are coming? Do you need prayer for Charles?” He knew that my husband had cancer, but I thought it strange the way he approached me about the matter. I said, “well yes my husband could always use prayer, but I was just coming to be here with the people.” Then he said, “you make the people nervous the way you dress.” I had never in my life been spoken to like that in a church. I wanted to walk out  immediately, but the Spirit moved me to stay and not cause distraction. I did know that this would be my last night there, and I felt I had to stand up during testimony service and state my reason for being there, although I didn’t know what to say. The time came, and I stood up and tried to be nice without showing any emotional feelings of rejection. I simply started by commending the people on such a nice pastor as they had. I said just a few more words then the Holy Spirit took over. Through me the Spirit spoke these words. “Some of you may be wondering why I have been coming here these past few weeks. I am wondering that same thing. But I want to tell you I am on a mission and you need to get ready for perilous times ahead. They are coming soon. I won’t be back as far as I know now, but I wish you all God’s blessing. The service continued without the pastor making one reference as to what I said. I was the first one to leave after the service was dismissed. I noticed several eyes focused on me as I walked down the aisle. Some acted like they wanted to follow me, but I was fast to exit that place of disrespect. Now after my recent touch by the Holy Spirit, I am made to realize that my short time at the “Church of Disrespect.” was ever so planned by God. Those perilous times I spoke of are more pressing now than then. It is going to be a sad day when people cannot any longer be heard by God. I declare this is a fact, and I do not have any answer. The time has come and gone for people to worship the true and living God. I am not saying that no one can be spared the wrath of God, but the scripture declares that all even the babies will suffer for the sins of the ungodly. That is one of God’s mysteries to me, but I trust Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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