Monday, June 15, 2015

"The Grapes That Laugh"

This pinwheel protects the grapes from being eaten by the birds. They are afraid to go near this noisy little turning wheel. 6-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The grapes are doing good as long as this little pinwheel keeps turning. 6-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.

It looks like we will have plenty of grape jelly this summer. If we can keep the birds from stripping the grapes off the vine. We have fastened two little pinwheels to the top of the vines, and as long as the wind blows the wheels will turn making the birds afraid to get in the vines. Otherwise they would have all the grapes stripped within minutes. Its happened several times before when we hadn’t heard birds likes grapes, or how to keep them away. They also like to peck on the plums when they start to get ripe, so we have to watch and pick them a little before they are completely ripe. The rain we had yesterday evening made everything look fresh and lively today. Even the weeds are reaching up to the sky. I haven’t been able to control them because its too muddy most of the time. I am looking at a lot of work in the future.

Today has been one of those trying days. I had a few surprises none of which was too bad, but certainly not good. I learned two insurance policy’s had gone up more than I thought was reasonable, and also an utility bill had a big increase. Then while backing out of my parking place at the post office, a guy didn’t look before he started backing out and hit my passenger side back tail light and side of fender. I knew the guy to be honest, and had no worry about the repair bill, but I still was sad about getting my car smashed up. I am going to have to wait two weeks to get it repaired, and I am not happy about that. I have no right to be grumbling. I am so thankful for all the times things could have been worse. There are bigger and better blessings ahead if I don’t act vengeful. How nice it is to live in perfect peace. Its up to each one of us to make our environment a peaceful one. Sometimes we have to move away from a troublesome environment, but its better to do that than to stay where things are never going to change for the better. We may feel as though we have given up a lot, but again I say its better to compromise than to bicker. The compromise may mean we have to give up our rights, but whatever it takes, I say move away from the ruins and count it but loss. Nothing can take the place of peace. So once again I am thanking to my Lord for peaces and happiness, along with great expectations for the future. No matter who says we are not good servants, it is not anyone’s place to put a, “no good” label on us. Every single one of us have the right to judge ourselves even if we sometimes get it wrong. “Blessed are those who humble themselves for they shall be exalted.” Luke 14:11. I chose not to give the scripture for those who are always damning someone, but it is not a good promise for them. I will pick the poor and humble anytime over the proud and unworthy. it’s a pretty tough choice to make sometimes, but personality usually is the deciding factor in my decision to this effect. I am not a lover of a few, but for all of God’s children. Who decided to make us pick and choose who we want to call blessed?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

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