Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Yes Lord We Understand Your Anger

I just got hone from work. The streets are fine for driving, but the highest the temperature got today was 12 degree, and that was just for one hour, It is now back to 10 degree. So thankful that we haven't lost power once, and only a slight water freezing pipe. I do synpathise with the four million in Texas who have been without power for many hours. I have been praying a lot, and I believe God answers prayer. At last I have been hearing some good news, although it seems like lately one disaster just follows another. The world is changing, and we the people must accept that. When we put it all in God's hands He will work it all out. We may go to bed with a burden on our hearts, but if we faithfully ask God to take that burden, and give us peace, very soon we are going to know for sure He has answered. We can then say to Satan, I knew you were lying to me. Of course Satan always has another lie ready for us. That is why we should never miss one night of going to bed without asking God for pease over everything that worries us. Hallelujah! to His Holy Name. If only people could know that God is the Almighty creater, that he knows you personally, and He knows how many hairs are on your head, they would change a lot of things about their life. This fact is plainly written in God's Holy Bible. How long, I must ask, will it take for the younger generation to see that we Christians are not a cult, and God is the real reason we sing His praises forever. I read more and more about some parents leaving their children for someone else to raise while they go seeking money, and fame. No amount of money or fame can ever take the place of a parent's presence with their children, and the parent teaching every child needs. This is wrong, and God knows the real purpose why a parent does it. I understand that it is necessary at times for parents to leave their children, but again I say God knows when this is necessary, and when it's not. These selfish parents would like to believe that all bibical teaching from the Holy Bible are cult related. I would like to be clear. The Old Testament teaching was also God's Word, and it was not a cult, although it seems to us like some of it could not be possible. God had mercy on His people, and sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to live, and die for our sins. But He did not allow the sin that Jesus died for to continue, making a mockery out of His Son. We had a chance to accept Jesus as our savior, and live the most holy life possible. God tells us we cannot be perfect, but we must strive to be perfect. That does not mean we can be free to do any ungodly thing we choose to do. I truly believe every person should pray daily for God to forgive their sin that day, as there is not one person who is without sin. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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