Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Joy And Sadness Makes laughter And Tears At The Same Time

With all this bright sunshine 17 degree doesn't seem very cold. I carried out the trash to the alley and it was just a bit cool. After five days of below 0 tempature this day is so welcome. I don't even have any aftermath of this devestating cold spell. No limbs down, no water pipes damaged, and no fireplace ashes to clesn. My electrity never once went off. The house stayed warm through all the cold spell, however, I never could rest comfortably for thinking about all my family, and friends, and everyone else who were literaaly freezing. I prayed for them a lot. So thankful that none of my family, or friends died, but I can't say that about a lot of others who did die as a result of this terrible winter storm. I hope no one quickly forgets how good God was to them, and starts taking everything for granted again. God is long suffering, but He also is a God of anger when we start leaving Him out of our lives. One never knows when God will say enough is enough. Today is also a day that most of us was not ready for. Our dear friend, and great American Patroit, Rush Limbaugh, has passed away. Lung cancer finally took his life, but no one has ever fought harder than Rush Limbaugh for our great American country. We know that when God closes one door He always opens another, so let's be patient, and have faith to conquer this evil war that has invaded us. "All things work together for good to them that know the Lord." I believe God wants us to keep singing victory songs, instead of pleading prayers meant to replace the victory songs. I will always disagree with this type of worship, although I will not be a hinderance to those who believe otherwise. When God is ready He will change everything back to His beginning. I am here for the long haul. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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