Monday, February 22, 2021

Confessing My Absence From The Valentine Party

Sunday is over, and I missed the belated Valentine Party, but I'm hearing it was a blast. I thought I was a little too old for a sweetheart party like this, but maybe I was needed there to set a younger married couple straight. I hear it like this. A game was in proccess, and each of the leaders of the game, (man and wife,) got into a dispute about the rules. Of course they were both there to help their side win so no hanky-panky was going to happen. Doesn't this sound like fun? Sometimes the older set is needed to discipline the younger, I like to think. But this old lady likes disputes as long as they are games being played in the church. I could fit right in with the dispute, because I like to have fun too. Anyway I am thankful for a church family that admits they are not perfect, and loves their brothers, and sisters as they are. I think I will not miss another church party no matter how much my muscles hurt. I had been doing a very stressful job all week cleaning out my cabinets, and even crawling into the bottom parts where I was unable to reach the back. I did a lot of heavy lifting, and every bone in my body hurt. I did make it to church that morning, but just couldn't make it to the party at 5:00. Today in the afternoon the temperature is 64 degrees, with no wind. I did a lot of shopping today even though my muscles still ache. We can't let pain completely stop us or we will be ready for the grave shortly. I do get a lot of pleasant, leasure hours, for which I am grateful for. My computer is the best thing that ever happened to me, except for God saving my soul. I sought the Lord, and He added all these other things that He said He would. I wasn't expecting all this blesseness, but I am fairly enjoying it. My cup runneth over. Even the muscle pain is a blessing because I still can do tremendous exercise. I know the evil power of Satan is taking the lives of many people, but those who truly trust in God will be protected. Thanks for taking the time to read my simple, unedited, daily life happenings. I pray everyone will be blessed as much as I. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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