Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Wrath Of God Is Upon Us

I am happy to report that the temperature is 50 degrees in Perryton, Texas today. We have had no power, or water shortage, and not a lot of snow. However, I am terrible upset over all the other millions of Texans who are suffering from all kinds of weather problems. It is a great disaster to say the least. I have to say I believe this disaster is one caused by nature, but I cannot say that about the corona 19 virus. I also wonder if this evil caused by humans is the cause of other disasters caused by nature. People need to start thinking more seriously about the evil times we are living in now. "God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." We know that in the Old Testament the inocent had to suffer along with the guilty, until later on the Word says, "children will not suffer for what their fathers did. Another place in the bible after that says "the good shall suffer with the bad." I'm understanding this to mean that like the awful weather crisis in Texas every human in the effected areas suffered. The guilty as well as the inocent. A situation I must leave in the hands of God. I truly believe we are in the beginning of pay back times. I did not perform that abortion, but did I do all I could to keep it from happening? I did not marry a same sex mate, but did I do all I could to stop that kind of marriage? I did not change my birth sex by surgery, but did I do all i could to keep this from happening? I did not vote illegally, but did I do all I could to keep it from happening. There is a job that everyone of us must fill be it great or small, and if we refuse then I believe we must suffer the consequences. We are as guilty as those who helped to achieve all those bad things. I am not a prophet, or even a preacher, but I do read my bible daily, and pray. I take pleasure in saying God hears our prayers, and never leaves me in doubt of his Almighty Power. I met the Master sixty-five years ago, and yes it was a personal meeting. He is real, and will always prove Himself to anyone who earnestly seeks him. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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