Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Prepare For A New World Order

For some unknown reason a picture keeps coming to my mind that happened about seventy years ago. It took place in a church alter service where the Holy Spirit was moving miraculously. A young father was standing near the alter with a baby in one arm, and the other arm was raised giving praise to God. A baby bottle was sticking out of his hip pocket. If there was a wife, or mother around I never saw her. A song was being sang that goes like this. "Jesus use me please don't refuse me. surly there's a work that I can do, even though it's humble help my will to crumble, though the cross is great I'll follow theough. I have been made aware recently that many of the younger generation coming from Spirit filled, Christian backgrounds are now calling their upbringing a cult. I had often wondered how this younger generation could have drifted so far, and done so many disgraceful things that they were taught was sin. Now I learn that what the bible scriptue that says, "God's spirit does not always dwell with man. He will turn them over to a reprobate mind," is as true as any bible scripture. I guess I had thought before that that would never happen due to the Great love of God. Forgive me Lord for doubting some of your Word. I truly believe God is as Great as He says, and He will do exactly what He says without sugar coating it. It's true there are many cults in our land, but God forbid that our children would ever be grafted into any of them. Where does the blame begin? Not just one generation back, but in most cases several generations back. I also feel that the cult population has surpassed the true vine of Christ. How much of the devestating torture are we going to be able to take before denying our Lord or be killed. I'm sorry to be sounding so gross, but the time has come for the Christians to stand up and be counted. Sin is sin, and every sin will be judged. My prayer is, "stop playing church, and start prasing God saying "Jesus use me please don't refuse me, surly there's a work that I can do. Even though it's humble help my will to crumble, though the cross is great I'll follow throw." God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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