Monday, February 15, 2021

A Little Discomfort Occasionally Is Good For The Soul

For the first time in many years I was in discomfort this morning for awhile. It wasn't bad, but a little unbelievable. My son from Sherman called right before 6 this morning to tell me I might have a power failure, and to get the candles ready. He instructed me to get up and turn the heater up as high as it would go then go back to bed. He added "call me if the power does go off because I will need to have someone to come and get you for there won't be any heat." I did all of that and went back to bed. I got up about 8 o'clock and my heater was sitting on 50. That was as low as it would show on my thermostat. I checked the outside temperature and it said 13 below 0. My heater had been going full blast for two hours and hadn't moved the needle at all. I knew it couldn't be that cold, but could not figure out why it wouldn't change the heating needle. It was a little uncomfortable, but a blanket wraped around me kept me warm. By 10 o'clock I knew i had to call someone, but I thought I will go to that thermostat and start moving everything on it. Finally I decided to take it off the auto, and put it on the on mark. Sure enough the needle started slowly moving, but it still took a long while for it to reach 70. It is now 4 o'clock and the outside temperature is 4 degree. My house is warm, and comfortable now. My mind and body doesn't work as fast as they used to, but thank God they still do work. It's hard for me to understand how the sun could be shinning so bright all day, and the temperature still be just 4 degree. Then I remembered the times when we used to go snow sking in the mountains, and the sun would be so bright you had to wear sun shades to see and the temperature would be even lower than 13 below 0. It didn't seem cold at all, but of course we were wearing ski clothing. There was never any wind. My family holds many precious memories from the past, but I never want to go to the mountains again. Times are different now, but God is still the same. The Apostle Paul said to us, "occupy till I come." That is what I am doing. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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