Friday, February 26, 2021

On A More Serious Note

I have been watching the exciting CPAC convention this morning. I feel so sure that something great is going to come out of this meeting. I understand that sometime this coming Sunday President Trump will be taking Center Stage. I have prayed a lot about this troublesome time we are living in now, and I will accept whatever is suggested by this awesome group of American Patriots. God's timing is the perfect time to wait upon. In the mean time He will keep us strong, and protected. Hate is literally burning in the hearts of so many, but God's love can remove mountains. I believe we will be faced with many challenges, but if we take our time, and not rush into things, I believe we will be guided by God's big Hand. Those who are not trusting God with all their heart will be overtaken by fear, and that is when destruction will happen to them. "Let us come boldly to the Throne of God, and confess our sins." We may have been saved, but how far have we slipped from that first love? Sin is a daily part of every life accoding to the bible, but if we repent daily we will stay strong in our relationship with God. When the disciples called Jesus Good Master, He said to them, "call Me not good because no man is good except God." How could any Christian think more highly of themselves than Christ Jesus?" We are all sinners saved by grace, and we all will be held accountable for our daily actions. I do take a stand for what I believe is wrong, and one cannot take a stand without judging, but I ask God every night to forgive me of my unknown sins. I also ask God to forgive those whom I believe is trampling on His Holy Son. Jesus because they know not what they do. The bible character, Stephen, asked God to frogive those who stoned him to death for speaking well of Jesus. He said to God, "they know not what they do." Can we still say we are better than most people think we are? We all are dust, and will return to dust. The soul of man never dies, but the flesh is destroyed. Many times God gave victory to the Israelite army who's enemy army was much larger, but it does not always take the strongest physical power, but the power of the Almighty God. Let us keep the faith, and stay humble before our Creator. God Bless Myrtle jean Sharp

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