Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A Little Effort A lot of Joy

Yesterday I was trying to decide where I could go today to be with friends for a change. I thought of the Senior Citizen Center, but I had forgotten about a missionary service at church starting at 6:30 p.m. I could not make both events so I chose to attend the pot luck Missionary Servise. A young Missionary family will be there to update us on their work in the far-away-country, but I didn't catch what country they are assigned to by the Assemblies of God Ministeries.Their name is Delgatty,and the family picture I saw of them was precious. To any of you who may have forgotten the church has a standing invitation to all who would like to come and join the fellowship, and good food as we honor this special family. I am making chicken and dumplings for my dish to take. Anything is greatly appreciated as there always is a big choice. Some of us have become a little slack in supporting our Missionaries, but we need to revive ourselves and do more now than ever before. As we grow older we tire out more easly, and when we're tired we want to rest, but I try to limit my energy in the mornings when I need to go to something in the evening. We must not let our age get the best of us. Most of us have lost so many precious loved ones, and the tears just won't stop, but even then we must not allow ourselves to be burdened down. When God is through with us He will take us home, but until then we have to keep smiling, and be silent about our own problems. God knows all about them. I don't know why I'm still living at 88 years old, but even more I wonder why I enjoy myself so much come rain or shine. All I can say is God is so good He keeps us on His payroll even when we are not the best of workers anymore. I will always do the best job I possibly can for my Lord. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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