Saturday, February 6, 2021

Safe In God's House

We may be few, we may go unnoticed, we may be as quite as a mouse, but one thing for sure we are safe in God's House. We may not be safe from Satan's attack's but if we do get attacked, we are on our way home to live in our Father's Big House. What a joy just to know that as much as I love my church, I am ready to leave it for the Church in Heaven. We all know that the earthly churches are being threatened daily by the enemy of God who has already closed many church doors. Many Pastors have been put in jail for refusing to keep the doors closed. When I was a child I was taught in my church that the day would come when people could no longer go to church. All bibles would be outlawed, and if one was found in your possession you would be killed. We are seeing that happen more and more every day. As long as my church building stands,( and it is next to the Great Temple the Israelits built after many years of tent worship in my opinion,) I will be sitting in my usual place every Sunday possible. I will fight for my right to enter my Father's House. If ever the doors are locked on Sunday, make sure you leave a hidden key cause I'm going in. My heart is sat on nothing less than Jesus Blood and righteness. I heard Jesus calling me back to my church after many years of sruggles within the church. This was the last call for me, and I am here to stay till the end of my time. I have seen far too many luke-warm Christians, and yes a few back-stabbers who have not fulfilled their promise to God. I am as weak as a sparrow without the daily bible food, but it's free, and I feast on it daily. I welcome you into God's house where you will always be fed His Word, and protected by His Great Shield of mercy. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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