Wednesday, February 10, 2021

I have been listening to lies most of the day while Fox News is allowing the Trump impeachment trial to dominate everything else that is of great importance. Those liers are not even worth a dolllar an hour for their performance. My granddad could make them look like morans. When I was a preteen child my granddad made me believe a story, and to this day I'm afraid to kill a snake. We lived in the country and snakes were often seen in our yard. A grown up always chopped them into pieces with a hoe. I must have been 10 or 11 when I was watching the pieces of a snake still moving. My granddad said to me, you better take off because that snake is going to reconnect, and he is going to be so made he will jump on you and tear you into pieces just like he had been. I laughed, but he said very honestly I'm not kidding you honey, they will do that. Then he proceeded to explain how they could do that. I didn't want him to know he had convienced me, but I said I think mom is calling me, and I went runnning. These lawyers on Fox News are not even making their lies sound the least bit real. I suppose it's because we all have been there through all this rigged election drama, and no one could make even a ten year old believe them. Why are we having to deal with this nonsence? If it is allowed to continue everyone of us will be thinking like a ten year old. I know that snakes can never reconnect, but I keep thinking it might be possible. I cannnot kill a snake today seriously. I guess I don't want to make them mad. That is the way I believe the Trump lawyers are thinking, because they seem to not want to make the lying prosecutors mad. I might have been naive, and maybe still am, but I vow never to ever be brainwashed by evil, educated fools like I'm watching today. Some will ask why are you watching it, I never watch that stuff anymore? Well it's because I am not going down the road of ignorance anymore. I want to know when, and how we entered into the pit of no return. Not that I can do anything about it, but at least I didn't skip any chapters. I also believe I will be more equipped to deal with the bullies if I have been made to know who they are. I now know some are in my own political party. A good thing to know. Keep watching, and keep praying. It probably will get worse before it gets better. God Bless Mrtle Jean Sharp

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