Sunday, February 28, 2021

Hope Has Been Renewed

I am waiting to hear ex-President Trump speak at the CPAC meeting. This speech could change the American Congressional power like people can't believe. No doubt it will have a great impack on the American political system, whether good or bad. We may be entering a time when people will have to admit to either Christianity, or some other religon. I do not believe any true Christian can vote for the evil culture that Democrats are trying hard to pass. I cannot believe anything other than this wicknedness we see happening every day is worthy of being called a Civil War. How long it will last remains to be seen, but I feel like it will get much worse before it gets better. It's my opinion that Preachers need to be preparing their members for a very difficult time. Otherwise many will be too weak to face the consequences that will follow. Yes, this means joining up with the ungodly evil. There will be no easy way out. Mostly all I'm hearing from Preachers today is God is all love, and He will not demand anything from you. Just go ahead and be your old self. It is hard to tell people that they will be denied if they refuse to follow the commands of The Almighty God. One cannot believe that Jesus preached "do as you please, I have come to forgive you once, and for all," if they have any knowledge at all of the New Testatment. Yes, He did come to save all, but He said, "Take up thy cross and follow me." Do people really know what Jesus' Cross represented? It was the death structure that He carried to the hill to be nailed to. No, I do not believe everyone will be nailed to a cross, but I believe Jesus was saying everyone will bear a cross in this journey. Ex President Trump is now speaking. What a joy to hear him again. He is giving us new hope, and faith. He is mostly recalling all the success we had while he was President for four years. Simply amazing. He is mentioning all the terrible mess the present President has already put us in in less than two months. He has said absolutely he does not plan to start a new party. Also he said who knows, he might run again. This speech is definitely reviving to all of us who believe that the election was rigged against President Trump. We still have to wonder if we can ever have a fair, and honest election again. The war is far from over. How thankful I am to be lifted up by this great American President. It may have cost me a few friends, and a few family members, but It is all in God's hands. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 27, 2021

I Feel Spring In The Air

Wow! what a nice day we're going to have today. It is 11:30 a.m. and the temperature is already 64 degree. North West Texas is a nice place to live, if you like mild winters, and almost never tornados. A nice place to live out your time on earth. If I should ever move I wouldn't remember who I was. I have spent 64 years in the small city. Have watched it grow from a small humble neighborhood to a much larger populated city with many beautiful homes, and businesses. As for improvement level I would give it an A plus. We've even been blessed with a nice college. But the best part yet is during this recent covid 19 plague, Perryton had very few deaths, and not many positive tests. Our population is between 8 and 9 thousand, so we feel pretty blessed. I have several things on my list to do today. I finished runnning the sweeper, and giving it a through cleaning. It's time for lunch now, then I will give my hair a good work-over for another six weeks. I have had a busy week, and I feel great about everything I've accomplished. I haven't failed to do my political duty, and have posted several comments to our elected Congressional leaders, and a lot of likes to many peoples comments. I will admit that I am somewhat unhappy about the evil power that has gripped our nation so heavy, but I will, with the help of God, stay calm, and keep the faith. God has kept my family all well, and even blessed them through all the turmoil. It's hard for me not to call for revenge, but I am not allowed to do that, sayeth the Lord. He is the Judge, and He will do justice for all. If I will just do my part in keeping God's Word reaching out far, and near, then I have nothing to worry about, not even Satan who surely will attack. To be present in God's house makes Satan mader than anything. Let us all show him up, and be in church tomorrow come rain or shine. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 26, 2021

On A More Serious Note

I have been watching the exciting CPAC convention this morning. I feel so sure that something great is going to come out of this meeting. I understand that sometime this coming Sunday President Trump will be taking Center Stage. I have prayed a lot about this troublesome time we are living in now, and I will accept whatever is suggested by this awesome group of American Patriots. God's timing is the perfect time to wait upon. In the mean time He will keep us strong, and protected. Hate is literally burning in the hearts of so many, but God's love can remove mountains. I believe we will be faced with many challenges, but if we take our time, and not rush into things, I believe we will be guided by God's big Hand. Those who are not trusting God with all their heart will be overtaken by fear, and that is when destruction will happen to them. "Let us come boldly to the Throne of God, and confess our sins." We may have been saved, but how far have we slipped from that first love? Sin is a daily part of every life accoding to the bible, but if we repent daily we will stay strong in our relationship with God. When the disciples called Jesus Good Master, He said to them, "call Me not good because no man is good except God." How could any Christian think more highly of themselves than Christ Jesus?" We are all sinners saved by grace, and we all will be held accountable for our daily actions. I do take a stand for what I believe is wrong, and one cannot take a stand without judging, but I ask God every night to forgive me of my unknown sins. I also ask God to forgive those whom I believe is trampling on His Holy Son. Jesus because they know not what they do. The bible character, Stephen, asked God to frogive those who stoned him to death for speaking well of Jesus. He said to God, "they know not what they do." Can we still say we are better than most people think we are? We all are dust, and will return to dust. The soul of man never dies, but the flesh is destroyed. Many times God gave victory to the Israelite army who's enemy army was much larger, but it does not always take the strongest physical power, but the power of the Almighty God. Let us keep the faith, and stay humble before our Creator. God Bless Myrtle jean Sharp

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Rambler As In Car

I just got home from work, and feeling a little tired. Didn't have a hard day, but it doesn't take much anymore to make me tired. I will have five days off before I go back to work again. I just work two days a week. I couldn't ask for things to be better for me. God is my strength, my joy, and my shield. Of course I have things to make me sad, but I have given all that to the Lord, and He is giving me peace. He is a miracle working God, and I don't question his actions. I used to say what I planned to do tomorrow, but anymore I just wait for tomorrow then decide. I think it's called, "One Day At A Time." I love that old song. The weather has warmed up some, but the wind still blows a lot making it too unfit to be out much. I'm very anxious to start working in my yard. I am so disturbed about not being able to make paragraphs on this note pad, but it always puts the lines back together when I post. it doesn't even allow me to see my misspelled words, and I do a lot of that kind of stuff. But I will take what I can get, and make the most of it. I would go crazy if I tried to figure out all this new technology. Even some technicians I have had here can't fighure it all out. And when I do learn something new, before long it changes again. Can we just grin, and bear it? We can laugh instead of grin, and maybe it will help keep the wrinkles away. My T V is calling me to watch some interesting things fixing to come on about our President Trump. I must sigh off and go at once. Be back on tomorrow hopefully. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A Little Effort A lot of Joy

Yesterday I was trying to decide where I could go today to be with friends for a change. I thought of the Senior Citizen Center, but I had forgotten about a missionary service at church starting at 6:30 p.m. I could not make both events so I chose to attend the pot luck Missionary Servise. A young Missionary family will be there to update us on their work in the far-away-country, but I didn't catch what country they are assigned to by the Assemblies of God Ministeries.Their name is Delgatty,and the family picture I saw of them was precious. To any of you who may have forgotten the church has a standing invitation to all who would like to come and join the fellowship, and good food as we honor this special family. I am making chicken and dumplings for my dish to take. Anything is greatly appreciated as there always is a big choice. Some of us have become a little slack in supporting our Missionaries, but we need to revive ourselves and do more now than ever before. As we grow older we tire out more easly, and when we're tired we want to rest, but I try to limit my energy in the mornings when I need to go to something in the evening. We must not let our age get the best of us. Most of us have lost so many precious loved ones, and the tears just won't stop, but even then we must not allow ourselves to be burdened down. When God is through with us He will take us home, but until then we have to keep smiling, and be silent about our own problems. God knows all about them. I don't know why I'm still living at 88 years old, but even more I wonder why I enjoy myself so much come rain or shine. All I can say is God is so good He keeps us on His payroll even when we are not the best of workers anymore. I will always do the best job I possibly can for my Lord. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

What A Busy Day Means To Me

A day packed full of busy, busy. Worked six hours as caregiver, sit 1 1/2 hours with a computer technician while he worked on the printer, and computer programing, paid some bills by telephone, and took a belated valentine to a friend. I now need a new printer, and another computer technician since this one couldn't do the job, even though he was charging $50.00 an hour. I have been having quite a few days like this lately, and I'm ready for a rest. I can't complain much because I had a long stretch of smooth sailing without hardly any rough waters. it seems as though everything has to be replaced at once. I do hope I'm about finished. We are having very nice weather now, and I did have a short, sweet visit with a friend today since I finally got to take a box of Valentine candy to her. The awful winter cold storm started a day before Valentine, and snow and ice was so heavy till i couldn't get it to her. This friend has done so much for me til I could never repay her. All she wants from me is my ears. She loves to talk, and I love to listen to her. She certainly is one of the best. I think I will have an idle day tomorrow, and I'm trying to decide what I want to do. I may go to the Senior Citizen's Center for lunch. It's been several months since I've been due to the covid. I have missed it so much, and I hope I can get back into the habit of going again. Several others feel the same as I, so it's taking a long time to get back to normal. I also am longing to visit my two sisters again in Oklahoma City. It is a 265 mile one-way trip for me, and I cannot depend on the weather at this time of the year. Surly by spring things will get better, and I can start going, and blowing again. I've never liked being shut in, so it's time to get going for sure. It's time for me to watch a little news since I haven't watched any all day, so be back on tomorrow with another bit of chatter. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 22, 2021

Confessing My Absence From The Valentine Party

Sunday is over, and I missed the belated Valentine Party, but I'm hearing it was a blast. I thought I was a little too old for a sweetheart party like this, but maybe I was needed there to set a younger married couple straight. I hear it like this. A game was in proccess, and each of the leaders of the game, (man and wife,) got into a dispute about the rules. Of course they were both there to help their side win so no hanky-panky was going to happen. Doesn't this sound like fun? Sometimes the older set is needed to discipline the younger, I like to think. But this old lady likes disputes as long as they are games being played in the church. I could fit right in with the dispute, because I like to have fun too. Anyway I am thankful for a church family that admits they are not perfect, and loves their brothers, and sisters as they are. I think I will not miss another church party no matter how much my muscles hurt. I had been doing a very stressful job all week cleaning out my cabinets, and even crawling into the bottom parts where I was unable to reach the back. I did a lot of heavy lifting, and every bone in my body hurt. I did make it to church that morning, but just couldn't make it to the party at 5:00. Today in the afternoon the temperature is 64 degrees, with no wind. I did a lot of shopping today even though my muscles still ache. We can't let pain completely stop us or we will be ready for the grave shortly. I do get a lot of pleasant, leasure hours, for which I am grateful for. My computer is the best thing that ever happened to me, except for God saving my soul. I sought the Lord, and He added all these other things that He said He would. I wasn't expecting all this blesseness, but I am fairly enjoying it. My cup runneth over. Even the muscle pain is a blessing because I still can do tremendous exercise. I know the evil power of Satan is taking the lives of many people, but those who truly trust in God will be protected. Thanks for taking the time to read my simple, unedited, daily life happenings. I pray everyone will be blessed as much as I. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Wrath Of God Is Upon Us

I am happy to report that the temperature is 50 degrees in Perryton, Texas today. We have had no power, or water shortage, and not a lot of snow. However, I am terrible upset over all the other millions of Texans who are suffering from all kinds of weather problems. It is a great disaster to say the least. I have to say I believe this disaster is one caused by nature, but I cannot say that about the corona 19 virus. I also wonder if this evil caused by humans is the cause of other disasters caused by nature. People need to start thinking more seriously about the evil times we are living in now. "God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." We know that in the Old Testament the inocent had to suffer along with the guilty, until later on the Word says, "children will not suffer for what their fathers did. Another place in the bible after that says "the good shall suffer with the bad." I'm understanding this to mean that like the awful weather crisis in Texas every human in the effected areas suffered. The guilty as well as the inocent. A situation I must leave in the hands of God. I truly believe we are in the beginning of pay back times. I did not perform that abortion, but did I do all I could to keep it from happening? I did not marry a same sex mate, but did I do all I could to stop that kind of marriage? I did not change my birth sex by surgery, but did I do all i could to keep this from happening? I did not vote illegally, but did I do all I could to keep it from happening. There is a job that everyone of us must fill be it great or small, and if we refuse then I believe we must suffer the consequences. We are as guilty as those who helped to achieve all those bad things. I am not a prophet, or even a preacher, but I do read my bible daily, and pray. I take pleasure in saying God hears our prayers, and never leaves me in doubt of his Almighty Power. I met the Master sixty-five years ago, and yes it was a personal meeting. He is real, and will always prove Himself to anyone who earnestly seeks him. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 19, 2021

What Is In A Dream

This vicious hate attack on America is growing more outrageous each day. The significant effect is spreading like wildfire with no capability of putting it out. It is more clear to me now than ever that no man is above God. God has warned us through His Word that these times were coming. It all started when the first sin was committed. Why, we ask, would God create a world that would be filled with pain and suffering? That is a question that no man, not even the greatest of scientist can ever answer. When we have the nerve to ask God that His answer is "do not question the mysteries of God." I remember as a child a time or two I asked my father why, when he told me to do something. Sometimes he would explain to me why, other times he would say just do as I tell you to. I grew up knowing when the father speaks we obey. I see now the worst enemy most Christians have is fear. They are turning from faith to fear. What has caused that? My answer would be because they have failed to take up their cross and follow Jesus daily, as the bible teaches. I believe God wants us to live a happy, prosperous life, but we must always put Him first. I am a firm believer when we are in doubt about something if we ask God for an answer, He will give it to us. We can always find that answer in His Word. Why are Christians ignoring God's quote, "fear not, for I am with you always?" Sometimes God will direct us to our doctor, or other means of wisdom, but He always adds, "Trust Me." Through it all I have learned to trust God. I was shaken, and awaken from a dream I had last night. Today I am still wondering why I had that dream, but I am willing to leave it with God. I am rejoicing from it, but I don't understand what it means. I just know it was a real dream, and not a fairy tale. I am dedicating this day to God because I feel the need to do so. God came first this morning before anything else after I ate breakfast, and ask Him for direction for this day. I look forward to more joy, peace, and happiness. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Joy And Sadness Makes laughter And Tears At The Same Time

With all this bright sunshine 17 degree doesn't seem very cold. I carried out the trash to the alley and it was just a bit cool. After five days of below 0 tempature this day is so welcome. I don't even have any aftermath of this devestating cold spell. No limbs down, no water pipes damaged, and no fireplace ashes to clesn. My electrity never once went off. The house stayed warm through all the cold spell, however, I never could rest comfortably for thinking about all my family, and friends, and everyone else who were literaaly freezing. I prayed for them a lot. So thankful that none of my family, or friends died, but I can't say that about a lot of others who did die as a result of this terrible winter storm. I hope no one quickly forgets how good God was to them, and starts taking everything for granted again. God is long suffering, but He also is a God of anger when we start leaving Him out of our lives. One never knows when God will say enough is enough. Today is also a day that most of us was not ready for. Our dear friend, and great American Patroit, Rush Limbaugh, has passed away. Lung cancer finally took his life, but no one has ever fought harder than Rush Limbaugh for our great American country. We know that when God closes one door He always opens another, so let's be patient, and have faith to conquer this evil war that has invaded us. "All things work together for good to them that know the Lord." I believe God wants us to keep singing victory songs, instead of pleading prayers meant to replace the victory songs. I will always disagree with this type of worship, although I will not be a hinderance to those who believe otherwise. When God is ready He will change everything back to His beginning. I am here for the long haul. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Yes Lord We Understand Your Anger

I just got hone from work. The streets are fine for driving, but the highest the temperature got today was 12 degree, and that was just for one hour, It is now back to 10 degree. So thankful that we haven't lost power once, and only a slight water freezing pipe. I do synpathise with the four million in Texas who have been without power for many hours. I have been praying a lot, and I believe God answers prayer. At last I have been hearing some good news, although it seems like lately one disaster just follows another. The world is changing, and we the people must accept that. When we put it all in God's hands He will work it all out. We may go to bed with a burden on our hearts, but if we faithfully ask God to take that burden, and give us peace, very soon we are going to know for sure He has answered. We can then say to Satan, I knew you were lying to me. Of course Satan always has another lie ready for us. That is why we should never miss one night of going to bed without asking God for pease over everything that worries us. Hallelujah! to His Holy Name. If only people could know that God is the Almighty creater, that he knows you personally, and He knows how many hairs are on your head, they would change a lot of things about their life. This fact is plainly written in God's Holy Bible. How long, I must ask, will it take for the younger generation to see that we Christians are not a cult, and God is the real reason we sing His praises forever. I read more and more about some parents leaving their children for someone else to raise while they go seeking money, and fame. No amount of money or fame can ever take the place of a parent's presence with their children, and the parent teaching every child needs. This is wrong, and God knows the real purpose why a parent does it. I understand that it is necessary at times for parents to leave their children, but again I say God knows when this is necessary, and when it's not. These selfish parents would like to believe that all bibical teaching from the Holy Bible are cult related. I would like to be clear. The Old Testament teaching was also God's Word, and it was not a cult, although it seems to us like some of it could not be possible. God had mercy on His people, and sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to live, and die for our sins. But He did not allow the sin that Jesus died for to continue, making a mockery out of His Son. We had a chance to accept Jesus as our savior, and live the most holy life possible. God tells us we cannot be perfect, but we must strive to be perfect. That does not mean we can be free to do any ungodly thing we choose to do. I truly believe every person should pray daily for God to forgive their sin that day, as there is not one person who is without sin. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 15, 2021

A Little Discomfort Occasionally Is Good For The Soul

For the first time in many years I was in discomfort this morning for awhile. It wasn't bad, but a little unbelievable. My son from Sherman called right before 6 this morning to tell me I might have a power failure, and to get the candles ready. He instructed me to get up and turn the heater up as high as it would go then go back to bed. He added "call me if the power does go off because I will need to have someone to come and get you for there won't be any heat." I did all of that and went back to bed. I got up about 8 o'clock and my heater was sitting on 50. That was as low as it would show on my thermostat. I checked the outside temperature and it said 13 below 0. My heater had been going full blast for two hours and hadn't moved the needle at all. I knew it couldn't be that cold, but could not figure out why it wouldn't change the heating needle. It was a little uncomfortable, but a blanket wraped around me kept me warm. By 10 o'clock I knew i had to call someone, but I thought I will go to that thermostat and start moving everything on it. Finally I decided to take it off the auto, and put it on the on mark. Sure enough the needle started slowly moving, but it still took a long while for it to reach 70. It is now 4 o'clock and the outside temperature is 4 degree. My house is warm, and comfortable now. My mind and body doesn't work as fast as they used to, but thank God they still do work. It's hard for me to understand how the sun could be shinning so bright all day, and the temperature still be just 4 degree. Then I remembered the times when we used to go snow sking in the mountains, and the sun would be so bright you had to wear sun shades to see and the temperature would be even lower than 13 below 0. It didn't seem cold at all, but of course we were wearing ski clothing. There was never any wind. My family holds many precious memories from the past, but I never want to go to the mountains again. Times are different now, but God is still the same. The Apostle Paul said to us, "occupy till I come." That is what I am doing. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 14, 2021

A Freezing Valentine Day

It is 4 o'clock in Perryton, Texas and has warmed up to 3 degrees. About 3 inches of snow is still on the ground. I have not been out of the house all day. I see where it is suppose to stay cold all week. Sure hoping this will be our last cold spell before Spring. We were suppose to have had our Valentine party at church today, but that didn't happen. No church, no party. Today is Valentines Day, and i have enjoyed staying home, and watching T. V. All four of my children called to check on me, and that was a good Valentine sign of love from them. I did some cleaning out of my kitchen cabinets, which made me pretty tired. This old work horse is not the same anymore. However, it hasn't changed my perfectionist attitude to make sure it is spotless. There has been a lot of interesting news on T.V. today. It feels like the fighting (peacefully), Republicans are making great progress in winning back our country for the second time in four years. Never, never under estimate the power of God. He has always done what He said he would do. He said, "the battle is mine, trust Me." How wonderful it is to know that we are children of the Almighty King. He gives us perfect peace, and rest, when we tell Him we need it. My dad used to say to us children. "Now kids when we get this cotten picked we will go into town and do some shopping. That promise made us want to work faster, and not complain. I now hear my Heavenly Father say, " Your labor is not in vain. Your reward is greater than than burdens." We are stronger than the weak who try to dismantel our faith by telling us we are nuts. It doesn't even faze us. We have been given the gift of discernment, and nothing can take that gift away. Happy Valentine to all, and God Bless. Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Another Victory For Our Constitution

Well it's all over for now. President Trump has just been acquited in the impeachment trial. Earlier this morning the Democrat managers surprisingly managed to force a vote on calling witnesses. The motion carried, and after going into session where both sides had to agree on the procedure of the witness trial, the Democrats walked their request backward. They were not fixing to let any witness called by the defence to testify against them. They knew that the truth about the real cause of the rioting at the Presidential Comfirmation would be proven to have been planned by them. I just now heard Brad Blackman, former Depty Assistant to George W. Bush, say the constitution was the winner today. I am saying President Trump because I still acknowledge him as my President. I am hearig even now that this thing is still not over. Seemingly Manority Leader, Mitch McConnel, left the impression that something else is yet to come as he spoke after the acquital vote. I have been saying every since the presidental election with all the rigging that went on, that this fight will go on for a very long time. I see a very rigorios fight exculating and if anyone refuses to examine their hearts for loyality to the Almighty God I fear for them a terrible future. Many have already crossed over the line of conviction,(contrary to some beliefs), but my understanding of the bible drclares that this will happen. Without conviction there is no repentence. I will keep sending out warnings to people who still have a chance to make things right with God, but I cannot ever make anyone believe without they seek God personally. It doesn't do any good for me to make new paragraphs for this blog won't accept them. I am very limited to writing a proper blog since I lost my original. Needless to say my computer skills are limited also, since I have no one to help me living close by. So I will call it quits for today. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp .

Friday, February 12, 2021

Wonder what will be next

I feel a great victory this evening after watching the Republicans present their side of the impeachment trial against President Trump. In less tham three hours they were ready to close their arguments and go into the question session. The Democrats had taken twenty hours and three days to bore the people to death who were hoping to hear something new from them. What a disgusting attempt to try to get our President impeached, and also trying to ban him from ever holding an office again. The case should go to the Senate tomorrow, and I feel so poditive the case will go in President Trumps favor. I am tired from all the hours of watching this boring mess, til I could enjoy just a time of social celebrating with friwnds. Even that is not allowed anymore because of another political, disgusting rule, and in some cases law stoppimg us from our liberty. I do have a positive attitude for our country now more than ever before. God is about to brimg this evil to an end for His people. He did allow them to suffer because so many had ignored Hin for so long, but now His forgiveness is evident that He has answered the prayers of so many earnest Christian believers. That's not saying it won't ever happen again, because many evil doers will never repent. I am rushed for time to get this posted today. Have to have it posted by 6 o'clock. Good-bye God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

I have been listening to lies most of the day while Fox News is allowing the Trump impeachment trial to dominate everything else that is of great importance. Those liers are not even worth a dolllar an hour for their performance. My granddad could make them look like morans. When I was a preteen child my granddad made me believe a story, and to this day I'm afraid to kill a snake. We lived in the country and snakes were often seen in our yard. A grown up always chopped them into pieces with a hoe. I must have been 10 or 11 when I was watching the pieces of a snake still moving. My granddad said to me, you better take off because that snake is going to reconnect, and he is going to be so made he will jump on you and tear you into pieces just like he had been. I laughed, but he said very honestly I'm not kidding you honey, they will do that. Then he proceeded to explain how they could do that. I didn't want him to know he had convienced me, but I said I think mom is calling me, and I went runnning. These lawyers on Fox News are not even making their lies sound the least bit real. I suppose it's because we all have been there through all this rigged election drama, and no one could make even a ten year old believe them. Why are we having to deal with this nonsence? If it is allowed to continue everyone of us will be thinking like a ten year old. I know that snakes can never reconnect, but I keep thinking it might be possible. I cannnot kill a snake today seriously. I guess I don't want to make them mad. That is the way I believe the Trump lawyers are thinking, because they seem to not want to make the lying prosecutors mad. I might have been naive, and maybe still am, but I vow never to ever be brainwashed by evil, educated fools like I'm watching today. Some will ask why are you watching it, I never watch that stuff anymore? Well it's because I am not going down the road of ignorance anymore. I want to know when, and how we entered into the pit of no return. Not that I can do anything about it, but at least I didn't skip any chapters. I also believe I will be more equipped to deal with the bullies if I have been made to know who they are. I now know some are in my own political party. A good thing to know. Keep watching, and keep praying. It probably will get worse before it gets better. God Bless Mrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

"Beauty And The ???

This winter weather has been trying my patiense lately. !2 degree with wind to boot is too cold for me to get out. Even if I didn't plan to go somewhere I want the weather to be nice just in case I decided to go out. How selfish can we get sometimes? Father God I'm really not complaining I'm just being honest. Please forgive me. In a month or so I will be saying I wish the weeds wouldn't grow so fast. I have to keep them pulled up out of my flower beds, and orential grass gardens. I truly am thankful that I am still physically able to do this strenuous type of work. I can't thank my Heavenly Father enough for the many blessings He gives me each day. I do not make many plans many days in advance. I am now feeling the need to take life one day at a time. I still pray for miracles because I believe God sends us one when we humbly pray, and He is pleased with our request. However, with every miracle comes a need to always remember it even in times of discouragement. It's called faith without waver. I'm standing on a micarilous request God recently answered for me, because I am sure He has greater things in store. In the meantime I will be content to patiently wait. I get ideas sometimes that I want to make happen. I think maybe the reason for putting them off is because I am not fully sure it is a good idea. About a year ago my daughter-in-law sent me a beautiful card of Amsterdam while she and my son was vacating in foreign countries. I immediately knew I wanted to put this gorgeous scenery on a canvas. I was thinking a large canvas with a very special, eye-catching frame. When I mentioned my intentions to my daughter and son-in-law they yelled "you are going to paint Amsterdam?" Yes, I said let me show you a picture of it. They asked, do you know what that place is famous for? No, I answered but I know it is beautiful. They proceeded to tell me about the well known history of whore business. I guess I am very naive because I had never heard that before. But I decided to wait about painting, and hanging this beautiful art work on my wall. I think I am still going to do it because beauty is beauty regardless of what some make of it. But I think I will hang it on my son, Chuck's wall. He is single, and could care less about whores. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 8, 2021

I'm Sharing This With God

I had a long conversation by telephone this morning with a person who called me to discuss the covid shot. Somehow we got off on politics, and from there to religion. Before I realized it we were giving opinions of mega television evangelist. I have no understanding at all why all of this confusion became such a lengthy discussion. However, I am sure God had a purpose for it. I believe the time has come for all saints of God to let their voices be heard. If we ask God every day to let us be used by Him, and let us be a blessing, then we have no right to question why things happened like they did. By faith we are made laborers for Him. God never fails to pay His laborers, and we will know when our checks come in. I can already tell that my labor today is being analized by God. It may not be worth much, but I wasn't expecting amything. I love the scripture, "come unto Me all ye that labor, and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." The rest He gives is wonderful. Peace, joy, and happiness is to name but a few. By the end of the day I can't go to sleep without Praising God over, and over. I tell all my deceased loved one that I miss them as a few tears roll down my cheeks. When morning comes I am up by 7 and ready to join the labor force again. So this is the story of one elderly Saint of God who has been trusting Him for like 65 years. He has brought me through many tough battles, and never left me to fight them alone. I know I am unworthy, and sometimes wonder why God accepted me. But it happened like a flash of lightening, and the moment and the place is where I meet Him still every night before going to sleep. No I'm not free from battles yet, but God's yoke is easy, and his burdens light. We cannnot stop fighting unless we want to give up. I am no ways near ready to give up. I love my sweet family, and dear friens too much to leave them to fight alone. Join me in an expectencee of a long, earthy, blessed life with maybe a chance to be called up in the clouds when Christ returns. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 7, 2021

A change in weather today didn't stop me from going to church. I woke up to find the ground covered with frost that looked like snow. All the trees were solid ice.The temperature was 25, but seemed much colder. I thought to myself, there won't be anyone at church, why don't you stay home today. No I answered myself back, I will go even if I am the only one there. To my surprise the attendence was about normal. We had a good service, and I was blessed. The rest of the day has been pleasant, with the sun coming out to melt off all the ice. Since this is Super Bowl Sunday a lot of my family and friends are glued to their T V's. I no longer am interested in sports. After the big games all became so politized I stopped watching them. Honesty, respect, and loyality to our country have all been traded for political power and money. Where there is no honesty there is no hope for a better life here after. I may not always be right about my bible translations, but I will always be doing everything I can to be honest. I'm thankful that I have not been robbed of my deep faith in God. That can happen so quickly, but He that is in me is greater than he who is out. Anyone who does not have their hope anchored in the Rock of Ages is sure to face many hard battles of despair. I plead with God daily to open the eyes of my loved ones who are all about worldy gain. They will not succeed, but they think they can if they can keep placing the blame for their failures on someone else. Tomorrow I start a new week. I am spiritually, and physically ready for any challange I may face, and it sure looks like that could happen any day. But I will stay positive, and keep doing my daily chores as usua. :Happy are those who wait upon the Lord." God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Safe In God's House

We may be few, we may go unnoticed, we may be as quite as a mouse, but one thing for sure we are safe in God's House. We may not be safe from Satan's attack's but if we do get attacked, we are on our way home to live in our Father's Big House. What a joy just to know that as much as I love my church, I am ready to leave it for the Church in Heaven. We all know that the earthly churches are being threatened daily by the enemy of God who has already closed many church doors. Many Pastors have been put in jail for refusing to keep the doors closed. When I was a child I was taught in my church that the day would come when people could no longer go to church. All bibles would be outlawed, and if one was found in your possession you would be killed. We are seeing that happen more and more every day. As long as my church building stands,( and it is next to the Great Temple the Israelits built after many years of tent worship in my opinion,) I will be sitting in my usual place every Sunday possible. I will fight for my right to enter my Father's House. If ever the doors are locked on Sunday, make sure you leave a hidden key cause I'm going in. My heart is sat on nothing less than Jesus Blood and righteness. I heard Jesus calling me back to my church after many years of sruggles within the church. This was the last call for me, and I am here to stay till the end of my time. I have seen far too many luke-warm Christians, and yes a few back-stabbers who have not fulfilled their promise to God. I am as weak as a sparrow without the daily bible food, but it's free, and I feast on it daily. I welcome you into God's house where you will always be fed His Word, and protected by His Great Shield of mercy. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 5, 2021

"Stop Look And Listen"

A few years ago I read a book written by Nancy Reagan, wife of President Ronald Reagon. The title was "My Turn Now." Nancy was so fearful of her husband getting assasinated, after one precious attempt, till she turned to an astrologer for help. Nancy was ridiculed to high heaven for making that decision. Even some of her favorite admirers rebuked her for using astrology. How desperate some people can get when it comes to protecting their loved ones. This morning I watched an absoulte brave, and fully charged, newly elected GOP Congressional representative give an amazing powerful speech. The Georgia representative, Marjorie Taylor Green is one great American patroit, My description of what happened to Rep, Green yesterday may not be completely correct, but I do know she was thrown off her committee position for something she said many years ago. Representive Green had fully apologixed for her mistake, but the House Majority along with eleven evil Republicans voted to kick her off the job that 74 percent of her district voted for her to represent them. This morning her speech sounded like she is more fired up now than ever to unravel this dirty, political power that has pocessed our Country. I am here to declare that justice is coming and I think it will be soon. I do not beleive in astrology but I do believe in the Holy Bible. God is real, and He will do what He said He would do, but only in His time. Too many people are ignoring the red lights, but I say to them Stop Look and Listen for danger is going to step in if you fail. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Prepare For A New World Order

For some unknown reason a picture keeps coming to my mind that happened about seventy years ago. It took place in a church alter service where the Holy Spirit was moving miraculously. A young father was standing near the alter with a baby in one arm, and the other arm was raised giving praise to God. A baby bottle was sticking out of his hip pocket. If there was a wife, or mother around I never saw her. A song was being sang that goes like this. "Jesus use me please don't refuse me. surly there's a work that I can do, even though it's humble help my will to crumble, though the cross is great I'll follow theough. I have been made aware recently that many of the younger generation coming from Spirit filled, Christian backgrounds are now calling their upbringing a cult. I had often wondered how this younger generation could have drifted so far, and done so many disgraceful things that they were taught was sin. Now I learn that what the bible scriptue that says, "God's spirit does not always dwell with man. He will turn them over to a reprobate mind," is as true as any bible scripture. I guess I had thought before that that would never happen due to the Great love of God. Forgive me Lord for doubting some of your Word. I truly believe God is as Great as He says, and He will do exactly what He says without sugar coating it. It's true there are many cults in our land, but God forbid that our children would ever be grafted into any of them. Where does the blame begin? Not just one generation back, but in most cases several generations back. I also feel that the cult population has surpassed the true vine of Christ. How much of the devestating torture are we going to be able to take before denying our Lord or be killed. I'm sorry to be sounding so gross, but the time has come for the Christians to stand up and be counted. Sin is sin, and every sin will be judged. My prayer is, "stop playing church, and start prasing God saying "Jesus use me please don't refuse me, surly there's a work that I can do. Even though it's humble help my will to crumble, though the cross is great I'll follow throw." God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 1, 2021

By chance

I haven't had a post published for months. Just trying to see if I can post something now.