Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Good Beginning A Bad Ending"

Jean's Comment's: "A Good Beginning A Bad Ending":                            Getting a wonderful rain this morning.  4-30-2019 Perryton, TX   We have had a nice rain today, and are sup...

"A Good Beginning A Bad Ending"

                           Getting a wonderful rain this morning.  4-30-2019 Perryton, TX
We have had a nice rain today, and are suppose to get more this evening, and tonight. It has been a slow rain, just what we needed. So far the rain gauge shows ½ inch. We are thankful for every drop. There won't be any need to water the lawns for quite awhile. It saves us extra work, and money for water. We have had a lengthily time of cool, and cloudy weather, but that is also good for the moister to penetrate the ground. I went to work with my umbrella in the car, but by the time I got there the rain had temporary stopped. I sure wanted to use that beloved thing, as I can't recall ever using it since I got it several years ago. It's always at my finger tips as I never remove it from my car. I love umbrellas. I guess I could just walk down the sidewalk with it opened over my head when it starts raining again, but I'm sure my neighbors would come out to check on me. I still have some kid left in me, but maybe not that much. I would rather walk in the rain than to sit in my recliner listening to all the depressing news. It gets worse by the day. It has got to come to a show down before long. I'm looking for anything to get my mind off of the threatening crisis we are surly facing. Our televisions, and cell phones can't be used without us hearing, and seeing too much evil to just ignore. I'm trying hard to use them less, but I never want to pretend that everything is getting better.

Tomorrow is May 1st, Mayday. Maybe the fairy will leave a flower on my door knob. That would help a lot. Yes, I still get flowers on May Day when it's not raining. I have never been able to see the giver, even though they ring the door bell. By the time I get to the door, the angel is gone. These old traditions are going to be hard to give up, if Satan keeps gaining ground on us. From what I saw on my I-phone today, our very positive President said it may already be too late for victory. He was blaming Congress with it, and I can't agree more. I would like to ring a few RINO's necks. They are worse than Satan himself. I am asking God every night to wipe them out lock, stock, and barrel. I mean it, and I believe God will do it. They deserve no mercy. They are hypocrites, and are worse than those who don't claim something they are not. This is my biggest shock about the Republican party. I never thought it could ever happen like this. I hope everyone of them gets voted out, and have to face their creator quicker than possible. All things are possible to them that believe.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 29, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "I Claim The Fastest Growing Food Ever"

Jean's Comment's: "I Claim The Fastest Growing Food Ever": These two asparagus stalks would make a meal for several, cows, that is. They grow too fast. 4-29-2019 Perryton, TX Amazing how fast ...

"I Claim The Fastest Growing Food Ever"

These two asparagus stalks would make a meal for several, cows, that is. They grow too fast. 4-29-2019 Perryton, TX

Amazing how fast the asparagus grows. No more table food from the asparagus this year. They are headed for the moon. Those stalks will get 7 to 8 feet tall before they stop growing. The tops will spread out like a willow tree. This little patch of asparagus is 10 years old. I started them from seeds then transplanted them the second year. It took another three years before I could get a mess fit to eat. Each year now I am able to cut more eatable asparagus. I only have to water it. I am a lady of patience for which I thank God. I spent two hours yesterday trying to activate my blog message so I could paste it to the picture, but never was successful. One little mistake caused me to lose the message before I got it pasted to the picture. With all the changes being made to the computer technology I find myself more, and more computer illiterate. This patient lady is about to give up on continued computer education. There are too many scanners out there to take chances. A technician asked me this morning to give him control of my computer so he could fix the problem. I declined for fear of something bad that could happen. So my blog message for yesterday remains on the document file that says inactivated. I feel cheated because I took a lot of time to deliver my heart yesterday, but maybe God didn't want it to be posted. I have to trust Him.

So today I am complaining, but still have a lot of patience with myself. I am surprised at how well I rested last night. That's how great our God is. My computer mistake was not the only thing that upset me yesterday, but for some reason I stayed calm when I wanted to tell another person off. I believe it was just another of those days when God puts us to the test. Today I can't even get out of the house because it's cloudy, the wind is blowing 26 mph, and the temperature is 55 degree. My body resistance is not strong enough for that kind of outside. That's o k, I will find something to enjoy within the walls of my blessed home. For lunch I'm having chicken fried steak with home made biscuits, and gravy. Later on I will make a pecan pie, and put on a pot of ham and beans. In my spare time I will be watching the latest news, while waiting for a telephone call or two. The mail has already run, so that exciting time will have to continue tomorrow. I am expecting some very welcome mail, I have several things scheduled for this summer, so I will try to keep occupied until then. To say the least I am excited. I may get upset from time to time, but it always turns out for my benefit.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Boring Day Today"

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Boring Day Today": Two jets crossed paths this morning over my yard, but  the radio antenna was blocking my camera's  view. 4-27-2019 Perryton, TX   T...

"Not A Boring Day Today"

Two jets crossed paths this morning over my yard, but  the radio antenna was blocking my camera's  view. 4-27-2019 Perryton, TX
The sky was full of jets this morning. I saw at least four or five at one time streaking the sky. I watched two of them coming ghastly together in a criss-cross direction. I thought they were going to crash, but one went under the other. The radio antenna blocked a better view of the two when they crossed paths. I got my thrill for the day. It's exciting to watch these jets in a clear blue sky. I'm always glad I'm in my yard instead of the sky. Flying just isn't my kind of pleasure. I've flown several times, but was never relaxed during the entire trip. There are just too many risks one has to take when boarding a plane.

More of my type of pleasure is coming to Guymon, Oklahoma the last of June. A large Casino with nice motels will be open for entertainment, also with restaurants. The motels will not be quite ready at this time, but the Guymon Motel is near by. A picture of the Casino can be seen on Google. It is called The Golden Mesa Casino, and resort. The distance is 52 miles from Perryton on highway 54 just a little west of the Guymon turn off. There will be 600 machines, and 7 tables for card games available. I expect to see a lot of my friends there, and can hardly wait. It is a place to go and relax getting your mind off all the unpleasant things it seems to want to bother you with constantly. I am one to believe that entertainment is a gift of God if one does not abuse it. That goes for all other amusements, including (sorry to say) some churches now a days. I have found more honest, loving people in Casinos than I have found in some churches. I hope some of you will think about that because you know who you are. Yes, the ones who condemn others for little things when they themselves do much worse. No one is perfect although many try to make you believe they are. The greatest of the Ten Commandants is LOVE. For many this is the least important of the Ten Commandants. One of the questions Jesus asked His followers, “How can you say you love God, and love not your brother?” We are all brothers and sisters of God. I don't have to do everything my sisters do, but I still have to love them, and know they might get chosen above me when the judgment day comes. As for me I will always chose to be with loving friends over hateful, insulting, and better-than-thou make beliefs. I live to please God, and not man. Millions upon millions cannot say that. I believe in the bible, and try to live by it, but I cannot be that perfect one who many claim to be. Only God is my Judge when it comes to choosing good against evil.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, April 26, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Lucky But Not Deadly"

Jean's Comment's: "Lucky But Not Deadly": I was lucky enough to get a picture of this little demon as he scampered across the top of my fence. 4-26-2019 Perryton, TX   My next ...

"Lucky But Not Deadly"

I was lucky enough to get a picture of this little demon as he scampered across the top of my fence. 4-26-2019 Perryton, TX
My next door neighbor works hard to keep my place free of squirrels, but every year they keep coming back. They are such a pest, and I can't keep them out of my attic. They always find another way to get back in. I have seen them running like a streak of lightening across my fence several times, but this morning this one stopped for just a second, and I had my camera ready. I wish I was that good with a pellet gun. It takes a pro to hit one of these fast demons. At least my neighbor can keep them thinned out. The pecan tree is not in my yard, but the evil little thief's like to plant the pecans in my yard. Every year I have to cut down little pecan trees all over my yard. My flower planters are always full of pecans when I go to set out new plants. I don't think my neighbor, whose pecan tree they steal from, has any other trouble with them. They just chose me to do their damage on. My good neighbor on the other side of me feels sorry for my agony, and tries to wipe those nasty little devils out. Maybe the squirrels are getting even with me because I won't let cats come into my yard. All I have to do is point my finger at the cats and threaten them, when they start running for dear life. Not so with the squirrels. 

Just like the destructive squirrels I am here to tell you our country is filled with destructive demons. I am so proud of our President who keeps thinning them out. Also like the determined squirrels the determined demons are giving our President a run for the money. They just don't understand that the almighty power of God is with our President. Today President Trump gave a very bold speech at one of the largest, most powerful groups that America has ever had. The National Rifle Association supports our President, and no demon power has ever been able to take them down. There are many influential leaders of large organizations who are giving all they have to help our President save America. With God on our side who can be against us? There is not any stopping place, but I am positive, our great President, Donald Trump, will win this war of good against evil. Never ever doubt the power of Almighty God. When He's had enough all earth shall know it. It may be a long time in coming, but a winner is always proud of what they put forth to come out victorious. They know they have to be challenged less they not be worth their salt. I ask all Trump supporters to keep up the good fight, and soon we will be given back the freedom to demand respect form all criminals who have demonized it. Our brave, fallen, freedom fighters will be forever remembered. They did a good job, and their reward will be worth it all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Let The Beauty Of Jesus Be Seen In Me"

Jean's Comment's: "Let The Beauty Of Jesus Be Seen In Me": A happy welcome this morning by the light of the world, The Son of God. 4-25-2019 Perryton, TX A beautiful sight like this one I saw ...

"Let The Beauty Of Jesus Be Seen In Me"

A happy welcome this morning by the light of the world, The Son of God. 4-25-2019 Perryton, TX

A beautiful sight like this one I saw this morning is all one needs to make their day a perfect one. I am just getting home from work, and believe it or not I had a great day. I woke up just in time this morning to get this picture as the sun was just above the school buildings you see . The sky was streaming with beauty. But it only last momentarily. The sun has a long distance to go before it circles the earth in a twenty four hour period. Once it moves to a higher level it is only a bright light in a gorgeous blue sky. All of the colorful streamers disappear, but the memories stay with me all day. I forget all about my worries, until I get home and turn my television on. I am usually tired, and need to lie down to rest for awhile. My body is just too weak for my over-sized brain, or a brain over-worked. I probably need to take sleeping pills, but that is against my religion. Hopefully I will be awake when the trumpet sounds, and we see Jesus coming in a cloud. The Word says, “only those who are watching for Him will see Him.” I truly believe that could happen any minute. It could be a million years yet before that happens, but it absolutely could be right now. I will keep my eyes on the sun, the moon, and the stars. I know Jesus is up there somewhere.

I have the rest of the week free for whatever I chose to do. I'm open for an invitation anywhere if I can relax, and enjoy myself. I chose not to work in the yard, or clean house. I said something I can enjoy. Such as meeting with friends, and forget our manners or trying to impress someone. I haven't done both of those things in a very long time. If I let go of those things that improve my personality, or hide my freckles, I might not ever get asked out. I'm dying to try and see. I don't believe Jesus will refuse to take me up if I haven't got my make-up on, or my hair fixed to perfection. Are friends more important than Jesus? I think not, but I always need to keep my attitude loving, and most of all forgiving. Those two things will certainly be a positive Jesus will be looking for. I have a feeling no one would recognize me without the natural brown coloring I put on my hair, and I know I would not recognize myself, but Jesus is not fooled, and would probably like for me to let nature take it's course. I just feel so unnatural if I don't keep my hair the color I grew up with. My husband, and my children agreed with me about that when I neglected my hair for a short while. I've never tried it again. I hope I don't displease God by pleasing my husband, and children. I know He is above my family, but I also know He is a loving, and forgiving God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Life Begins At Spring It's Here"

Jean's Comment's: "Life Begins At Spring It's Here":     Green is the word to describe the earth and all the beautiful trees. 4-24-2019 Perryton, TX   I'm beginning to feel new life b...

"Life Begins At Spring It's Here"

    Green is the word to describe the earth and all the beautiful trees. 4-24-2019 Perryton, TX
I'm beginning to feel new life back in my own body when I look at all the green grass, and the pretty green and yellow leaves appearing on my large, heavenly tree. “The dead shall rise again, and I can see that now.” I am slowly coming back to a lively life, but old trees takes longer than the young. I hope I will be turning cart wheels again before long. I was asked the other day if I practiced yoga. I answered, “not intentionally.” I have to admit I have spent a lot of time in deep thought this past winter, but probably not the kind yoga believers practice. I am hearing yoga is gaining more popularity all the time. I will stay old fashion. I do believe in exercise, but only the kind that I am required to do with keeping my yard, and house work. That includes walking all over large grocery stores, and other supply stores. It also includes my habit of gaming with friends, and occasionally a dance. I think I get plenty of exercise without the yoga thing. To say the least it's more fun. I have a summer trip planned, and I can't hardly wait. That will put me over the top of my loneliness. Thank God for rescuing us when we need a break from home. He created all pleasure for our own entertainment. He is a loving Father.

What can be worse than sitting home waiting on return calls, when you dare leave your phone because if you miss their call you have to go through the same process again? Life just seems to be getting more complicated all the time. Too much modern is producing too much brain damage. Only the drug cartels are benefiting from it. I have always, and will always refuse to take any kind of drug to help my nerves. No doubt the world is not getting any better, but continues to get worse. Innocent people are getting murdered, and murders are getting away with it. More drugs are being manufactured every day to extend the lives of hopeless people, only to make them suffer longer so the drug companies can get richer. Also so the doctors can get rid of the hopeless addicts. I am not speaking in small terms. This characterization I have described is dominating millions of people in high up places. How can we ever expect the world to get better. I truly believe we are headed for the last, and final phase of any good this world has ever known. The bible points out that a time will come when people will cry out for the mountains to fall on them. Their misery will be that great. I pray the Lord will let me escape that time. It sounds like to me it would be a punishment for people to keep living. This is bible teaching, just read it for yourself. Have a good day while you can.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Look For God In All Things"

Jean's Comment's: "Look For God In All Things":                                   Fresh rhubarb pie coming up. 4-23-2019 Perryton, TX   The rhubarb is looking nice, and juicy. Ready f...

"Look For God In All Things"

                                  Fresh rhubarb pie coming up. 4-23-2019 Perryton, TX

The rhubarb is looking nice, and juicy. Ready for making pies, and that will be one of my jobs tomorrow. All the rain we've had the past month has made everything grow, and bear fruit so plentiful. I have been putting asparagus in the freezer for awhile. The strawberries are in solid bloom, and if they start bearing I will be putting lots of them in the freezer. We still could have a late freeze, but I think we will be o k this year.

I am so sadden about all the people who were killed over the Easter week-end. Christians who were worshiping God were taken out of this life probably for someone else's sin. We wonder why things happen like they do. It just adds up to one reason. This world has gotten so sinful till God has no other choice but to act in disastrous ways. He said the good shall suffer with the bad. That's hard to understand. We must patiently wait for that day of no more sin, or sorrow where we are promised to be. Frankly I am ready for that time. I have fought many battles in my lifetime, and cried many of tears over someone else's battles. I believe every born again Christian can share that same sentient. The love God showed us when He forgave us, came with that same love. It surpasses all understanding. God is great, God is good, and God is everlasting.

I believe a heart of love pleases God, but I also believe He expects us to live by His Word. We cannot do things that will cause others to suffer just because we though we wanted something so much, and it just didn't seem possible to have it without going against the right way. That is sin, and sin will always have consequences. Not only with the sinner, but with the innocent involved. This statement requires much thinking, and deep soul searching for all humans. And we all are humans of likewise. Some have ventured farther out in their desires than others, but the best of the best will consequently pay for the rest of their lives. I am trying to put it in plain words, but only God can help people understand His way of doing things. My final answer to all disturbed victims of past sins is to bury them at the cross, and never dig them up again. Sure they will surface occasionally, but we can keep burying them in Jesus name. We don't have to tell anyone about the covered sin that got washed up without our help. That makes it easier to live with our mistakes. Even if we have caused others to suffer from our sins, that too can be buried because it is impossible to undo what has been done. I don't know where this message came from, but it had to be delivered. I am trying to do my job of helping others overcome sadness, and even depression. I welcome the ones who help me with my worries, and distress all the time. The Word of God says, “Share ye one another's burdens,”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 22, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "My Lucky Easter Flower Got The Gold Pot"

Jean's Comment's: "My Lucky Easter Flower Got The Gold Pot":       The Easter flower that got chosen for the golden pot. 4-22-2019 Perryton, TX My Easter flower will live on because it got cho...

"My Lucky Easter Flower Got The Gold Pot"

      The Easter flower that got chosen for the golden pot. 4-22-2019 Perryton, TX

My Easter flower will live on because it got chosen for the golden pot. It will be a constant reminder that Jesus is still alive. My joy is also still alive. I may have to die a few times, but life always springs back. What a mystery, and what a joy life is to all who accept Christ as their Savior. Nothing, not money or fame, not pride or fake joy, can take the place of Christ in our lives. Every human being is a candidate for that priceless honor, but few shall ever possess it. Jesus lived as a humble, homeless human being, but He owned the whole world. Can you and I do the same? I think not, but I know that I am a child of the King. Just one of His less perfect ones. His love covereth a multitude of sins. I don't understand, but I believe His Word, and I am grateful.

I enjoyed a nice lunch at the Center today. It's always good to be back with friends, and share the latest news with them. We always get served a delicious meal, and many times we see faces we have not see there before. That is always a joy as it usually is someone we haven't seen in a long time. People need to stay in touch as much as possible. We all have our disadvantages, but we can do the best we can as that is all God expects of us. A little communication is better than none, and the more the merrier. We can keep those thoughts with us the rest of the day, and into the night. In fact many of them will stay with us forever. That is what friendship is all about.

We are suppose to get more rain this evening. I welcome the rain, but always fear for storms that sometimes come with it. Again I will depend upon God for protection for He is the only surety we have. I put my car in the garage, and covered my new Easter flower, and now I am inside feeling pretty safe. When we have taken measures to protect as much as we can, then we should be calm if it does storm. I will keep my television tuned onto the weather channel, and that is a great help. In the meantime I will be watching the war that's going on between the good, and the evil that seems to never slack off. I hope everyone will agree with me that we should never go to bed at night without praying for our country, and Israel, with the focus being on our Presidents of both countries. Prayer is our only hope. It has kept us safe thus far, and it will continue to do so if we will keep it up. Strength cometh from God, and if God be for us who can be against us?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Today Is Easter Sunday"

Jean's Comment's: "Today Is Easter Sunday": The last day of Easter, but the first day of our saving grace. He has risen. 4-21-2019 Perryton, TX I've been hearing stories tod...

"Today Is Easter Sunday"

The last day of Easter, but the first day of our saving grace. He has risen. 4-21-2019 Perryton, TX

I've been hearing stories today about how much fun the little children have been having hunting Easter eggs. I love to watch the little ones run as fast as they can trying to gather the most eggs. I remember when I used to do that myself. It was a time when most families got together, and had lunch then hid eggs for the children to hunt. Those memories are some of my most precious ones. I still celebrate Easter even if I have to do it alone. Today I had baked ham, potato salad, and baked beans for lunch. Then I took my little bunny, and some colored eggs out in the yard, and took a picture of them in the green grass. My Easter has not been ignored. The picture will be shared with several who read my blogs, and therefore several will share my Easter blessing. Let's keep it going in some way or another.

I visited with two of my sisters this morning by telephone. It was really nice to hear them talk about how much fun they had watching their little grands hunt Easter eggs. They too had a family dinner, and the adults played pool after the children finished their egg hunt. Their pleasure was passed on to me, although they may not know that. I am so thankful for my large family, and many friends. However, it would be nice if I lived closer to my family. I do have a trip planned to go and visit them in June. Also at that time I will be visiting my son, and daughter-in- law for a week. My daughter, and son-in-law will be coming to visit with us also. I am anxiously waiting for that time.

I'm always ready for a new week to begin. The week-ends are always lonely days for me. Every Monday I can go have lunch with friends at the Center. Tuesday I work, and have other places I can go that evening if I choose to. Wednesday I have lunch again at the Center, and do some yard work. Thursday I work, and usually have some place to go that evening. Friday is lunch day again at the Center, and I usually am ready for a little rest by the next day which is Saturday. The latter part of Saturday gets boring, and by Sunday I am about to climb the walls. I never knew the Golden years could be so tarnished before I reached them. I was expecting a shinning star every minute of every day. No so, my friend. You will need more faith at this time in your life than ever before, I don't care who you are. The life is coming to an end, and there is no way to by-pass it. We can work hard to try to forget, but our memory is better at this time in our life than ever before when it comes to thinking about tomorrow. We remember so well the old saying, “tomorrow may never come.” If not that is o k with me, but don't let me think about it Lord.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Bearing My Cross"

Jean's Comment's: "Bearing My Cross":          My favorite Easter picture. My church, my Savior's cross. 4-20-2019 Perryton, TX   This is the time of the year we celebra...

"Bearing My Cross"

         My favorite Easter picture. My church, my Savior's cross. 4-20-2019 Perryton, TX
This is the time of the year we celebrate Jesus death, and Resurrection. Three bodies hung on these crosses. Three bodies were taken to the grave, but only one body was taken out of the grave in perfect condition. Only the cloth that covered His body was left in the tomb. Some thought the body of Jesus had been stolen, but the angel said to the women who came to visit His grave, “He is not here. He is risen.” Can anyone possibly doubt that? No one but a brain impaired person. Jesus own words, “try me and see if I am real.” That is where many of fools back away without further comment. Yet they continue to say Jesus is not who people say He is. I personally have tried Jesus, and yes He definitely proved to me He is real. Never have I had the slightest doubt since that great, and blessed day. Yes, it was an on-the-spot revelation, and not a time thing. I was made a believer never to doubt again.

Coincidentally I had just finished reading the Old Testament three days ago, and was reading the first chapter of the New Testament when I realized this was the Easter, (celebration of Jesus birth,) time of the year. The first chapter of the New Testament, Matthew, tells about the coming birth of Jesus. I was entering a new world of joy when I finally got through the Old Testament, and into the New. It took me a year to read the Old Testament with just reading one chapter a night. I fought depression the entire time of reading the horrible, wickedness of creation before Christ. Some people refuse to read the Old Testament, but I believe it takes both books to complete the plan of God. I have read the Old Testament before several times, but never all at once without skipping over to the New to regain some new strength. This time I skipped not one chapter. The New Testament is short, and to the point, but I already know what's in the next chapter before I read it. What a rejoicing I feel after getting through the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection of that One who gave His life that you and I might have everlasting peace, and joy if we choose. Jesus is the Light of The World, In Him There is no Darkness. All the little children love Easter, and grow up thinking it's all about hunting colored eggs. But at the certain time of their life, they are made to realize it was Jesus, not the colored eggs, that made Easter so enjoyable. Someone long ago was wise in thinking of a way to include the children when we celebrated the life, and death, and resurrection of Jesus. I love the Easter bunny, and the colored eggs, but most of all I love Jesus who made all good things possible.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, April 19, 2019

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "Hallelujah What A Thought Jesus...

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "Hallelujah What A Thought Jesus...: Jean's Comment's: "Hallelujah What A Thought Jesus Full Salvation Bo... :           My Happy Easter Plant I bought myself today...

Jean's Comment's: "Hallelujah What A Thought Jesus Full Salvation Bo...

Jean's Comment's: "Hallelujah What A Thought Jesus Full Salvation Bo...:           My Happy Easter Plant I bought myself today. 4-18-2019 Perryton, TX  While shopping in Liberal, Kansas today I bought my...

"Hallelujah What A Thought Jesus Full Salvation Bought"

          My Happy Easter Plant I bought myself today. 4-18-2019 Perryton, TX 

While shopping in Liberal, Kansas today I bought myself this pretty Easter plant. I miss all the nice things my husband used to do for me. He always bought me flowers for every occasion. I fell in love with this plant today, and have just the right planter to set it in. It is a large gold, metal one, and I have already repainted it for use again this year. It sits in my flower bed in the front yard. I planned to look for a plant in Liberal to put in it, but I never expected to find this beauty. I spent nearly two hours shopping in Walmart today, and I filled my trunk with mostly groceries. The place was so crowded you could hardly get down the aisles. We do not have a Walmart here in Perryton, so a lot of people here go to Liberal to shop. I also had my tires checked while there today. I passed up the dress shops thinking I didn't need to spend any more money, and I was pretty tired. I probably won't be going back to Liberal till Chuck's three month supply of skoal runs out, unless I get invited to a Senior Citizen's dance. I'm not especially anxious for that to happen. After the 50 mile trip there, I don't have a lot of energy left to dance with.

We were lucky to not have any bad storms last night after the clouds were so threatening. Today has been nice, and although windy. it has been pleasant. I will be spreading weed, and feed on my back yard after I finish this blog. Hopefully it doesn't rain for a couple of days. The weed killer needs to sit on the lawn awhile before it gets wet. I have advanced more in taking care of my yards than I had thought at this time. Guess I'm stronger than I thought. Although I still have a ways to go.

This being Good Friday I am praising God for sending His Son to die on the cross for our sins. Tomorrow I will be posting a picture of the three crosses that permanently stand at the back of my church, First Christian. These crosses represent the fact that our Lord, and Savior died along with two thieves, and what! We complain about having to live among sinners? I think we should remember just who Jesus died for. Certainly not for good people, but for all sinners. If I remember correctly only one of the thieves asked Jesus for forgiveness by saying, “ remember me in Paradise,” but what about the other one? Did he believe who Jesus really was, or did he feel too unworthy to ask for mercy. I have know people with the feeling of the latter reason. Here is where you, and I, are needed to help those who feel too guilty to ask for forgiveness. My prayer, “lead me Lord to where I need to go.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Wicked Skies Above My House"

Jean's Comment's: "Wicked Skies Above My House":              The sky looks wicked this evening. Possible tornadoes. 4-18-2019 Perryton, TX   I just came inside from taking this pi...

"Wicked Skies Above My House"

             The sky looks wicked this evening. Possible tornadoes. 4-18-2019 Perryton, TX


I just came inside from taking this picture of the black clouds in the west. Looks like possible tornadoes tonight. Last evening there were several tornadoes a few miles south of Perryton, but no report of any hitting the ground. This evening it looks like they are trying to form again over my home area of Perryton. There was a little over one half inch of rain in my rain gauge this morning. It really made things look greener today, however the fruit tree spray I put on the trees probably got washed off. The rain was a good booster for my yard since the weed, and feed had been on long enough to be needing rain. I will do the trees again if it gives me time between rains to let it stay on for at least a couple of days. It will be too late if I can't get it on shortly.

I am preparing food for the Easter week-end. I have a big ham baking, and will make potato salad, and baked beans to go with it. Also will bake a chocolate cake tomorrow. I will not be having company as far as I know, but I never know. Chuck and I like to eat too. I have a long love for cooking. I wish I could get over that because I don't need to keep gaining weight. I will be traveling to Liberal, Kansas tomorrow if the weather permits. Chuck needs skoal, and I need some meds that I can't get here. It's just a vitamin, but believe it or not I cannot get the right kind here in Perryton. My doctor prescribed it, and it's been doing me good for nearly twenty years. As always I will be doing some shopping at some of my favorite clothing stores. Liberal is 45 miles from here, but the weather can change so quickly.

I just want to give an update on my sister who fell and broke a hip, and a shoulder three weeks ago today, She is going home from rehab tomorrow. It will be some time yet before she can do much, but she has been an angel while enduring this long, painful stay in the hospital, and rehab. She is so excited about getting to go home. If it were possible I would go to be with her while she continues to recover, but I just can't manage that. My son, Chuck, has to have help daily, because he is permanently disabled. I am his care giver. I can only be gone from him a few days at a time. My sister lives nearly two hundred miles from me. My prayers are with her, and she is an extraordinary person. I know she will be fine once she gets home. However, within a few weeks I will be going to see her, and we will take up where we left off before the accident.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Trust Me Trust Me"

Jean's Comment's: "Trust Me Trust Me":             My sweetie twittie loves me. I'm sitting a few feet from him. 4-17-2019 Perryton, TX   I am never without a friend whe...

"Trust Me Trust Me"

            My sweetie twittie loves me. I'm sitting a few feet from him. 4-17-2019 Perryton, TX
I am never without a friend when I walk outside. The birds are always watching for me, and never fail to come near and in their own way say, hello. There are some beautiful birds in my neighborhood. They make me appreciate my Creator more each day. What an awesome God who created everything. Even me, the mystery I haven't been able to figure out yet. I will walk, and talk, and sing the praises of God just like the birds that fly around. Someday I will know what my mission on this earth was all about. Most of the time I couldn't be happier, but a few times God pulls the blinds on me, and all I see is darkness. Like any child in a dark room who cannot turn on a light or leave the room, I get frightened. Is my Heavenly Father mad at me, or is He letting me grow some more? After a short time I have to believe He is testing my faith, and will reward me for my assurance. Yes, indeed without a doubt. My joy will just get greater, and my soul will just sing louder. The darkness left me, and now I see the sun, and the moon even brighter than before. I welcome the clouds so we can have the rain. I really love it when occasionally I see a rainbow. I always think of Noah, and his ark, Another thought that keeps me watching for that same dove Noah waited for to bring him assurance. The earth was flooded, and Noah's ark saved the lives of all that God needed to refurbish the earth again. His plan was to destroy all evil, and start a new world without the original sin. I don't know why God chose this plan of destruction, and neither does anyone else, but that's not to say the world will never be destroyed again. Let us stay faithful through thick, and thin.

The hardest thing God has to deal with me over is the loneliness from losing so many of my loved ones, and many, many friends. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed with that sorrow. That's when I feel like the curtain has been pulled, and I see no light. I have to struggle with God to help me through those times. Never has He failed to encourage me, even if it's only a friendly little bird. How very thankful I am for that Heavenly Father who loves me more than even my earthly father did. Those are God's own words found in His Holy Bible. He speaks to me with words of memory, both good, and bad, that makes me understand that He is the perfect fixer of all my confusion. He says, “trust Me, trust, Me.” Those two words have brought me through many of hard places in my life. Although, I am still human and I have to be reminded again, and again of those two words. Sometimes the curtain gets pulled before I remember them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 15, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Different Kind Of Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "A Different Kind Of Beauty": This beautiful evening the blue sky was sharing a moon before dark, The tree was partly hiding it. 4-15-2019 Perryton, TX I stepped o...

"A Different Kind Of Beauty"

This beautiful evening the blue sky was sharing a moon before dark, The tree was partly hiding it. 4-15-2019 Perryton, TX
I stepped out side this evening to check on my neighbors, and was surprised to see this bright golden moon shinning through the tree. It was over an hour before darkness set in, I'll take the moon shine any time. It always reminds me of one of the many miracles of God. The sky was so blue, even lighter than it looks in the picture. A white moon yes, but this golden glowing moon at this time of day. Awesome. I've never wanted to be a scientist trying to unravel all the mysteries of God, but I will have to admit much knowledge has been gained through these universal seekers of all we know to call is God. I may be a bit naive, but I try hard to keep myself that way. Too many people have lost their minds trying to find out the mysteries of God. I believe the Holy bible, and only that one. I prefer the King James Version. I think it has been modified less than any of the others. And I have had that Word of God proven to me many times by the living Spirit that dwells inside it's covers. Another mystery to the human mind, but a fact I dare to question. If more people would read their bible daily this world would be a much better place to live.

A terrible thing happened today that the entire world is watching. The Notre Dame Cathedral has been burning for nine hours at this time tonight. This Cathedral is the Catholics hope of all hopes, I am told. It is old, and a symbol of Old Testament Temples. Whether the fire was caused by accident, or arson, I believe God had a hand in it, but I cannot say why. This is something scientist cannot began to unravel, and I doubt if the best Fire Marshals in the world will ever know for sure. They will put a cause to it's origin, but only to please the demands of many people. The truth is, bible prophesy is being fulfilled, and there is no need to demand a reason. The bible is the best source of understanding why things happen both good, or bad. I will not be surprised to hear of many more church burning's or shootings, as I believe it is a sign of God's wrath toward me, and others, who have taken Him too lightly. He created the heavens and earth, and He will do anything He chooses to do so let us remember that. The word declares that a day will come when every knee shall bow before Him. We may not be far from that time now. I'm thinking of some who I believe would refuse till the very last breath would be taken from them, but because God said every knee shall bow, it will happen. God bless all the humble persons who are fighting with their lives for the cause of God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Welcomed Me home"

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Welcomed Me home":         My pretty Redbud tree is welcoming me home this morning. 4-15-2019 Perryton, TX Hello, everyone. I'm home again, and read...

"Beauty Welcomed Me home"

        My pretty Redbud tree is welcoming me home this morning. 4-15-2019 Perryton, TX

Hello, everyone. I'm home again, and ready to get with it. I spent two days in Clinton, and had a great time. I met several new people who were interesting to talk to. For those who don't know I go to Clinton often and meet my two sisters there, and we play the slots. This time I had to be alone as one of my sisters had had an accident and couldn't come. However, I was able to visit a lot with new friends. It seemed like everyone was enjoying themselves so mush till it didn't feel like anyone was a stranger. I am ready to go back already. This old world is not good for retired people who just sit home, and feel useless. We retirees are suppose to get out and have fun. We have spent many years of hard work, and raising a family. Now it's time to relax, and enjoy. It's very hard for older people to do that, because they feel too guilty for not still working. I'm on my way to Brave Road, there to become a winner over loneliness, and guilt. I'm claiming my victory over hard work. Now I will use my brain to do my work for me. Ha ha.

I did get my yard mowed yesterday, and now I'm watering so I can spread weed, and feed. If I keep my home as is, I will always have to work with my body. I'm not convinced that I want to change that pattern yet. I'm just telling myself what I've just told you. Can I listen to my advice? Maybe. I do have a lot of reasons why I'm having such a hard time of changing my lifestyle. I'm trusting God to work things out. I am one to believe that we have to put legs to our faith. But I need new legs in order to do that. Can God give me new legs? Definitely He can. My brain is working with Him on that one. I know what I want, but can I have it? I do believe. I just haven't had the positive request to hit me yet. God said, “ask and ye shall receive.” I have always been one to wait for God to tell me what I want. I can say, God has been very good to me, and I am more than thankful for His blessings. The Red bud tree I posted this morning makes my heart happy, because that tree is blooming because God is telling me to keep believing for a complete victorious life. Without a doubt I will do just that. I see Him speaking to me everywhere I look. I am constantly saying, “thank you Lord.” He is my closest friend, and guide. I am never alone although, I often say I am alone. However, I do need earthly friends to share my joys with. Also I want to share their joys with them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Cherry Delight Sounds Good"

Jean's Comment's: "Cherry Delight Sounds Good": The first blooms on my cherry tree with three other kinds of cherries on the same tree to bloom yet. Chuck thinks he made a gold medal on ...

"Cherry Delight Sounds Good"

The first blooms on my cherry tree with three other kinds of cherries on the same tree to bloom yet. Chuck thinks he made a gold medal on this one. 4-11-2019 Perryton, TX
We are now at the beginning of the cold spell just before Easter, one week away. We always have a very cold, windy, few days, right before Easter. Then we usually can depend on nice weather the rest of the summer. We have had rain, and snow predicted for Easter week-end, but I sure hope it doesn't happen. Everyone's yard needs to be mowed, but it hasn't been nice enough weather to mow yet. I had to wear a coat today. I came home from work to find dandelions blooming in my yard. I'm really unhappy about that. I can't remember whenever I have had but a few dandelions before I could spread weed and feed over my yard. It looks like it may be over a week yet before I can do it this year. The weeds have grown so fast this year while the weather was still cold, and raining nearly every day. My son, Chuck, tried to spray, but he has had an extremely bad case of allergies to flare up, and his eyes are swollen shut, Not a good spring for anyone.

I've been on a roll for the past week or so, and I am not wanting to stay home any. I can't find enough places to go to keep me satisfied, but I am constantly looking. I am tired of watching bad news all the time. It seems to be gearing up for a dirty war within our own country. I just need a long break before it burst wide open. I will be taking a few days off right away although, I am not sure yet where I will be going. The weather has a lot to do with me deciding. I won't travel if there are any signs of bad weather. And I will go prepared to stay longer than planned just in case I do get stranded. My sister whom had the bad accident the day before I was to go be with her is still in rehab. A broken hip, and shoulder takes awhile to mend well enough to go home. It has been two weeks now, and she is anxious to go home, and continue on with her busy life. I am sure I cannot wait that long before I have to get away a few days, but I will be going to see her as soon as she feels like having company.

Tomorrow I will be attending lunch at the Citizen's Center again. That is a get-away for a short time, but it always seems nice to be with friends even for a little while. Actually the time is flying by fast, and I have to stop and think if I have done everything I really wanted to do before I die. I believe I have, and I just want to count my blessing from now on out. I'm so thankful that I have good health, and have a good walking system. I know I need to thank God for those blessings every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Life For A Moment Wirhout Politics"

Jean's Comment's: "Life For A Moment Wirhout Politics": Membership Dinner for all who support The Museum Of The Plains in Perryton, TX 4-10-2019 Perryton, TX   Yesterday was a very bus...

"Life For A Moment Wirhout Politics"

Membership Dinner for all who support The Museum Of The Plains in Perryton, TX 4-10-2019 Perryton, TX
Yesterday was a very busy day for me. I love those kinds of days, but didn't have time to write my blog. I had to work til 3 o'clock then come home and get ready for the dinner at The Museum of The Plains at 6 o' clock. It was a great honor to members of the Museum to be blessed so graciously. The food was delicious, and prizes were given away. An Ochiltree county history book was given away to every one who wanted one. These were books left over from the last publishing. I had such a good time as I was fortunate enough to be with a sweet friend for the first time since her husband passed away, about a month ago. I could hardly hold back the tears as I watched her hugging so many people at this dinner. I'm sure she was forcing back the tears as her husband was a well liked person in this community. However, she acted so happy to be seeing everybody. For the past several years she and her husband spent most of their time in another city where they had purchases another home, but they kept their home here in Perryton, and came back for a few days at a time.

After the dinner was over my three good friends took me to a western music, live band meeting. That completed one of the most exciting evening of my life. The new, widowed friend's husband started this band several years ago. All seven members of the band sang, and played musical instruments. Some of the songs brought tears to my good friend, although she would never let them be seen. My husband has been gone for over six years, and I could not keep back the tears. We were laughing, and crying at the same time. When this one singer sang the old time song, “Will the circle be unbroken bye and bye Lord in the sky, I almost lost it. This day was made especially for me. I am thankful for it.

Today I attended the luncheon at the Center. I was still bubbling over with joy. I hope I can keep this good feeling for a long time. It's time for me to take a vacation from politics however, I will always be concerned about the safety of our country. I must send up a prayer for it every nigh before I go to bed. I believe God waits for that prayer, and will answer it. He has proven that to me for a long time, and as long as I keep trusting, He will never quit answering. God bless America, and God bless everyone who loves it. Sing ye all the songs of joy unto the Lord. Dance when you no longer can sit still. The joy of the Lord drives the grief away, and makes our lives worth living. Keep waiting for that miracle that will knock you down with unbelief, the one that you probably had forgotten about.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 8, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Even A Little Bird Is Smarter Than Some Humans"

Jean's Comment's: "Even A Little Bird Is Smarter Than Some Humans":                      It's nice to have friends in high class. 4-8-2019 Perryton, TX  Last evening while sitting on my porch th...

"Even A Little Bird Is Smarter Than Some Humans"

                     It's nice to have friends in high class. 4-8-2019 Perryton, TX 

Last evening while sitting on my porch this friendly little bird joined me for a quick hello. It had a perfect figure, and did a perfect pose for me. I have to be lifted up when I see these free little feather-winged, creatures sailing through the air with not a worry one. They always seem so happy, and most of the time they have friends to quickly join them. I ask myself why can't people be of the same class. We are not free because we are bound with duties. Every day I am busy trying to remember all the things I am supposed to do this day. Then I can't find what I need to do them with. I am thankful that I can usually remember to figure it all out, and feel stupid when I realize just how complicated I make things. I would like to be like the little birds who have nothing to worry about. But then I wouldn't have my comfortable bed to sleep in at night, or my television that I simply would go crazy without. I couldn't connect with friends, and family all around the world without my computer. I couldn't take care of my flowers that bring me so much joy, or dress up and go out. No thanks I've decided I would rather be me than a free bird, as long as we can keep the evil lunatics out of our country. That is something that all of us must worry about, because we are not birds.

The President is making several changes in his need for tougher control to protect America. Today we have a new Homeland Security Secretary. Kevin Mcaleenan is replacing Kirstjen Nielsen with that important position. I think this is an over due decision. It takes someone much tougher than this nice lady to turn the migrants back. Any human being with a Christian conscience hates to do what that job requires, but it has to be done. There is a degree of tough action that has to be applied or America will end up like so many of the other suffering countries. Out of control, with no hope of recovery. I believe our President made a wise choice when he put Kevin Mcaleenan in charge of that position. The Democrats will have to look harder now to find the illegal votes they have been depending on. In time America will again be a law abiding, God trusting country. The Christians will never be outnumbered in this country as long as we have a strong leader in our White House. And when President Trump has filled his time there will be another one just like him to take over where he left off. We are winning this war of evil by leaps and bounds. What a joke the Democrats have made out of their party. It is getting funnier every day with them. I am even starting to enjoy their childish speeches. Just wondering how they could be so ridiculous. It makes good entertainment sometimes.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Asparagus Helps Heal Cancer I'm Told"

Jean's Comment's: "Asparagus Helps Heal Cancer I'm Told": The second serving of asparagus I've cut from my garden this year. 4-7-2019 Perryton, TX The best vegetable I've eaten in a...

"Asparagus Helps Heal Cancer I'm Told"

The second serving of asparagus I've cut from my garden this year. 4-7-2019 Perryton, TX

The best vegetable I've eaten in a long time was cut from my own asparagus patch. I've never tasted better asparagus. I could make a meal out with it. Everything in my yard is growing and looking good. Time to start the hard work of taking care. I slowly, but surly am able to do that. My biggest job is keeping the rabbits from eating my vegetables, and berries while they are very young, and ripe. I have to stay focused on the garden stuff, and beat the rabbits to it. They also like some of my young flower plants when they first come up. I have scared the cats out of my yard so many times till I hardly ever see one again, but the rabbits won't scare. They just keep coming back. I can say one thing I love this beautiful spring weather, and I soak up a lot of sunshine.

This being Sunday there is no new news on. It's all about discussing what happened the past week. I see the same things over, and over. Needless to say week-ends are very boring for me. My children usually call me, but so far they haven't today. I talked with my sister who has been in the hospital, for quite some time. She is doing well, but will be kept in rehab for awhile yet. A broken hip, and shoulder don't heal very fast. When she is able we plan to get together since we had to cancel our plans when she fell. Hopefully Easter week-end. I do have an invitation to a membership dinner this coming Tuesday night at the Museum of The Plains. This is an event I thoroughly enjoy. I have yet to decide who I'm going with. Many of my friends will be there.

I am having good luck with my diet, but if I attend this dinner I may have a set back. Some things are just hard to choose between. I feel like I deserve this treat night, but afterwards I will be sorry. Isn't that what life is all about. When we splurge and have fun, then the consequences are devastating. The Lord is gracious to us, and helps us to recover quickly. I believe He intended for us to have pleasure, and will even provide it. The Word says God created all pleasures. Without it I think we would be crippled. We are just suppose to do everything in moderation. I am so thankful to be part of God's perfect, and loving plan. Like the Apostle Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ who strength me.” I have found that to be true many times. Although, many times we don't know for sure if we should continue to seek after things that seem too hard to conquer. That's when I walk away, and say “Lord not now, but I am not giving up on you.” He understands, and gives us peace after all.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp


Saturday, April 6, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Another Bit Of Nature And A Lot Of It's Creator"

Jean's Comment's: "Another Bit Of Nature And A Lot Of It's Creator":               The daffodils prefer a bit of silver for their adornment. 4-6-2019 Perryton, TX   The daffodils like a touch of silver fo...

"Another Bit Of Nature And A Lot Of It's Creator"

              The daffodils prefer a bit of silver for their adornment. 4-6-2019 Perryton, TX
The daffodils like a touch of silver for their adornment. They proudly compete with the crocus's. They get many glances from passer- byer's walking down the sidewalk. Not to say that I admire them all day long. All beauty belongs to God, and as long as I can display it in any form or fashion I will do just that. Creative ideas are a gift of God, if they give Him pleasure in any way. Otherwise they are a gift of Satan. God gets no pleasure at looking on Satan's so-called art whether it be physically inspired, or a mental attempt to draw attention away from Him. He knows the difference, and so does the artist. The art admirers must decide in a lot of everyday events. A painting of an erupted volcano is not meant to be beautiful, neither is it intended to influence people to disbelieve in God. It is an artist's idea of a powerful God, and should be looked upon as nothing more. But what evil-minded person would want to hang a painting of an erupted volcano in their political office? I wouldn't expect to find one there. Neither would I expect to find Mother Mary holding baby Jesus in her arms. A person's choice of art tells you a lot about them. How they feel about themselves, or others. It does not have to be an exaggerated emphases to describe a personality. Many people leave their walls plain except maybe a picture of a loved one. Those people are easily seen as bores, or self-admired misfits. Others who fill a space with anything available just to keep in style are simply easy-goers who never have a serious thought. Yes, art is a form of beauty or a statement of reality. It comes in many forms or fashions.

It this artist hasn't made sense to you it's probably because I am a person of wonder. All of the statements I've made here are because I live in a nation, as yet, of free speech. I wonder how much longer I can say that. When our freedom as American Citizens has come to an end, I wonder, but I feel sure to say, we will have already been captured by the evil majority. I cannot expand on the outcome, except I firmly believe God's Word, and it tells a sad story for when that day comes. I think there are too many nonchalant dead beats who are either too ignorant, or too self-centered to put forth an effort to keep America safe. They don't know that God said all must be held accountable. Even their vote would help a lot. But they say, “I can't do nothing. My vote wouldn't help. I barely survive.” They are one vote that could help a lot if only they would cast it. I believe it's just too much trouble for them, and they find other things more interesting to do. “God have mercy on them.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, April 5, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Of Nature And A Lot Of It's Giver"

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Of Nature And A Lot Of It's Giver": Now you see why I love spring so much. Crocus sharing gold nugget. 4-5-2019 Perryton, TX   I'm feeling so proud of myself today....

"A Little Of Nature And A Lot Of It's Giver"

Now you see why I love spring so much. Crocus sharing gold nugget. 4-5-2019 Perryton, TX

I'm feeling so proud of myself today. I worked an hour, and a half, in my flower garden. I'm starting to bloom with my flowers. I cut a mess of tender asparagus also, and will have it for my evening meal. I finally went back on a diet which I thought I never would again. Those scales just kept depressing me till I said no more, I had a salad for lunch after skipping breakfast. I baked some chicken, and will have that with fresh asparagus for evening meal at 5 o'clock. Nothing else to eat after that. I have too many cloths to push back in my closet. I determine not to buy even one bigger size. Happy found me today, and I am not letting her leave me. She has a lot of new ideas, and I plan to try them all. It's strange how very unexpected Happy just shows up. I'm sure my angel sent her here. “Thank you Lord.”

As I write this blog I'm listening to our President commenting on the border wall. He flew to California this morning to see some wall that is finished. He is pleased with the great job that is being done. I heard him say 400 more miles would be built within the next two years. We are finally locking our doors to the intruders coming into our country, and trying to change our religious belief in God. Never, never will we allow that. The evil things they have already accomplished have just got to be reversed. Any time we take a new born baby that didn't get killed before it was born, and it is kept comfortable till the mother decides if she wants to go ahead and kill it, my God is not allowing it to happen without pouring out His wrath. This is just the beginning of what will happen if we let the liberals continue to decide to destroy our constitution. The fight is on, and it is only going to get worse. We Christians must prove our faith in our God. I fully believe He is demanding it of us. In spite of all the trials of painful setbacks, God is still with us, and will make our pain bearable until He sees we are truly going to stay faithful to Him. What more could we ask? We weren't promised a painless life, and an easy road to follow when we were born. We were promised to be able to endure if we would just trust God. He makes our burdens light, and rewards our faithfulness. If anyone agrees with me tell God, and not me. God knows all things, and He will not forget any effort we put forth. By faith I am satisfied to wait for my reward when the time comes to receive it. I do not want it now. I have something to look forward to when I reach that glorious place called Heaven.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Comparing Peaches To Lemons"

Jean's Comment's: "Comparing Peaches To Lemons": Our peach tree should be giving us lots of peaches this year unless we have a late freeze. 4-4-2019 Perryton, TX   One of my big jobs ...

"Comparing Peaches To Lemons"

Our peach tree should be giving us lots of peaches this year unless we have a late freeze. 4-4-2019 Perryton, TX
One of my big jobs today was spraying the peach tree. It is solid blooms, and I sprayed every one of them, This tree produces delicious peaches, and I plan to can many quarts. The strawberries are blooming also, and the apple trees are starting to bloom. It looks like I will have a busy summer canning. The storm I feared last evening missed us. We just got a little rain. Today the sun is shinning brightly, and the wind is calm. This is the kind of day I love.

I still have plans to take the trip with my sisters that I had to postpone last Friday due to one of my sisters falling and breaking a hip, and a shoulder. I talked with her today one week later, and she is doing well. She is in rehab, but should be going home in a day or two. I expect in a few weeks she will be able to go ahead with our plans. I can wait, but will admit I am anxious. I know I will be more satisfied with my boring life after I return from the trip I have looked forward to for so long. I have been home bound too long. It's time to get away for awhile. Mostly I need to get away from politics. Far too much hate is being expressed every day. I truly believe that hell has been opened up, and those who were sent there by God, are now free to use their demon spirit on those who are still fighting Satan. Many people have different opinions of what hell will be like, and where it is, but I believe hell is already in place here on earth. I don't know how it could be explained any other way.

It seems as though all decency has been long buried, and nothing is sin any more. I have to strongly disagree with that thought. Just look around and see all the suffering going on, and all the cursing being spoken to those who are holding onto God's unchanging hand. The true, and faithful Christian will never be buried with a shameful, existing life. I know that is unsatisfactory with many, but I am firm on that belief. They may find temporary relief, but it will never be everlasting. As told in the bible times will get more unbearable as the world winds down. Only those who will not give into Satan's lies will be able to bear the cross. When Satan tells you it doesn't matter what God has told us in his word, but if you will listen to him he will make you smarter than God. No sin can ever be forgotten because the fruits are facing you in the eye every day, but God does forgive, and will help you live with the consequences if you truly ask Him to. I find myself asking God every day to help me forget my past sins. and help me to strive to sin less every day. We cannot live sinless lives, but we can sin less if we pray daily for God's help, and wisdom.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

"That's How Quick It Can Happen"

Beautiful plum tree my next door neighbor has. Hoping for no more freezes. 4-3-2019 Perryton, TX
After coming home from lunch at the Center today, I spent time watering flowers, and berries in my yard. I just had to take a picture of my next-door neighbor's pretty plum tree. Her yard is always so pretty with flowers of every kind. She has a lovely patio, and it always looks ready for entertaining. I am proud to live next door to this neighbor.
She is 94, but still does all of her yard work except mowing. She puts me to shame. She didn't make it to the Center for lunch today because she had company, but she usually makes it most of the time.

I spent the morning watching Fox News. Each day seems to bring us more and more into impossible uniting of this Great American Democracy. The hate just grows deeper, and deeper. The more our country prospers the more the liberal democrats want to bring it to an end. The republican party has a few RINOS in their ranks also. They must be voted out the next election. They are part of the filthy swamp. President Trump is patient, and he knows what he is doing. He just receives more, and more wisdom every day. His health remains good, and no doubt he will finish the job of cleaning out that swamp. I have no patience with people who are not interested in following the true news (Fox) and chose otherwise to pretend there is no problem in America. They will wake up too late.

Rain clouds are starting to form now in Perryton. We hope no storms will occur. It's getting very dark so suddenly. Times like these is when I don't like being alone. I have to trust God for my safety. My next-door neighbor on the other side of me has a basement, but they are not always at home. They always lock their doors when they leave, otherwise they have told me not to even bother to knock, just open the door and come in. I feel sure that God is going to turn His patience into wrath soon, but I also feel strongly that He will shelter His faithful followers. I do not believe in tempting God if we have a chance to protect ourselves, but if not He will protect us. We have seen God's anger at work a lot recently. He will continue as long as it takes to convince people that He is God, and He will do what He said He would, whether good, or bad. He is the peace in the midst of the storm. I am with Him, and no one can make me doubt that. His anger can be fierce, but His love is almighty. I hope our electricity doesn't go off. I am lost without television. However, I can stand the darkness, and no television better than I can stand the destructive winds. So here I leave this blog, and find a place to relax while I wait for the moon to shine.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp