Friday, April 19, 2019

"Hallelujah What A Thought Jesus Full Salvation Bought"

          My Happy Easter Plant I bought myself today. 4-18-2019 Perryton, TX 

While shopping in Liberal, Kansas today I bought myself this pretty Easter plant. I miss all the nice things my husband used to do for me. He always bought me flowers for every occasion. I fell in love with this plant today, and have just the right planter to set it in. It is a large gold, metal one, and I have already repainted it for use again this year. It sits in my flower bed in the front yard. I planned to look for a plant in Liberal to put in it, but I never expected to find this beauty. I spent nearly two hours shopping in Walmart today, and I filled my trunk with mostly groceries. The place was so crowded you could hardly get down the aisles. We do not have a Walmart here in Perryton, so a lot of people here go to Liberal to shop. I also had my tires checked while there today. I passed up the dress shops thinking I didn't need to spend any more money, and I was pretty tired. I probably won't be going back to Liberal till Chuck's three month supply of skoal runs out, unless I get invited to a Senior Citizen's dance. I'm not especially anxious for that to happen. After the 50 mile trip there, I don't have a lot of energy left to dance with.

We were lucky to not have any bad storms last night after the clouds were so threatening. Today has been nice, and although windy. it has been pleasant. I will be spreading weed, and feed on my back yard after I finish this blog. Hopefully it doesn't rain for a couple of days. The weed killer needs to sit on the lawn awhile before it gets wet. I have advanced more in taking care of my yards than I had thought at this time. Guess I'm stronger than I thought. Although I still have a ways to go.

This being Good Friday I am praising God for sending His Son to die on the cross for our sins. Tomorrow I will be posting a picture of the three crosses that permanently stand at the back of my church, First Christian. These crosses represent the fact that our Lord, and Savior died along with two thieves, and what! We complain about having to live among sinners? I think we should remember just who Jesus died for. Certainly not for good people, but for all sinners. If I remember correctly only one of the thieves asked Jesus for forgiveness by saying, “ remember me in Paradise,” but what about the other one? Did he believe who Jesus really was, or did he feel too unworthy to ask for mercy. I have know people with the feeling of the latter reason. Here is where you, and I, are needed to help those who feel too guilty to ask for forgiveness. My prayer, “lead me Lord to where I need to go.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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