Thursday, April 18, 2019

"Wicked Skies Above My House"

             The sky looks wicked this evening. Possible tornadoes. 4-18-2019 Perryton, TX


I just came inside from taking this picture of the black clouds in the west. Looks like possible tornadoes tonight. Last evening there were several tornadoes a few miles south of Perryton, but no report of any hitting the ground. This evening it looks like they are trying to form again over my home area of Perryton. There was a little over one half inch of rain in my rain gauge this morning. It really made things look greener today, however the fruit tree spray I put on the trees probably got washed off. The rain was a good booster for my yard since the weed, and feed had been on long enough to be needing rain. I will do the trees again if it gives me time between rains to let it stay on for at least a couple of days. It will be too late if I can't get it on shortly.

I am preparing food for the Easter week-end. I have a big ham baking, and will make potato salad, and baked beans to go with it. Also will bake a chocolate cake tomorrow. I will not be having company as far as I know, but I never know. Chuck and I like to eat too. I have a long love for cooking. I wish I could get over that because I don't need to keep gaining weight. I will be traveling to Liberal, Kansas tomorrow if the weather permits. Chuck needs skoal, and I need some meds that I can't get here. It's just a vitamin, but believe it or not I cannot get the right kind here in Perryton. My doctor prescribed it, and it's been doing me good for nearly twenty years. As always I will be doing some shopping at some of my favorite clothing stores. Liberal is 45 miles from here, but the weather can change so quickly.

I just want to give an update on my sister who fell and broke a hip, and a shoulder three weeks ago today, She is going home from rehab tomorrow. It will be some time yet before she can do much, but she has been an angel while enduring this long, painful stay in the hospital, and rehab. She is so excited about getting to go home. If it were possible I would go to be with her while she continues to recover, but I just can't manage that. My son, Chuck, has to have help daily, because he is permanently disabled. I am his care giver. I can only be gone from him a few days at a time. My sister lives nearly two hundred miles from me. My prayers are with her, and she is an extraordinary person. I know she will be fine once she gets home. However, within a few weeks I will be going to see her, and we will take up where we left off before the accident.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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