Monday, April 22, 2019

"My Lucky Easter Flower Got The Gold Pot"

      The Easter flower that got chosen for the golden pot. 4-22-2019 Perryton, TX

My Easter flower will live on because it got chosen for the golden pot. It will be a constant reminder that Jesus is still alive. My joy is also still alive. I may have to die a few times, but life always springs back. What a mystery, and what a joy life is to all who accept Christ as their Savior. Nothing, not money or fame, not pride or fake joy, can take the place of Christ in our lives. Every human being is a candidate for that priceless honor, but few shall ever possess it. Jesus lived as a humble, homeless human being, but He owned the whole world. Can you and I do the same? I think not, but I know that I am a child of the King. Just one of His less perfect ones. His love covereth a multitude of sins. I don't understand, but I believe His Word, and I am grateful.

I enjoyed a nice lunch at the Center today. It's always good to be back with friends, and share the latest news with them. We always get served a delicious meal, and many times we see faces we have not see there before. That is always a joy as it usually is someone we haven't seen in a long time. People need to stay in touch as much as possible. We all have our disadvantages, but we can do the best we can as that is all God expects of us. A little communication is better than none, and the more the merrier. We can keep those thoughts with us the rest of the day, and into the night. In fact many of them will stay with us forever. That is what friendship is all about.

We are suppose to get more rain this evening. I welcome the rain, but always fear for storms that sometimes come with it. Again I will depend upon God for protection for He is the only surety we have. I put my car in the garage, and covered my new Easter flower, and now I am inside feeling pretty safe. When we have taken measures to protect as much as we can, then we should be calm if it does storm. I will keep my television tuned onto the weather channel, and that is a great help. In the meantime I will be watching the war that's going on between the good, and the evil that seems to never slack off. I hope everyone will agree with me that we should never go to bed at night without praying for our country, and Israel, with the focus being on our Presidents of both countries. Prayer is our only hope. It has kept us safe thus far, and it will continue to do so if we will keep it up. Strength cometh from God, and if God be for us who can be against us?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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