Monday, April 8, 2019

"Even A Little Bird Is Smarter Than Some Humans"

                     It's nice to have friends in high class. 4-8-2019 Perryton, TX 

Last evening while sitting on my porch this friendly little bird joined me for a quick hello. It had a perfect figure, and did a perfect pose for me. I have to be lifted up when I see these free little feather-winged, creatures sailing through the air with not a worry one. They always seem so happy, and most of the time they have friends to quickly join them. I ask myself why can't people be of the same class. We are not free because we are bound with duties. Every day I am busy trying to remember all the things I am supposed to do this day. Then I can't find what I need to do them with. I am thankful that I can usually remember to figure it all out, and feel stupid when I realize just how complicated I make things. I would like to be like the little birds who have nothing to worry about. But then I wouldn't have my comfortable bed to sleep in at night, or my television that I simply would go crazy without. I couldn't connect with friends, and family all around the world without my computer. I couldn't take care of my flowers that bring me so much joy, or dress up and go out. No thanks I've decided I would rather be me than a free bird, as long as we can keep the evil lunatics out of our country. That is something that all of us must worry about, because we are not birds.

The President is making several changes in his need for tougher control to protect America. Today we have a new Homeland Security Secretary. Kevin Mcaleenan is replacing Kirstjen Nielsen with that important position. I think this is an over due decision. It takes someone much tougher than this nice lady to turn the migrants back. Any human being with a Christian conscience hates to do what that job requires, but it has to be done. There is a degree of tough action that has to be applied or America will end up like so many of the other suffering countries. Out of control, with no hope of recovery. I believe our President made a wise choice when he put Kevin Mcaleenan in charge of that position. The Democrats will have to look harder now to find the illegal votes they have been depending on. In time America will again be a law abiding, God trusting country. The Christians will never be outnumbered in this country as long as we have a strong leader in our White House. And when President Trump has filled his time there will be another one just like him to take over where he left off. We are winning this war of evil by leaps and bounds. What a joke the Democrats have made out of their party. It is getting funnier every day with them. I am even starting to enjoy their childish speeches. Just wondering how they could be so ridiculous. It makes good entertainment sometimes.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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