Sunday, April 7, 2019

"Asparagus Helps Heal Cancer I'm Told"

The second serving of asparagus I've cut from my garden this year. 4-7-2019 Perryton, TX

The best vegetable I've eaten in a long time was cut from my own asparagus patch. I've never tasted better asparagus. I could make a meal out with it. Everything in my yard is growing and looking good. Time to start the hard work of taking care. I slowly, but surly am able to do that. My biggest job is keeping the rabbits from eating my vegetables, and berries while they are very young, and ripe. I have to stay focused on the garden stuff, and beat the rabbits to it. They also like some of my young flower plants when they first come up. I have scared the cats out of my yard so many times till I hardly ever see one again, but the rabbits won't scare. They just keep coming back. I can say one thing I love this beautiful spring weather, and I soak up a lot of sunshine.

This being Sunday there is no new news on. It's all about discussing what happened the past week. I see the same things over, and over. Needless to say week-ends are very boring for me. My children usually call me, but so far they haven't today. I talked with my sister who has been in the hospital, for quite some time. She is doing well, but will be kept in rehab for awhile yet. A broken hip, and shoulder don't heal very fast. When she is able we plan to get together since we had to cancel our plans when she fell. Hopefully Easter week-end. I do have an invitation to a membership dinner this coming Tuesday night at the Museum of The Plains. This is an event I thoroughly enjoy. I have yet to decide who I'm going with. Many of my friends will be there.

I am having good luck with my diet, but if I attend this dinner I may have a set back. Some things are just hard to choose between. I feel like I deserve this treat night, but afterwards I will be sorry. Isn't that what life is all about. When we splurge and have fun, then the consequences are devastating. The Lord is gracious to us, and helps us to recover quickly. I believe He intended for us to have pleasure, and will even provide it. The Word says God created all pleasures. Without it I think we would be crippled. We are just suppose to do everything in moderation. I am so thankful to be part of God's perfect, and loving plan. Like the Apostle Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ who strength me.” I have found that to be true many times. Although, many times we don't know for sure if we should continue to seek after things that seem too hard to conquer. That's when I walk away, and say “Lord not now, but I am not giving up on you.” He understands, and gives us peace after all.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp


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