Wednesday, April 17, 2019

"Trust Me Trust Me"

            My sweetie twittie loves me. I'm sitting a few feet from him. 4-17-2019 Perryton, TX
I am never without a friend when I walk outside. The birds are always watching for me, and never fail to come near and in their own way say, hello. There are some beautiful birds in my neighborhood. They make me appreciate my Creator more each day. What an awesome God who created everything. Even me, the mystery I haven't been able to figure out yet. I will walk, and talk, and sing the praises of God just like the birds that fly around. Someday I will know what my mission on this earth was all about. Most of the time I couldn't be happier, but a few times God pulls the blinds on me, and all I see is darkness. Like any child in a dark room who cannot turn on a light or leave the room, I get frightened. Is my Heavenly Father mad at me, or is He letting me grow some more? After a short time I have to believe He is testing my faith, and will reward me for my assurance. Yes, indeed without a doubt. My joy will just get greater, and my soul will just sing louder. The darkness left me, and now I see the sun, and the moon even brighter than before. I welcome the clouds so we can have the rain. I really love it when occasionally I see a rainbow. I always think of Noah, and his ark, Another thought that keeps me watching for that same dove Noah waited for to bring him assurance. The earth was flooded, and Noah's ark saved the lives of all that God needed to refurbish the earth again. His plan was to destroy all evil, and start a new world without the original sin. I don't know why God chose this plan of destruction, and neither does anyone else, but that's not to say the world will never be destroyed again. Let us stay faithful through thick, and thin.

The hardest thing God has to deal with me over is the loneliness from losing so many of my loved ones, and many, many friends. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed with that sorrow. That's when I feel like the curtain has been pulled, and I see no light. I have to struggle with God to help me through those times. Never has He failed to encourage me, even if it's only a friendly little bird. How very thankful I am for that Heavenly Father who loves me more than even my earthly father did. Those are God's own words found in His Holy Bible. He speaks to me with words of memory, both good, and bad, that makes me understand that He is the perfect fixer of all my confusion. He says, “trust Me, trust, Me.” Those two words have brought me through many of hard places in my life. Although, I am still human and I have to be reminded again, and again of those two words. Sometimes the curtain gets pulled before I remember them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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