Monday, April 1, 2019

"Nothing Could Be More Encouraging Than Sunshine"

                                          A great sunny day for me.4-1-2019 Perryton, TX

This has been a good day for me. The sun has shone brightly all day long. My sister had her shoulder surgery this morning, and is doing well. I went to the Center for lunch, and now I am ready for another good day. God is good all the time. If sometimes we feel otherwise it's because we're letting our adolescence take over our thoughts. We must be rooted, and grounded in God's Word to keep that from happening. My sister is going through this experience at this time, but she is nothing but strong minded, and determined to kick the odds. She got more of our parent's faith than I did. I wish I could tell them that. They would be proud, and possibly they are both smiling in heaven at this time. My sister was the baby of seven children. I am next to the oldest. I'm counting the days til I can go ahead with the trip we had planned together, but had it interrupted the night before we were to meet because my sister fell and broke a hip, and a shoulder. It has been a bad setback for her. She has had metal put in both her shoulder, and hip, but she is determined to fight back. I know God is with her, and will give her back her mobility. The best days are yet to come. Every trial we have to endure is just another step to being blessed more.

I'm patiently waiting for mine, because I have been through a few trials lately also. Nothing physical, but quite a lot of mental. I am feeling great now, even with my sister being in deep pain, and consequential effects. I am as positive as she that we both will be blessed in the future. I feel sure that our Lord will carry us through the explosives of world-spread evil bombs, and people who are owned by Satan to do his job of destroying every ounce of good God has created. We have the blood of Jesus applied to our foreheads, and the death angel will pass over us. It happened before, and it's happening again. We can claim our victory now, and wait for that blessed day of Heavenly rest. This first day of April has been joke free for me. Maybe God knew I didn't need any funny stuff today. I was in the crowd but no one was joking today. We did have a very nice meal, and exchange a few smiles. Everyone looked contented with what they have, and thankful for the ability to be present. That certainly fit my taste. The bacon-wrapped chicken breast was delicious, and the other stuff we had to go with it, but most of all I was pleased with my friendly diners. I left that place feeling a foot taller. Thank God for lovely people, and I ask Him to continue to bless them. I'm looking forward to the next luncheon.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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