Thursday, April 11, 2019

"Cherry Delight Sounds Good"

The first blooms on my cherry tree with three other kinds of cherries on the same tree to bloom yet. Chuck thinks he made a gold medal on this one. 4-11-2019 Perryton, TX
We are now at the beginning of the cold spell just before Easter, one week away. We always have a very cold, windy, few days, right before Easter. Then we usually can depend on nice weather the rest of the summer. We have had rain, and snow predicted for Easter week-end, but I sure hope it doesn't happen. Everyone's yard needs to be mowed, but it hasn't been nice enough weather to mow yet. I had to wear a coat today. I came home from work to find dandelions blooming in my yard. I'm really unhappy about that. I can't remember whenever I have had but a few dandelions before I could spread weed and feed over my yard. It looks like it may be over a week yet before I can do it this year. The weeds have grown so fast this year while the weather was still cold, and raining nearly every day. My son, Chuck, tried to spray, but he has had an extremely bad case of allergies to flare up, and his eyes are swollen shut, Not a good spring for anyone.

I've been on a roll for the past week or so, and I am not wanting to stay home any. I can't find enough places to go to keep me satisfied, but I am constantly looking. I am tired of watching bad news all the time. It seems to be gearing up for a dirty war within our own country. I just need a long break before it burst wide open. I will be taking a few days off right away although, I am not sure yet where I will be going. The weather has a lot to do with me deciding. I won't travel if there are any signs of bad weather. And I will go prepared to stay longer than planned just in case I do get stranded. My sister whom had the bad accident the day before I was to go be with her is still in rehab. A broken hip, and shoulder takes awhile to mend well enough to go home. It has been two weeks now, and she is anxious to go home, and continue on with her busy life. I am sure I cannot wait that long before I have to get away a few days, but I will be going to see her as soon as she feels like having company.

Tomorrow I will be attending lunch at the Citizen's Center again. That is a get-away for a short time, but it always seems nice to be with friends even for a little while. Actually the time is flying by fast, and I have to stop and think if I have done everything I really wanted to do before I die. I believe I have, and I just want to count my blessing from now on out. I'm so thankful that I have good health, and have a good walking system. I know I need to thank God for those blessings every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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