Monday, April 29, 2019

"I Claim The Fastest Growing Food Ever"

These two asparagus stalks would make a meal for several, cows, that is. They grow too fast. 4-29-2019 Perryton, TX

Amazing how fast the asparagus grows. No more table food from the asparagus this year. They are headed for the moon. Those stalks will get 7 to 8 feet tall before they stop growing. The tops will spread out like a willow tree. This little patch of asparagus is 10 years old. I started them from seeds then transplanted them the second year. It took another three years before I could get a mess fit to eat. Each year now I am able to cut more eatable asparagus. I only have to water it. I am a lady of patience for which I thank God. I spent two hours yesterday trying to activate my blog message so I could paste it to the picture, but never was successful. One little mistake caused me to lose the message before I got it pasted to the picture. With all the changes being made to the computer technology I find myself more, and more computer illiterate. This patient lady is about to give up on continued computer education. There are too many scanners out there to take chances. A technician asked me this morning to give him control of my computer so he could fix the problem. I declined for fear of something bad that could happen. So my blog message for yesterday remains on the document file that says inactivated. I feel cheated because I took a lot of time to deliver my heart yesterday, but maybe God didn't want it to be posted. I have to trust Him.

So today I am complaining, but still have a lot of patience with myself. I am surprised at how well I rested last night. That's how great our God is. My computer mistake was not the only thing that upset me yesterday, but for some reason I stayed calm when I wanted to tell another person off. I believe it was just another of those days when God puts us to the test. Today I can't even get out of the house because it's cloudy, the wind is blowing 26 mph, and the temperature is 55 degree. My body resistance is not strong enough for that kind of outside. That's o k, I will find something to enjoy within the walls of my blessed home. For lunch I'm having chicken fried steak with home made biscuits, and gravy. Later on I will make a pecan pie, and put on a pot of ham and beans. In my spare time I will be watching the latest news, while waiting for a telephone call or two. The mail has already run, so that exciting time will have to continue tomorrow. I am expecting some very welcome mail, I have several things scheduled for this summer, so I will try to keep occupied until then. To say the least I am excited. I may get upset from time to time, but it always turns out for my benefit.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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