Wednesday, April 24, 2019

"Life Begins At Spring It's Here"

    Green is the word to describe the earth and all the beautiful trees. 4-24-2019 Perryton, TX
I'm beginning to feel new life back in my own body when I look at all the green grass, and the pretty green and yellow leaves appearing on my large, heavenly tree. “The dead shall rise again, and I can see that now.” I am slowly coming back to a lively life, but old trees takes longer than the young. I hope I will be turning cart wheels again before long. I was asked the other day if I practiced yoga. I answered, “not intentionally.” I have to admit I have spent a lot of time in deep thought this past winter, but probably not the kind yoga believers practice. I am hearing yoga is gaining more popularity all the time. I will stay old fashion. I do believe in exercise, but only the kind that I am required to do with keeping my yard, and house work. That includes walking all over large grocery stores, and other supply stores. It also includes my habit of gaming with friends, and occasionally a dance. I think I get plenty of exercise without the yoga thing. To say the least it's more fun. I have a summer trip planned, and I can't hardly wait. That will put me over the top of my loneliness. Thank God for rescuing us when we need a break from home. He created all pleasure for our own entertainment. He is a loving Father.

What can be worse than sitting home waiting on return calls, when you dare leave your phone because if you miss their call you have to go through the same process again? Life just seems to be getting more complicated all the time. Too much modern is producing too much brain damage. Only the drug cartels are benefiting from it. I have always, and will always refuse to take any kind of drug to help my nerves. No doubt the world is not getting any better, but continues to get worse. Innocent people are getting murdered, and murders are getting away with it. More drugs are being manufactured every day to extend the lives of hopeless people, only to make them suffer longer so the drug companies can get richer. Also so the doctors can get rid of the hopeless addicts. I am not speaking in small terms. This characterization I have described is dominating millions of people in high up places. How can we ever expect the world to get better. I truly believe we are headed for the last, and final phase of any good this world has ever known. The bible points out that a time will come when people will cry out for the mountains to fall on them. Their misery will be that great. I pray the Lord will let me escape that time. It sounds like to me it would be a punishment for people to keep living. This is bible teaching, just read it for yourself. Have a good day while you can.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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