Wednesday, April 10, 2019

"Life For A Moment Wirhout Politics"

Membership Dinner for all who support The Museum Of The Plains in Perryton, TX 4-10-2019 Perryton, TX
Yesterday was a very busy day for me. I love those kinds of days, but didn't have time to write my blog. I had to work til 3 o'clock then come home and get ready for the dinner at The Museum of The Plains at 6 o' clock. It was a great honor to members of the Museum to be blessed so graciously. The food was delicious, and prizes were given away. An Ochiltree county history book was given away to every one who wanted one. These were books left over from the last publishing. I had such a good time as I was fortunate enough to be with a sweet friend for the first time since her husband passed away, about a month ago. I could hardly hold back the tears as I watched her hugging so many people at this dinner. I'm sure she was forcing back the tears as her husband was a well liked person in this community. However, she acted so happy to be seeing everybody. For the past several years she and her husband spent most of their time in another city where they had purchases another home, but they kept their home here in Perryton, and came back for a few days at a time.

After the dinner was over my three good friends took me to a western music, live band meeting. That completed one of the most exciting evening of my life. The new, widowed friend's husband started this band several years ago. All seven members of the band sang, and played musical instruments. Some of the songs brought tears to my good friend, although she would never let them be seen. My husband has been gone for over six years, and I could not keep back the tears. We were laughing, and crying at the same time. When this one singer sang the old time song, “Will the circle be unbroken bye and bye Lord in the sky, I almost lost it. This day was made especially for me. I am thankful for it.

Today I attended the luncheon at the Center. I was still bubbling over with joy. I hope I can keep this good feeling for a long time. It's time for me to take a vacation from politics however, I will always be concerned about the safety of our country. I must send up a prayer for it every nigh before I go to bed. I believe God waits for that prayer, and will answer it. He has proven that to me for a long time, and as long as I keep trusting, He will never quit answering. God bless America, and God bless everyone who loves it. Sing ye all the songs of joy unto the Lord. Dance when you no longer can sit still. The joy of the Lord drives the grief away, and makes our lives worth living. Keep waiting for that miracle that will knock you down with unbelief, the one that you probably had forgotten about.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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