Thursday, April 25, 2019

"Let The Beauty Of Jesus Be Seen In Me"

A happy welcome this morning by the light of the world, The Son of God. 4-25-2019 Perryton, TX

A beautiful sight like this one I saw this morning is all one needs to make their day a perfect one. I am just getting home from work, and believe it or not I had a great day. I woke up just in time this morning to get this picture as the sun was just above the school buildings you see . The sky was streaming with beauty. But it only last momentarily. The sun has a long distance to go before it circles the earth in a twenty four hour period. Once it moves to a higher level it is only a bright light in a gorgeous blue sky. All of the colorful streamers disappear, but the memories stay with me all day. I forget all about my worries, until I get home and turn my television on. I am usually tired, and need to lie down to rest for awhile. My body is just too weak for my over-sized brain, or a brain over-worked. I probably need to take sleeping pills, but that is against my religion. Hopefully I will be awake when the trumpet sounds, and we see Jesus coming in a cloud. The Word says, “only those who are watching for Him will see Him.” I truly believe that could happen any minute. It could be a million years yet before that happens, but it absolutely could be right now. I will keep my eyes on the sun, the moon, and the stars. I know Jesus is up there somewhere.

I have the rest of the week free for whatever I chose to do. I'm open for an invitation anywhere if I can relax, and enjoy myself. I chose not to work in the yard, or clean house. I said something I can enjoy. Such as meeting with friends, and forget our manners or trying to impress someone. I haven't done both of those things in a very long time. If I let go of those things that improve my personality, or hide my freckles, I might not ever get asked out. I'm dying to try and see. I don't believe Jesus will refuse to take me up if I haven't got my make-up on, or my hair fixed to perfection. Are friends more important than Jesus? I think not, but I always need to keep my attitude loving, and most of all forgiving. Those two things will certainly be a positive Jesus will be looking for. I have a feeling no one would recognize me without the natural brown coloring I put on my hair, and I know I would not recognize myself, but Jesus is not fooled, and would probably like for me to let nature take it's course. I just feel so unnatural if I don't keep my hair the color I grew up with. My husband, and my children agreed with me about that when I neglected my hair for a short while. I've never tried it again. I hope I don't displease God by pleasing my husband, and children. I know He is above my family, but I also know He is a loving, and forgiving God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

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