Saturday, April 6, 2019

"Another Bit Of Nature And A Lot Of It's Creator"

              The daffodils prefer a bit of silver for their adornment. 4-6-2019 Perryton, TX
The daffodils like a touch of silver for their adornment. They proudly compete with the crocus's. They get many glances from passer- byer's walking down the sidewalk. Not to say that I admire them all day long. All beauty belongs to God, and as long as I can display it in any form or fashion I will do just that. Creative ideas are a gift of God, if they give Him pleasure in any way. Otherwise they are a gift of Satan. God gets no pleasure at looking on Satan's so-called art whether it be physically inspired, or a mental attempt to draw attention away from Him. He knows the difference, and so does the artist. The art admirers must decide in a lot of everyday events. A painting of an erupted volcano is not meant to be beautiful, neither is it intended to influence people to disbelieve in God. It is an artist's idea of a powerful God, and should be looked upon as nothing more. But what evil-minded person would want to hang a painting of an erupted volcano in their political office? I wouldn't expect to find one there. Neither would I expect to find Mother Mary holding baby Jesus in her arms. A person's choice of art tells you a lot about them. How they feel about themselves, or others. It does not have to be an exaggerated emphases to describe a personality. Many people leave their walls plain except maybe a picture of a loved one. Those people are easily seen as bores, or self-admired misfits. Others who fill a space with anything available just to keep in style are simply easy-goers who never have a serious thought. Yes, art is a form of beauty or a statement of reality. It comes in many forms or fashions.

It this artist hasn't made sense to you it's probably because I am a person of wonder. All of the statements I've made here are because I live in a nation, as yet, of free speech. I wonder how much longer I can say that. When our freedom as American Citizens has come to an end, I wonder, but I feel sure to say, we will have already been captured by the evil majority. I cannot expand on the outcome, except I firmly believe God's Word, and it tells a sad story for when that day comes. I think there are too many nonchalant dead beats who are either too ignorant, or too self-centered to put forth an effort to keep America safe. They don't know that God said all must be held accountable. Even their vote would help a lot. But they say, “I can't do nothing. My vote wouldn't help. I barely survive.” They are one vote that could help a lot if only they would cast it. I believe it's just too much trouble for them, and they find other things more interesting to do. “God have mercy on them.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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