Friday, April 26, 2019

"Lucky But Not Deadly"

I was lucky enough to get a picture of this little demon as he scampered across the top of my fence. 4-26-2019 Perryton, TX
My next door neighbor works hard to keep my place free of squirrels, but every year they keep coming back. They are such a pest, and I can't keep them out of my attic. They always find another way to get back in. I have seen them running like a streak of lightening across my fence several times, but this morning this one stopped for just a second, and I had my camera ready. I wish I was that good with a pellet gun. It takes a pro to hit one of these fast demons. At least my neighbor can keep them thinned out. The pecan tree is not in my yard, but the evil little thief's like to plant the pecans in my yard. Every year I have to cut down little pecan trees all over my yard. My flower planters are always full of pecans when I go to set out new plants. I don't think my neighbor, whose pecan tree they steal from, has any other trouble with them. They just chose me to do their damage on. My good neighbor on the other side of me feels sorry for my agony, and tries to wipe those nasty little devils out. Maybe the squirrels are getting even with me because I won't let cats come into my yard. All I have to do is point my finger at the cats and threaten them, when they start running for dear life. Not so with the squirrels. 

Just like the destructive squirrels I am here to tell you our country is filled with destructive demons. I am so proud of our President who keeps thinning them out. Also like the determined squirrels the determined demons are giving our President a run for the money. They just don't understand that the almighty power of God is with our President. Today President Trump gave a very bold speech at one of the largest, most powerful groups that America has ever had. The National Rifle Association supports our President, and no demon power has ever been able to take them down. There are many influential leaders of large organizations who are giving all they have to help our President save America. With God on our side who can be against us? There is not any stopping place, but I am positive, our great President, Donald Trump, will win this war of good against evil. Never ever doubt the power of Almighty God. When He's had enough all earth shall know it. It may be a long time in coming, but a winner is always proud of what they put forth to come out victorious. They know they have to be challenged less they not be worth their salt. I ask all Trump supporters to keep up the good fight, and soon we will be given back the freedom to demand respect form all criminals who have demonized it. Our brave, fallen, freedom fighters will be forever remembered. They did a good job, and their reward will be worth it all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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