Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Welcome Cousin Minnie Pearl From Grinders Switch"...

Jean's Comment's: "Welcome Cousin Minnie Pearl From Grinders Switch"...: Debbie the dentist had to check Minnie Pearl's teeth. The dentist's teeth needed to all be pulled. 10-31-2018 Perryton, TX   W...

"Welcome Cousin Minnie Pearl From Grinders Switch"

Debbie the dentist had to check Minnie Pearl's teeth. The dentist's teeth needed to all be pulled. 10-31-2018 Perryton, TX
What a great time at the Center today. The Halloween party was a blast. I was Cousin Minnie Pearl from Grinder's Switch. The dentist had to check my teeth before I could be admitted. Mine was o k, but hers all needed to be pulled. They don't show too well in the picture because she was too seriously checking mine. I love, love this group of people. They all are A+ retired, students. And there's no way to fact check that. Some of us hasn't been in the entertainment business for long. Minnie Pearl was the oldest one there. She is 106 years old. She handles her age well. I'm sure I will still be laughing at this time tomorrow. The bake sale was a success, and happy faces were showing everywhere. God Bless the best of the best, still left on this planet.

Now we are looking forward to the next big party. Thanksgiving will be celebrated November the 14. It is sure to be the best cooked Thanksgiving dinner in Perryton. The turkeys are all starting to hide, but these cooks have a way of finding them. Dressing, and pumpkin pies are surly the best you will find anywhere. The decorators started clearing the tables before we left today, getting ready to put up the Thanksgiving decorations. These ladies do a super nice job making the tables look pretty and impressive. They are carrying out the traditions of the Pilgrims. We must never let this great inherited, blessing be taken from us. We are the off spring of the brave pioneers who battled the storms to give us the freedom we enjoy today. “God Bless America, and what it stands for.” God bless our President, and every voter who committed to help him make American strong again. We are winning the battle, but not without much suffering, and a willingness to fight for what our fore fathers were able to give us. Strength is in unity, and may we all band together to hold up our American flag, and deny all others.

The weather is cold today. I'm hoping for a few more warm days to finish cleaning the dead growth in my yard from last summer. The leaves are gaining on me, and I may not be able to control them. I will welcome all high wind, when the leaves start piling up. At least some of them will blow away to someone elses' yard. I'm sure all the leaves on my yard are not mine, but I don't expect anyone else to rake them for me. Most of them will blow away. Spring can't come too soon for me. But I have to have the soil ready for new growth. I must sign off because I have some more things I have to do. Hope everyone will be nice to the goblins tonight, and not turn off your lights, and close the drapes. I hope I am the only one who does that because I cannot be running to the door every second till mid night. I just need a door usher, but I don't have one.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Today I Remembered This Beautiful Picture I Took ...

Jean's Comment's: "Today I Remembered This Beautiful Picture I Took ...:                       The view from my front porch last evening. 10-30-2018 Perryton, TX   The football bleachers were glowing under th...

"Today I Remembered This Beautiful Picture I Took Last Evening"

                      The view from my front porch last evening. 10-30-2018 Perryton, TX
The football bleachers were glowing under the flood lights, and a reddish sunset across the street from my house last evening. It was a pretty reflection from the sinking sun on the opposite side of the world. Another one of my beautiful sights I have been enjoying lately from my own little comfort zone. I'm so thankful to be living in a quite, peaceful part of the world where we can relax and feel sale. We never know how long we can enjoy this kind of atmosphere, but I am praying for a long time yet. I believe God hears my prayers, and will keep me safe through any kind of trouble. I am not immune to the daily stress that time presents us with each new day. But my immune system seems to work very well when I think I can't take any more. A lot of brains are trying to catch up with God, and I will admit they are doing very well at it. However, God will never let the advanced technology win us over. He is greater than all whiz demons. He provides everything we need to undertake the latest discoveries that make one's life miserable. We just must keep our faith in Him, and keep learning the hard way. One thing I am sure of no devise, or discovery will ever replace the bible I stand firm on. Tired, and flustered yes, but a little prayer, and a lot of rest will get us back in shape.

I find it hard listening to recordings, and trying to follow the commands when so many of them are foreign to my use of language, and expression. I cannot ask a question, but just keep working with the impossible chance of getting it right without several more attempts. It's possible to talk to five or six people, when you do get a chance to speak to someone, while being transferred around. Half of them will tell you one thing while the other half tell you something else. Then you're lucky if you don't get turned over to the credit bureau without any knowledge of knowing it. I was told today that competitive companies, especially television providers, can change your service to their company without you knowing it until you get a bill from both companies. What else can you do but hold the phone to your ear for a half a day or more. Most likely there will be other days before things get settled. I have a handicapped son whom I try to do most of his business for, and that is why I am the the dummy of so much changing. This son pays me for being responsible to pay his bills, but that also makes me responsible when things get messed up. At the end of the day we take a deep breath, and thank God for helping us. We will keep on laughing, and know that He will always see us through. In the morning the stress pains will be gone, and we will be good till next time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 29, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Confused But Not Crazy"

Jean's Comment's: "Confused But Not Crazy": For those who haven't seen this portrait of me I  painted almost 2 years ago. 10-29-2018 Perryton, TX I posted this portrait of m...

"Confused But Not Crazy"

For those who haven't seen this portrait of me I  painted almost 2 years ago. 10-29-2018 Perryton, TX

I posted this portrait of me that I painted nearly two years ago, but several have said they didn't see it so here it is again. I was 83 at the time. I hope to paint a later one of me before I leave this world, but not sure about that. I haven't had my paints out in over a year. I've been too involved in politics. I do want to start again, but just keep putting it off. One of these mornings I will wake up, and just like that I will spread out my plastic sheet, put up my easel, and put the magic touch to my brush. With me it's more about dreaming than reality, except for portraits. I do want my portraits to be recognizable with a lot of personality making them real. No cheating, just the honest to goodness truth.

Today has been a fun day at the Center. I hadn't laughed so much in years. One of our special lady friends said something that caused the laughter to shake the house. I cannot put it in words, because most people wouldn't understand. No one but this certain humorous gal could have gotten away with it. I am still laughing. We talked about the way we plan to dress for the Halloween party coming Wednesday. That is if we don't back out. We will see who has the nerve, and who don't. This will also be a day for a bake sale, fund raiser. I will make a pecan pie.

I'm wondering why it is that some days one cannot get a certain person off their mind that has passed from this life. It's not always someone you were close to particularly, but had spent time with in various ways. Certain words you remember hearing them say years ago, just keep coming back. Words of no real sound meaning, but yet they keep flashing back. It makes one think about the times both of you were together. There is just something about life that remains a mystery. I treasure these kinds of acquaintances, but the same goes for awful things I recall people of doing. I do not want to remember those bad things, but they too keep flashing back. It's like I have a built-in-hate for them. I know that is not right, but how do I control such memories. Then there are things that happen that I know but little about, sometimes resulting in deaths that seem unfair. But why do I wonder if God was having His way in situations like this, when I read His word that says all sin and disobedience to Him will be punished. Are there hidden things to man's eyes sometimes, that only God sees? I fully confess that I do not understand the works of God, nor do I believe anyone else does. We pray for guidance, and hope for more understanding, and that's all we can do. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Need No Glasses To See God's Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "I Need No Glasses To See God's Beauty": Just another autumn beauty against a blue sky and under bright sunshine. 10-2-2018 Perryton, TX   Today has been a day of complete rest...

"I Need No Glasses To See God's Beauty"

Just another autumn beauty against a blue sky and under bright sunshine. 10-2-2018 Perryton, TX
Today has been a day of complete rest and relaxation. The weather could not have been more pleasant. I took my trash to the dumpster, and noticed this gorgeous tree in my neighbor's back yard. It was perfectly shaped and, had sparkling red leaves standing against a clear blue sky, and bright sun. I decided I must take a picture of another autumn beauty.

God did a great job when landscaping this huge earth we call our earthly home. I see beauty every way I look from a small yard I share in the neighborhood. Then I look upward and see long jet streams lacing the skies like a giant shoe. Fast, and surely the world is moving toward the end of time. What a puzzling thought this brings. Are we too busy with everyday life to give it a thought? Maybe we should be, but for some reason I think too much about the, “here after.” I have to be concerned since I read my bible daily, and it does make us aware of a “here after.” There are two words in the bible that have been glues upon my mind for many years. God gave them to me when I knew I was probably facing death. Those two words are a part of my daily life. Straight from God's mouth he said, “Trust Me.” I never know from one day till another if I will still be here, or if not what happened to me, but I just remember those two words, Trust Me.” All fear or doubt quickly disappears.

Then there are times when I try to question God about why are people here in the first place. What need is it to be fighting, and killing each other as we surly do? Why did He put us here if we had to die? Why don't He just take us up in a whirlwind like he did Elijah? Why do we have to be buried in a hole, or burned up in a furnace? Why do we have to bear all the suffering? Yes, I know because God's son did, but why did Jesus have to bear our sins? I know these are insane thoughts, but don't try to tell me that every human with a sane mind haven't wondered about the same things. It is in times like these that those two words come unglued and knock me back to my senses. “Trust Me.”

I will trust Him no matter where He leads. In the mean time I will find peace just enjoying all the pleasure, and beauty He supplied for me while I live on this earth. I will take life one day at a time, and rest assured that I can laugh when something funny is said even if it comes from me. I believe we all have a personality of our own, and some are more pleasant to be around than others. Thank God for fun and relaxation.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "They Say In Heaven The Streets Are Paved With Gol...

Jean's Comment's: "They Say In Heaven The Streets Are Paved With Gol...:              The gold is shinning today. I love this heavenly tree. 10-27-2018 Perryton, TX A most beautiful fall day today. The gold ...

"They Say In Heaven The Streets Are Paved With Gold"

             The gold is shinning today. I love this heavenly tree. 10-27-2018 Perryton, TX

A most beautiful fall day today. The gold leaves on my heavenly tree are shinning like new gold. I sat on the porch and admired them for a good long time. Any day now they will be gone. Leaf raking time is just a head. No fun doing that. I am thankful for the good past year I have been blessed with. I'm looking forward to a new year. But before we can say Happy New Year we have to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. Dig out the heavy wraps. If we will be traveling we hope and pray not to get stranded in a snow drift. When I was a child Thanksgiving and Christmas were the best times of the year, but now they are all about weather. I still enjoy them though.

I have been glued to the television most of the day. Another terrible shooting at a Jewish Synagogue has happened, and several people have died including some police officers. I sit and try to understand why things like this keep happening, but never do I come up with a reason. I am a daily bible reader, and I believe in prophesy, but I just can't make any sense of why such, and such is happening. I even dare to state my maybe's because I know I would be plastered with mud, but I think to myself anyway. All I can come up with is this is an evil world because of sin, and we must trust God for safety. My worst nightmare is why do little innocent children have to suffer? I think I have cried an ocean full of tears over little children suffering so badly. I can't forget the terrible things that has happened to many, and I have to pray for peace over it years later. The pleading words I have heard that some have said to their abusive parents sticks in my mind like glue. Many have died begging for mercy. How can I forgive that evil parent, or parents, because I believe both parents are guilty in some way? I also believe nothing bad happens to anyone without a reason however, I cannot include little children in this thought. My only hopeful thought is that God did what was best for the little child because He knew what lied ahead. I am not saying God kills anyone, but I do believe He allows it to happen. His ways are perfect, and I will not question.

I could give an opinion on almost everything that is happening today with the world situation, but that is not necessary because only God will be the Judge in the end. We too often make ourselves a target when giving our opinions. I will just wait for the next chapter to be written. I just have to believe I already know about what most of it will be about. One thing I want to emphasize is I am 100 percent positive that God's man is in the United States White House, and I feel safe with that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 26, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Season To Shed The Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "A Season To Shed The Beauty":                                 My Heavenly tree turned golden. 10-26-2018 Perryton, TX   I can enjoy a few more days of golden leaves...

"A Season To Shed The Beauty"

                                My Heavenly tree turned golden. 10-26-2018 Perryton, TX
I can enjoy a few more days of golden leaves on my front yard “Heavenly” tree. They will soon fall off, and all beauty will be gone. The day is lovely with just a slight wind. Several neighbors were out in their yards enjoying the fall colors of trees, and bushes. As usual I was in a hurry and didn't get to visit with them. Just waved, and said hello. I have had a busy day, but I am about to wind down now. After lunch at the Center I went grocery shopping, and then to the Wall's store for a few things I needed. I try to write a blog every day, but today I am pushing it. My cut-off time is at 7 o'clock, and it is now after five. I haven't even put my groceries up yet. That's all o k, because I spent some time visiting with a couple of friends at the store that I hadn't seen for awhile. One friend had bad news to tell me, but she was in a hurry too so I just heard that the doctor had bad news for her today. I told her I would put her on my prayer list.

I am always happy to visit with friends at the Center while having lunch with them. There is usually seven or eight sitting at my table, and we all have something to share. Today we felt sorrow at the loss of two friends taken from us this week. One in a vehicle accident, the other from a quick form of pneumonia. Both cases were quite shocking. We are reminded of how suddenly we ourselves, can be taken from this evil world. I am thankful that we have wonderful friends to share our grief with. We laugh and joke a lot, but our hearts can also be touched with grief.

Another part of life we share is the leadership of our great nation. The bible tells us to be aware of false doctrines, and lies that some of the most highly positioned leaders are declaring unto us. It happened in old times, and it's happening today. We can be certain of what is good, and what is bad if we follow God's Word. Wisdom is promised, and I am a firm believer that we can know the difference in truth, and lies. We don't have to be confused, because God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33, KJV. Therefore be ye steadfast as a tree planted by the waters. How sad it is to know that some have been deceived by these false teachings, and have not the peace of unmovable, uprooting faith by the wicked storms that come to all. “I shall not be moved.” An old hymn I learned as a very young child. “Just like a tree that's planted by the water, I shall not be moved.” 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Join The True American Patriots Now"

Jean's Comment's: "Join The True American Patriots Now": Reminder to vote wherever you live, to save our country.Your vote counts. 10-25-2018 Perryton, TX   Run, run as fast as you can to you...

"Join The True American Patriots Now"

Reminder to vote wherever you live, to save our country.Your vote counts. 10-25-2018 Perryton, TX
Run, run as fast as you can to your voting place, and help save your country. It's not too late to get involved, and it's going to take every one of us to kick butts. I am petrified to now realize that too many of us failed to see the evil waves coming to wash us under. Of course we watched the younger, and even some older ones, treat our Christian heritage with disrespect, and mockery, but did not realize the effect it would have on the entire nation. The Creator of us all has had enough, now everyone has to pay. Some for mocking God Almighty, and some who have to live with the results of such shame, and mockery. Actually all of us have some responsibility for the hell-of-a-place we now call our Homeland. Most of us did not think God would some day call out the entire mob of evil doers just to prove His Word. Somehow we thought that punishment would come after death on this planet. How wrong we were. Pain and suffering is growing by the day, and will not let up till Jesus comes back. The fight is on, and depending on who, and how much, the child of God is willing to take for His Name sake, will determine the length of our struggling lives. I can say for sure, God has promised to never leave, nor forsake the true believers who have trusted Him all the way. I am sure I am one of those. I took my earthly Father's advise, and sought the mercy of God as a young mother. I found Him real, and merciful, and have never doubted Him since. Many children in my day of youth, and even later, have mocked the teachings of the older generation, and made their own God, so to speak. The God of all creation is saying clearly, coming from the bible, “Ye have served other Gods therefore this place shall no longer be called The valley of the son of Hinnom, but The valley of slaughter.” Jeremiah 19:6. I plead the mercy for all who do not take God's Word seriously. However, my prayers will not make a difference in What God has promised all disbelievers. I truly believe the book of Jeremiah is fully being fulfilled in this day, and time.

Anyone who has been slow to believe, and follow God's Word, still has a chance. They can join the true supporter's of God's Word, and start now to make a difference in their lives. If any who haven't voted lately, but still have the privilege of voting will go now and cast a vote for God and Country, I believe they will have made a good start to change their lives. We are in a time of “swim or sink.” No more easy dry land to walk upon. I may have to walk on water because I never learned to swim as a child, but I believe if I have to I can.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Voted For God And Country"

Jean's Comment's: "I Voted For God And Country":                  Myrtle Jean Sharp voted today. All  Republican. 10-24-2018 Perryton, TX   Hurrah! I voted today. I marked only one bu...

"I Voted For God And Country"

                 Myrtle Jean Sharp voted today. All  Republican. 10-24-2018 Perryton, TX
Hurrah! I voted today. I marked only one bubble on my ballot, the straight Republican bubble. A good crowd was in attendance at the Center today. Most everyone there voted except if they were out of their voting county. It is so nice to still feel free to vote, and trust that our voting system is being restored to honesty. All I ask for in our democracy is honesty. If that holds true we will always have a great country with one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. But I'm sorry to say we will always have to fight for that right. For the next couple to three weeks we will be living in explosive times. Attempted bombings were already discovered this morning, 10-24-2018. The liberal left is desperate to take back power, and at any price they have to pay. They have admitted openly to wanting to kill our President, and all his supporters. They are showing their sincerity more, and more, every day. Some people believe the bombing devices found near the homes of President Trump's worst enemies this morning was nothing more than a plan to avert attention from the dynamic election coming up in two weeks. The liberal left has tried every evil means possible to stop our country from regaining power and integrity. Since there has been no evil shown in the Republican party so far, I have to wonder if this thought is more legitimate, than illegitimate. Whatever the cause was intended for it was not coming from sound minds. I have said, and I continue to say that the United States is engaged in a Civil War. It will continue to grow more deadly by the day. Every Christian must pray sincerely, every day for God's mercy to protect the followers of Christ our Lord. I feel as if every chapter I read in the bible every night from the book of Jeremiah is preparing me for that dreadful day that is surly coming soon. 1 Corinthians 15:58. KJV. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” I will walk the walk, and talk the talk. How about you?

A pineapple cream pie is waiting for me to give attention to. All the ingredients sits on the cabinet, but they must have my hands to put them in place. This pie when finished will make my son happy. He doesn't ask for much, but I know what makes him happy. Tomorrow is my day to be with him in his home. for five and ½ hours. I enjoy cooking the things that he loves, and we share lunch together. Chicken fried steak will be my meat dish, with all the trimmings. God is good, and greatly to be praised.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "A Time To Work"

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "A Time To Work": Jean's Comment's: "A Time To Work" : A ton of asparagus cut and ready to pile on the roots for winter protection. 10-22-20...

"Some Are Red Some Are White But None Are Blue"

      Autumn red makes my heart smile. It's leaves, not butterflies. 10-23-2018 Perryton, TX
Several beautiful red leaves are decorating my doomed yard now. They really show up among all the golden colored ones. I even have a few purple, and orange leaves. Many have fallen to the ground, and I can already feel my back starting to ache from raking leaves. Since I had to work today for Nurses Unlimited, I didn't get to work in my yard. It is suppose to rain tomorrow, so my dead flowers will be standing tall, and naked for some time yet. I have to be in the mood to do dirty yard work, and my moods don't always come when the weather is suitable. I am proud for what I have accomplished so far. Just a bit anxious to finish the job.

Tomorrow is Halloween dress-up for those having lunch at the Center. In days past I would have loved that idea, but now in my golden days, I just want to make myself as pretty as possible. It's called dressing up the wrinkles. It requires much more skill than painting for a Halloween face. I would rather laugh than be laughed at. Oh, what fun it is to be part of a crazy crowd who only want to forget our age, and act like we're still young. We will tell you when our birthday is, but don't ask how many we've had. One of our sweet ladies played the piano, and sang happy Birthday to herself last week. We were so proud of her.

I just changed my mind about dressing up. I think something inside me did it. I am now going to dress like ???, and I don't dare tell who it is. I will try to get my picture made and post it Thursday. I will be asking for guesses as to who I am suppose to be. No clues because it really would be too easy for the older ones to guess. I doubt that any of the younger crowd could ever guess. Just one little clue she would be 106 years old. I may be the most embarrassed person at the Center tomorrow, but I think I can forgive myself. I should have thought of this sooner and tried to get some competition. I think I better sign off and get started on my Halloween act. The theme won't be all that much Halloween, but will fit somewhere in between. I won't be some kind of a witch, but rather a very famous person of entertainment. Hope all my face book friends will tune into me tomorrow. I wouldn't want anyone to miss it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 22, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Time To Work"

Jean's Comment's: "A Time To Work": A ton of asparagus cut and ready to pile on the roots for winter protection. 10-22-2018 Perryton, TX   I just finished another big job ...

"A Time To Work"

A ton of asparagus cut and ready to pile on the roots for winter protection. 10-22-2018 Perryton, TX
I just finished another big job in my yard, The asparagus had grown so tall, and thick till it was leaning toward the ground all tangled up. It was very hard to find the root so I could clip them off. The stalks had grown so close together, and was tangled so badly I could hardly pull them apart. At last I got them all cut, and now I just have to cut the stalks closer to the ground. Tomorrow I will pile all the cuttings on top of the roots so they won't freeze out this winter. I did find a place in the garage to store some of the potted plants, and I'm hoping they will still be alive next spring. My garage is attached to the house, and has good insulation so I think the plants will survive.

After lunch at the Center today I visited a friend in the hospital. She has had a hard time getting over a fall, but is finally doing much better. We are looking forward to having her back at the Center. She also had a daughter to come home today after spending nearly three months in the hospital. The daughter had two or three issues that required a lot of time to get them all fixed. It looks like now she is on her road to complete recovery. Her release from the hospital today was a big plus for her mother to hurry and get home. We all are so thankful to God for his love, and mercy.

I went to buy groceries when I left the hospital then came home and started cutting asparagus stalks. Now that I'm writing this blog I am beginning to get very tired, and having some back pain. Nothing comes easy for anyone trying to keep the things done that make life worth living. I want to fight a good fight as long as I possible can, because I believe that is what I was born to do. There is too much evil in this world for good people to do nothing. There is a famous quote that goes like this, “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.” I don't believe God would be pleased if we did nothing to fight against evil. I will be voting this next Wednesday in early voting for one of the most important elections America has ever had. I'm casting my vote declaring it is nothing but voting against evil. God knows who voted, and who didn't. He also knows who is for good, and who is for evil. I think everyone needs to vote even if a ballot has to be brought to your bedside. It is very certain in this time of earthly, uncontrollable behavior, we are recognized both in the old Testament, and the New, And those who thought the Old Testament was null and void, you better think again. It really wasn't as easy as some thought it was.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Death Has Stricken My Pretty Yard"

Jean's Comment's: "Death Has Stricken My Pretty Yard":                          Can anything be more uprooting than this? 10-21-2018 Perryton, TX   I chopped down this sunflower tree, and...

"Death Has Stricken My Pretty Yard"

                         Can anything be more uprooting than this? 10-21-2018 Perryton, TX

I chopped down this sunflower tree, and pulled the other flowers up by the roots. I made a showing, but that's about all. Some of those dead flower stalks were four feet tall, and rooted deeply. It takes a couple of days to show up on me, but I expect after that I will be limping for several days. Those leg, and back muscles have to strain to the empt degree. In a few more days I should have my garden ground looking much better. That is if the weather stays nice like today. As for now I'm through till tomorrow.

I made lunch for Chuck and I awhile ago. Chuck is having one of his bad days, so I took some food over to him. He didn't wake up so I left it on the table. Life is pretty rough for him, and even his best days are not good. Only God knows why things have always been difficult for Chuck. God has always given me faith, and strength, to accept Chuck for who he is. As a mom I see the good, and loving side of him that many people don't see. I truly believe that God loves him even more than I. He is my first born, and named after his dad, Charles Sharp. Charles loved Chuck so much till he would have died for him. Unfortunately Charles had to leave Chuck and me nearly six years ago, but we know he still watches over us each day from heaven. Chuck still has several close friends living, and they are a great blessing to him.

I had a nice time at the Center last evening. It was a business meeting, and we were made to appreciate our hard working board members a lot more. We have a lot of sweethearts in this group of nearly two hundred members including the late paying ones, but still want to be recognized as members. We have many people who come to eat with us that aren't members, and a great many who order carry outs. This facility is greatly appreciated by me. Tomorrow I will again be going for lunch at this place of relaxation. I have overcome the desire to stay home and watch television all day, and I plan to keep it that way. The Word of God says, "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.” That doesn't just mean church. It means with people whether in the home, in the entertainment center, in community gatherings, Senior Citizen's gatherings, or others. Just be with people who share the same values we do. There is strength in numbers, and unity. We will be voting in the important United States polls for Congress in a few days. Our county provides an early voting place in our Senior Citizen Center. Almost every member of the Center, or anyone else who wants to vote can, and will, do it there. This should be the priority of every American citizen no matter where you live .Our country has been taken away from us, and it's up to all of us to take it back. If you don't vote then don't complain.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Life Ended Too Soon"

Jean's Comment's: "Life Ended Too Soon": Don't know what kind of bug this is, but it's devouring the pre-mature lily. This lily came too late to live, and too early to be ...

"Life Ended Too Soon"

Don't know what kind of bug this is, but it's devouring the pre-mature lily. This lily came too late to live, and too early to be reborn. Noe the bug is eating it up. 10-20-2018 Perryton, TX

This little lily didn't have a chance, It entered this life too late to survive the cold, and before the freeze could kill it a big bad bug found it, and is eating it up. Nature is such an interesting book. But unless you plan to teach the physics of nature most people never read more than one page. Most of our expertise is imagination. We are so used to taking life for whatever it gives us. If that scary bug had of landed on me I would have screamed, and ran for the house immediately. In fact I did anyway, because I could feel little stings without seeing a bug. This just is not the time of season to be milling around in a half dead flower garden. The beautiful butterflies left a few weeks ago, now the demon bugs are here. I will not be happy until I can get all the flower skeletons pulled up and hauled to the dumpster. It has been too wet to work on them for several weeks, now too many stinging bugs are on them. I may have to wear my snow suit when I finally can get to work on them. Right now my yard is a very ugly, and disgusting place. About ten feet wide all around the three sides of the back yard fence is a flower bed. Too much work for an old lady like me. But with time I can get things looking better.

I have had three nice phone calls this morning with two of my children and a sister. That's all I needed to make my day sweeter. Thank God for almost free long distance phone calls. A few years back I would have been paying $100.00 for the time I talked free this morning. At least some things are better. I am in walking distance of where I spend three days a week, and sometimes more at the Senior Citizen's Center for lunch. No gas money for that, except I don't walk. A dollar a week isn't bad for that many trips. I will be attending the annual board meeting today at 5 o'clock there. A super assortment of chili with all the fixings will be free. I am excited to be privileged to attend this meeting. I will be taking a serving of everything to one of our members in the hospital after the meeting. This will almost make her feel like she attended. She is such a blessing to our group, but has had a hard time getting over a fall she took a few weeks ago. We look forward to having her back. She expects to be hospitalized for two more weeks for therapy. I will be taking the Senior news to her each time I go. That always makes her smile.

My laundry is almost finished, and I need to get ready. Happy week-end to everyone.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 19, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Like The Looks Of Gold"

Jean's Comment's: "I Like The Looks Of Gold":                                 Blackberry leaves in late October. 10-19-2018 Perryton, TX   Fall season is fun when walking through t...

"I Like The Looks Of Gold"

                                Blackberry leaves in late October. 10-19-2018 Perryton, TX

Fall season is fun when walking through the remains of an earlier attractiveness ground of blooming flowers, and berries. These blackberry leaves are golden color, and remind me of myself now that I'm turning golden. I don't expect to beauty up again in the spring like these blackberries will. But I think golden beauty in human life is a rich feeling that will never fool around with anyone's unearned riches. It takes the good, and the bad, to show the real gold in my aged, happy life. I think I'm getting wiser every day, but never to the point of telling anyone. That's my secret. Yes. It's fun to see the has been, but more fun to see the always will be, I told this to a dear friend in the hospital today. The doctor has told her she will never walk again without a walker. She and I, agreed that, that doctor doesn't know what he's talking about. Just give it a few more days. I took her a rich strawberry milkshake, and some of my rich home cooked food. No one can fail to walk straight with this kind of nourishment. I'm excited for this golden gal to show her strength, and beauty again.

Today ends my busy week. Tomorrow I will mostly celebrate the work I have accomplished. Saturday, and Sunday are my days to relax, and give praises to God for all his blessings. I will make my bed, but nothing more that I can call work. I will be enjoying a fun evening tomorrow night at the Center. A chili supper, and election of board members. All of the past year's hard working board members will be recognized for all they have done. The new members will be welcomed with open arms.

I hope to be in church Sunday. That's my plans if something doesn't happen to change them. I usually talk to my children who live away from me every Sunday after church. Then I am ready to start a new week with great expectations from all. Even the world crisis situation can't stop me from expecting great, and mighty things to happen. I feel safe in Jesus arms no matter what happens. I believe I am seeing miracles this day by the strength, and success President Trump is having. Only by a miracle could this kind of accomplishment be happening. I pray I will never be overtaken by the evil lies, and vexation being thrown at us every day. I had heard all my life that times like this was coming, but never did I think it would be in my time. I believe when it's my time to go that God will give me peace over leaving my children, and grandchildren behind for the worst yet. I can only trust Him, because He has told me many times to do that. In Jesus name, I trust.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Is It A Lily Or A Dilly"

Jean's Comment's: "Is It A Lily Or A Dilly": Impossible lily trying to birth. Hasn't been a bloom on this plant in a month, but after a hard freeze this is what happened. 10-18-20...

"Is It A Lily Or A Dilly"

Impossible lily trying to birth. Hasn't been a bloom on this plant in a month, but after a hard freeze this is what happened. 10-18-2018 Perryton, TX
The mist in the atmosphere is suppose to turn to ice tonight. I went out to pick the two tomatoes that I raised, and saw this sweet little yellow lily trying to make life. If I didn't know I could not have told what it was, because it looks like a deformed piece of flower. It is growing on my lily plant, and I am shocked. We have had two hard freezes already, and now I see this sweet little blob trying to birth. Amazing! I don't have a place to house my potted plants through the winter, but I wish I did.

I came home from work today and ate a large serving of green chili casserole, and a brownie. I made them both last night before going to bed. I needed to take food to my son today, and I had such a full day yesterday till I had to work late to prepare for today. Both foods turned out well, and of course I over ate. Before I went to work for Nurses Unlimited, I had no trouble keeping my weight down, but now it is difficult. At least I am healthy, and have plenty of strength. Most of all I am happy because I love to cook. I was depriving myself of good food before I was hired to cook for my son, who is disabled. He qualifies for Home Health, and I was asked to take the job. If it had not been my son I would not have accepted.

Tomorrow will be a day “for me.” I will be going to the Center to lunch with friends. I enjoy these days so much, and always leave with a smile. It helps me to manage the rest of the weekly rush, rush days. Every retired man, and woman needs time to get away from the house, and feel retired. It is a blessing to live without having to get up every day and go to work, but the home work we have to do is still a big worry without we leave it and go to the Retirement Center often. Our pay check comes whether we make our beds, or rake our yards. I feel so privileged. I always have time to check on family and friends to see if things are going well with them. In fact this is the most blessed time of my life. I love to hear the words. “we are doing fine.” That make me happy through and through. It is at these times I give so much thanks to my God, because He is answering my prayers. If I hear things are not going well, I pray again. God will never quit listening to us if we keep asking. He is just that great, and loving. Sooner or later we will realize what we have been doing wrong to warrant all the needs we keep asking for. Can you believe that God is no respecter of persons? Well He is, and if we don't think He is treating us fairly, we are definitely wrong. Let us put the blame where it belongs.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers Do Wonders"

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers Do Wonders": Such gorgeous mums my neighbor shares. Just part of a lot more. 10-17-2018 Perryton, TX I walked two doors down and took this picture...

"Flowers Do Wonders"

Such gorgeous mums my neighbor shares. Just part of a lot more. 10-17-2018 Perryton, TX

I walked two doors down and took this picture of my neighbor's beautiful orchid mum's, today. She has this many more along the walkway to her front porch. These mum's will stay pretty for several weeks yet. We appreciate their endurance to cold, frosty weather. They really help to liven up the neighborhood. I am very fortunate to live in such a nice neighborhood.

This day went by far too fast. I didn't get done all the things I had planned to do. I probably will find myself working in the kitchen tonight instead of reclining in front of the television. But I will manage to get things done that are necessary before I go to work tomorrow.

I visited a friend in the hospital that I didn't even know was there until today. She has come back home to be in the hospital here while having therapy with her back after surgery in Amarillo, and staying two weeks in the hospital there. She is always going to have to use a walker, and she and I cried at that thought. Until about a month ago this little lady never hardly ever sat down. She was a traveling blessing deliverer, and she walked many miles each day until her bag was empty. This back decease came upon her suddenly, and it was not to be fixed beyond help of a walker. Sometimes the enemy uses the strongest parts of our lives to weaken the faith God has given us. The sweet little smile didn't disappear from her face, but the sorrow was so evident in her eyes. I prayed for her. And I am sure God heard my prayer. I felt a slight grip from her hand as I held it while I prayed. I can't tell you all the sorrow, and grief, this child of God has been though lately, but it is overwhelming. She lost her husband, then her only beloved son fairly close together. Now she has a daughter that has had serious heart, and other issues, and has been hospitalized for nearly three months. This dear Christian worker is still in the hospital and cannot take care of her mother which is double sorrow for her. Another daughter, who lives several miles away, is having to handle the full load now. There is no other children. With all of this being said, and a lot more unsaid, this faithful little angel is still super hopeful for recovery for her daughter, and herself. We will not give up, because there is no reason to. When the mind is extremely bright, and the faith unwavering, what is a little help from a walker going to do to slow you down? Slow, sure, but stop never. God will make a way, and I will forever be thankful to Him. We the people of the Senior Citizen's Center ask that our dear friend, and encouraging soul, continue to live a happy life for a lot longer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Beautiful Pair Of He And She"

Jean's Comment's: "A Beautiful Pair Of He And She":   We had a hard freeze but this couple stayed put. Aren't they sweet? 10-16-2018 Perryton, TX  These two rosy beauties staye...

"A Beautiful Pair Of He And She"

We had a hard freeze but this couple stayed put. Aren't they sweet? 10-16-2018 Perryton, TX 

These two rosy beauties stayed put in spite of the hard freeze we had for two nights. Most of the other flowers looks like they lost their feeling, and are very sick. It makes me sad, but things can't always be like we want them to be. We, like the flowers have to struggle to stay alive when the weather becomes unpleasant. But come spring we will start blooming again. So thankful that our care giver don't dig us up by the roots, and throw us away. We have been re-born many years ago, and those, our ancestors, have made us forever living souls. We know we will be transplanted some day, but never to die forever. We shall bloom the year round forever. Think about this unthinkable fact. It's hard to believe that we are secure even when we are not worthy. However, we must believe or we cannot be transplanted. I still miss many of the beautiful flowers God transplanted from my own flower garden, but I know some day I will be blooming right beside them. I must stay pretty, and be a blessing to others until such time I am transplanted.

There are lots of readings in the bible that I don't understand, but I have read enough scripture that I am sure I understand exactly what I've just described. That's enough for me to live, laugh, and be merry, even in the cold winter season. The rest is for God, and He only, to interpret. If we try, we will die, even before the weather turns cold. “Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” I will try even harder to please Him, although I know I can't be perfect. He is my Heavenly Father, and like my earthly Father, He won't kick me out. Punish me, yes, but forsake me, no.

I have three more fun events happening this week. I'm looking forward to all of them. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evening I will be smiling at the faces that will be smiling at me. Can anything be more enjoyable than that? I will be dinning at all three events, and no telling what I might hear that thrills me to death. I'm always waiting for good news, and I usually get a lot of that. How blessed I am to be a part of such a wonderful bunch of people. Mostly older ones, but always some young ones also. Sometimes it's hard to sort them out. I guess I might say a lot of us are going through our second childhood. I dare to wonder what the third one will be like. Even the cold weather don't kill us to the point that we can't perk up when the band starts up. Yes, we can overcome our grief, and hardships if we will only try. Even our arthritis gets better when our attitude gets better. Stand up, and be counted.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp                

Monday, October 15, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Yummy Yum"

Jean's Comment's: "Yummy Yum": We are almost there. The only two tomatoes we raised this year is almost ripe. 10-15-2018 Perryton, TX A few days ago I mentioned the t...

"Yummy Yum"

We are almost there. The only two tomatoes we raised this year is almost ripe. 10-15-2018 Perryton, TX

A few days ago I mentioned the two tomatoes that I raised off a plant the Chuck had bought. But didn't set out. I brought it home from his house in a star-foam cup with only two or three leaves. It had almost died, but I set it out in my flower garden, and finally it started growing. It didn't make blooms, and I had decided it was not going to. The plant kept growing bigger, and bigger. One day I discovered two blooms, but was sure they would fall off. I was partly wrong. They did fall off, but weeks later I saw two tiny green tomatoes where the blooms had been. It took a long time for them to start growing, but I kept looking thinking they were never going to amount to anything. They were among a thick patch of tall flowers, so every time I watered the flowers the tomatoes got watered also. I finally quit looking for any growth, because the tiny tomatoes hadn't grown any. At the end of summer when the flowers started dying, I surprisingly spied two orange-size tomatoes. They were as green as a gourd, and I didn't expect them to ripen before a freeze came. They quit growing, but would,t ripen. Night before last we had a freeze,but I didn't even check the tomatoes. We had a harder freeze last night, and I just decided to see if the tomatoes were still green, instead of black. This picture I posted was made a few minutes ago, and as sure as heck we are going to have two ripe tomatoes to eat. One for me, and one for Chuck. I'm leaving them on the vine, because I like vine-ripened tomatoes the best. Hopefully it won't freeze tonight. As I said before all of the plants Chuck set out died because he got too sick to take care of them. This is the first summer he has not had tomatoes by the bushels. Last year I canned 20 quarts off his vines. I am so glad that we are going to have at least one home-grown tomato each this year. That makes the summer complete.

I had lunch at the Center today. As always I enjoyed the food, and fellowship. I always miss those who weren't able to come, and several were absent today. Hopefully I will see them at the next luncheon Wednesday. Now that it's gotten colder some are not as quick to attend as when it was nice weather. Flu shots were offered today at the Center, but many missed that convenient opportunity. We are privileged to have nurses from the Hospital once a month to come to the Center and give blood pressure test, and several other test as well. All are free, and we do appreciate it. Also once a month every member that had a birthday in the month is honored with cake and ice cream. If the person is there on that day they get Happy Birthday sang to them. They are not required to tell their age.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "My Precious Bible"

Jean's Comment's: "My Precious Bible": Bible still legible after 43 years of daily reading except for a few. 10-14-2018 Perryton, TX  Sorry I had some problems with my word...

"My Precious Bible"

Bible still legible after 43 years of daily reading except for a few. 10-14-2018 Perryton, TX 

Sorry I had some problems with my word document feature today so I can't post the story at this time. Will try correcting it tomorrow.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Wornout Bible A Childhood Bed"

Jean's Comment's: "A Wornout Bible A Childhood Bed": The bed and the worn out bible that my middle son was brought back to life by. 10-13-2018 Perryton, TX   I have told this story sever...

"A Wornout Bible A Childhood Bed"

The bed and the worn out bible that my middle son was brought back to life by. 10-13-2018 Perryton, TX

I have told this story several times, but I must keep telling it. The picture I am posting is the room, and the Holy Bible where my middle son was raised up from near death. Rick came to live with me two years after my husband passed away. He was 61 and had been forced to retire after his company filed for bankruptcy. He was living in Fort Worth, Texas, and I lived in Perryton, Texas some 400 miles away. He seemed to be in pretty good health, and we adjusted quite well to the change in both of our lives. Rick moved back into the bedroom he had left when he went to college. He had gotten Federal Communication licenses before graduating from high school. He knew electronics well. He did a lot of improving things for me such as installing switches on my end tables so I would not have to get out of bed to turn on the electric fan or a light. He also did some plumbing, and replaced leaky water faucets. Almost every day he would bring something home from the store for me. Little things like extra scissors for every drawer in a room. He bought candles, and fans for all the rooms. I had an automatic cooling system, but Rick thought we needed fans to put us to sleep. His favorite place to rest was on my covered, screened in patio. He would sit there for hours at a time just enjoying the cool, peaceful atmosphere. Then one day the tide changed. His leg began to pain him, and it wouldn't go away. Since his dad, granddad, and a few other male members of the family had blood clot problems, I guessed that was what was wrong with him. We went to the doctor and sure enough that's what it was. After he got that straightened out one cool evening in late summer he was sitting out on the patio. Since he always stayed out for long periods at a time I never thought to check on him. But when it started getting dark and colder, I looked out to see him lying on the steps. He was unable to move, and I hadn't heard him calling me since the patio is far from where I was watching T V. He had stepped on a piece of plastic that had landed on the porch, and he slid down to the bottom step. When I tried to help him up he could not move at all. I called the ambulance, and they came and took him to the hospital. He had broken his hip and was transferred to Amarillo 130 miles away. After a few days there he was brought back to the Perryton hospital for physical therapy. He had not been released from that hospital when the doctor's appointment in Forth Worth came up. It was very important that he keep that appointment because it would take three months to get another one. His medication for another problem could not be refilled until he saw the doctor in Fort Worth. The Perryton doctor released him temporary, and I drove him to Fort Worth with a wheelchair. We got a room and went to bed . We were to see the doctor there early the next morning. In a short time Rick got real sick and started vomiting. It kept getting worse so I called an ambulance. He was admitted to the hospital, and treated for a bowl obstruction. After three weeks there they released him to come back to Perryton. He was readmitted to the hospital and stayed a few days before getting to come home. Two weeks went by then he had another attack. He was air lifted to Amarillo for another three weeks. Finally the doctor said he could do no more for him and sent him home with hospice care. Rick was so weak till Chuck and I both could barely get him out of the car into a wheel chair. He had not eaten in three weeks, nor had he been given anything through the vein. He was just skin and bones.

As soon as Rick got into his favorite recliner, he said to me, “I am trusting God with all my heart.” I also assured him I was trusting too. I had some Insure on hand so I gave him a teaspoon of that. At first he didn't want to take it, but he knew not to argue with mom. I finally got two or three more spoonful's down him, and within minutes I could see him gaining strength. Before long I got another few spoonful's down him, then a little later he said, “give me that bottle.” He took a few sips, and then I knew he was going to make it, I got him to bed in the room that I have posted, and yes I laid down beside him for the night. He did sneak out of bed without waking me and I heard him fall. It took some time before I could get him back in bed, but he hadn't broken any bones. Little by little he began to eat, and amazingly he was strong enough to check the oil in his car before the hospice nurse called to let us know she was coming. I told her we didn't need her now, that Rick was out checking his car. Rick was able to drive himself back to the doctor in Amarillo a couple of times before his back starting giving him trouble. His daughter in Houston was trying to get him down there so he could have better doctors, and be closer to them. She was a nurse, and with tears in my eyes I told Rick I thought he should go. I am still having my crying spells although Rick assures me he is doing well, It has been nearly three years now, and I can't stop crying. I know he misses me, and his beloved home as much as I miss him. But sometimes we must take things for what they are.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Friday, October 12, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Guess What"

Jean's Comment's: "Guess What":                          looks like a jet might have exploded. 10-12-2018 Perryton, TX   I've joined the guessing game club. I post...

"Guess What"

                         looks like a jet might have exploded. 10-12-2018 Perryton, TX
I've joined the guessing game club. I posted this jet streak I just moments ago took a picture of, and I'm thinking it might be a jet that exploded in the sky, ha ha. For the past year or so I have seemingly done nothing but guess. Sometimes I get it right, but most of the time I get it wrong. Usually I never know if I was right or wrong. I understand it's normal for people to use their intuition, after all it is a gift from God. I do not believe this white streak I've posted is any part of a cloud. Yet why does it have such a wide appearance at the place where the plane is flying. Oh! I get it now. The engines are letting off great clouds of moister from the exhaust escape. Actually the plane is still flying, but the large plums of smoke haven't had time to form a straight line. What's wrong with guessing?

I am guessing every time I turn my television on and watch the news. How much is fake, and how much is truth? I am always giving my opinion, because I just have that part of nature built in me. Naturally I have to sit in front of the television a lot to see if I'm right or wrong. Of course our opinions change from time to time, but usually that is what guessing games do. We have to let off the exhaust fumes or we might explode.

I have been saying that from the first speech President Trump gave when announcing his plan to run for President, that he was the right one. I got so many negative remarks it was nothing less than calling me an idiot. One person close to me said, “he won't even make it to the debate floor.” Another said “oh my gosh are you crazy?” I never once changed my mind about Donald Trump being the next president, although at times it did seem impossible. After two years of his “Commander In Chief' position, I still say he will be re-elected in 2020. After that date I can't give an opinion yet, but I can say he has turned this country around like no president has ever done. All I can say about this president is, God works in mysterious ways, and we certainly have a mysterious miracle taking place in America.

Secondly I didn't sway from my first opinion that Judge Brett Kavanaugh would be confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice. I was literately astounded at the evil being cast upon him by liars, and arguable, leftist groups, but I had confidence in our President Trump to plow through it. This act of unforgivable damage to a good man, and his family will bear consequences forever to the guilty ones. I challenge everyone to back this President fully without hesitation.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "No Protesters Here Just Spooks"

Jean's Comment's: "No Protesters Here Just Spooks": Halloween is getting close. My good neighbor makes things look scary. 10-11-2018 Perryton, TX My good patriotic neighbor has again deco...

"No Protesters Here Just Spooks"

Halloween is getting close. My good neighbor makes things look scary. 10-11-2018 Perryton, TX
My good patriotic neighbor has again decorated to the hilt for Halloween. She does this every year even after her children have been grown for years. She knows that older people still like to feel young around Halloween time. I love to spend time just viewing so many scary, and cartoon-like figures all through her large yard. The United States, and Texas flag is always waving high above any, and all decorations she might have mounted in her yard. It's nice to live near people who never seem to fear or take the threat of losing our country too seriously, and are always on the up-beat side. I love children, and like to see their excitement every Halloween when they dress up and go trick or treating, but I cannot stand the stress involved when it comes to handing out candy for two or three hours. My age has taken a toll on me. I am so thankful that at least one more year we can celebrate our long, loved traditions.

I worked today, and am a bit tired, but I'm going to a meeting this evening at the college in our city. The speaker is from Abilene Texas, and I just happen to be pretty proud of Abilene at this time. I have a son, and his wife who live there, and the newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice's wife is from Abilene. I believe her parent's still live in Abilene. I must perk up and attend this meeting. I don't have much time to lose since the meeting starts at 6 o'clock. It is almost five now. I will be meeting a friend there. I may not feel, or look my best, but I will be admitted, I'm sure. Unless my enthusiasm dwindles quickly I am expecting to learn a lot about being helpful in my community.

Tomorrow will be another exciting day. I look forward to eating lunch with friends, and sharing all the good news. We try to leave politics at home. I would rather see the smiling faces than to see the frowns. Faith is still pretty high among our seniors, and you might be surprised at all the wisdom we have there. We are so blessed to have such a nice bunch of seasoned citizens who are still enjoying their lives. There is strength in unity, and believe me we are unified. There are over 100 members besides all the non members that make this place a very special asset to our community.

Never does a day go by that I don't meet up with negativity, but I always get the positivity very quickly. Thank God for His gifts in my life. Joy and peace are my two most treasured gifts. I would like for every soul to possess these two great gifts, and I pray for that desire every day. We don't always know when are prayers are answered, but by faith I believe the most of them are heard by God, and He does answer prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Beautiful Scary Or Whatever"

Jean's Comment's: "Beautiful Scary Or Whatever":        No place on earth is as beautiful as what is beyond this earth. 10-10-2018 Perryton, TX It seems like most people are always loo...

"Beautiful Scary Or Whatever"

       No place on earth is as beautiful as what is beyond this earth. 10-10-2018 Perryton, TX
It seems like most people are always looking for a beautiful place to go visit. I have to go no farther than my own yard to see the most beautiful sighs ever. I have posted this picture of assorted clouds that I took a few minutes ago. I am not a meteorologist, or a person claiming to be, but I know when I see something in the atmosphere that is unusual. Even though some might say there is nothing beautiful about this dark, and icicle-looking cloud, I see the hand of God in action. I feel a message being sent to me, and I take my seat to hear more about it. I was given this scripture immediately after sitting down at my computer. May I pass it on to you?

Matthew 10:16-20. Jesus own words

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men; for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.

I never know what I will write in my blog when I sit down at my computer. It's not like I have studied, and prepared the best message I could possible have. I know I make many mistakes, but I trust God with my life, and have for most of my life. I follow His word to the best of my understanding, and I never feel rejected by Him. I get chastised often, but like my earthly father, He still loves me, and leads me to scriptures that will prove his love. Today I felt like this was his message to me to keep believing in him. He is telling me that I must be prepared at all times because I possible will be taken before evil people, and scourged for his sake. He told me that in the very beginning of my walk with Him, now He is reminding me again. I am not to be planning what I would say in that time, but He is reminding me that the Holy Spirit would speak through me.

I may, or may not, be that person who will be brought before evil governors, but for sure that time is coming for many. I truly believe it will be sooner than later. Always remember when we fall He picks us up just like our earthly fathers did. I am giving Him praise for this message today. I am always waiting for another one. I love staying in touch with God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Hands Off This Is My Country"

Jean's Comment's: "Hands Off This Is My Country": It's beginning to look a lot more like America. "MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" 10-9-2018 Perryton, TX   Right from the hear...

"Hands Off This Is My Country"

It's beginning to look a lot more like America. "MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" 10-9-2018 Perryton, TX
Right from the heart of my living room comes this great historical picture of President Donald Trump, and the new Supreme Court Justice Britt Kavanaugh with his family. It's such a thrill to see them standing proudly together after fighting 3 or 4 weeks furiously to finally win against the evil demons who sought to bring this good man down. Only because the liberal left does not like our President did this good man, and his family have to go through hell to finally be sworn in as Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I am so angry, but so proud that this great man didn't give up even when his family was being threatened. How could things like this happen in America? Just because America is not who she used to be, not for a long time now. We have had some of the most home-grown, American enemies, in our highest offices of government for the past several years. Some were not even home-grown, but were being promoted by the highest authoritative, power in our country. Power that was obtained by fraud. Dictatorial, trashing everything that America had stood for, for many years. Handing over our government piece by piece to our worst enemy countries. Giving our money by the billions without anyone knowing it to terrorist countries to kill our own people. That's why we have seen this disgraceful, unethical conduct from some of our own citizens that has rocked the world. Our justice system is in such shambles till we can't even get to the bottom of it. The thief is holding onto his stolen goods for dear might. Why are we having to forfeit our right to obtain these documents that have been stolen from the law abiding people. My guess is because those papers would cast an all out war that would cause many, many deaths. For that reason the evil crowds we've been seeing the past few years are desperate to get the trappers killed before they are caught in big trouble. It is not going to happen. Soon or later this God selected President will have everything he needs to bring this corrupt nation to the shown down.

Today is the first day the newly confirmed Justice is hearing cases. Just another reason to believe President Trump will win the biggest battle America has ever fought. I know the civil war we fought before when freeing the slaves was a bloody one, but this war will include other fighters from countries not yet identified. The fighters are already here, but are claiming citizenship without papers to prove it. It's being accepted by many of our own states. I have no doubt but our President will take control of all the odds against him which are high. He has already proven his worth. For the fools once a fool always a fool. The biggest fool of all the, Palestinian Giant, got killed by one little stone by one little Sheppard boy. I may get to see this giant fall, and I'm watching closely.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp