Friday, October 19, 2018

"I Like The Looks Of Gold"

                                Blackberry leaves in late October. 10-19-2018 Perryton, TX

Fall season is fun when walking through the remains of an earlier attractiveness ground of blooming flowers, and berries. These blackberry leaves are golden color, and remind me of myself now that I'm turning golden. I don't expect to beauty up again in the spring like these blackberries will. But I think golden beauty in human life is a rich feeling that will never fool around with anyone's unearned riches. It takes the good, and the bad, to show the real gold in my aged, happy life. I think I'm getting wiser every day, but never to the point of telling anyone. That's my secret. Yes. It's fun to see the has been, but more fun to see the always will be, I told this to a dear friend in the hospital today. The doctor has told her she will never walk again without a walker. She and I, agreed that, that doctor doesn't know what he's talking about. Just give it a few more days. I took her a rich strawberry milkshake, and some of my rich home cooked food. No one can fail to walk straight with this kind of nourishment. I'm excited for this golden gal to show her strength, and beauty again.

Today ends my busy week. Tomorrow I will mostly celebrate the work I have accomplished. Saturday, and Sunday are my days to relax, and give praises to God for all his blessings. I will make my bed, but nothing more that I can call work. I will be enjoying a fun evening tomorrow night at the Center. A chili supper, and election of board members. All of the past year's hard working board members will be recognized for all they have done. The new members will be welcomed with open arms.

I hope to be in church Sunday. That's my plans if something doesn't happen to change them. I usually talk to my children who live away from me every Sunday after church. Then I am ready to start a new week with great expectations from all. Even the world crisis situation can't stop me from expecting great, and mighty things to happen. I feel safe in Jesus arms no matter what happens. I believe I am seeing miracles this day by the strength, and success President Trump is having. Only by a miracle could this kind of accomplishment be happening. I pray I will never be overtaken by the evil lies, and vexation being thrown at us every day. I had heard all my life that times like this was coming, but never did I think it would be in my time. I believe when it's my time to go that God will give me peace over leaving my children, and grandchildren behind for the worst yet. I can only trust Him, because He has told me many times to do that. In Jesus name, I trust.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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