Friday, October 26, 2018

"A Season To Shed The Beauty"

                                My Heavenly tree turned golden. 10-26-2018 Perryton, TX
I can enjoy a few more days of golden leaves on my front yard “Heavenly” tree. They will soon fall off, and all beauty will be gone. The day is lovely with just a slight wind. Several neighbors were out in their yards enjoying the fall colors of trees, and bushes. As usual I was in a hurry and didn't get to visit with them. Just waved, and said hello. I have had a busy day, but I am about to wind down now. After lunch at the Center I went grocery shopping, and then to the Wall's store for a few things I needed. I try to write a blog every day, but today I am pushing it. My cut-off time is at 7 o'clock, and it is now after five. I haven't even put my groceries up yet. That's all o k, because I spent some time visiting with a couple of friends at the store that I hadn't seen for awhile. One friend had bad news to tell me, but she was in a hurry too so I just heard that the doctor had bad news for her today. I told her I would put her on my prayer list.

I am always happy to visit with friends at the Center while having lunch with them. There is usually seven or eight sitting at my table, and we all have something to share. Today we felt sorrow at the loss of two friends taken from us this week. One in a vehicle accident, the other from a quick form of pneumonia. Both cases were quite shocking. We are reminded of how suddenly we ourselves, can be taken from this evil world. I am thankful that we have wonderful friends to share our grief with. We laugh and joke a lot, but our hearts can also be touched with grief.

Another part of life we share is the leadership of our great nation. The bible tells us to be aware of false doctrines, and lies that some of the most highly positioned leaders are declaring unto us. It happened in old times, and it's happening today. We can be certain of what is good, and what is bad if we follow God's Word. Wisdom is promised, and I am a firm believer that we can know the difference in truth, and lies. We don't have to be confused, because God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33, KJV. Therefore be ye steadfast as a tree planted by the waters. How sad it is to know that some have been deceived by these false teachings, and have not the peace of unmovable, uprooting faith by the wicked storms that come to all. “I shall not be moved.” An old hymn I learned as a very young child. “Just like a tree that's planted by the water, I shall not be moved.” 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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