Monday, October 22, 2018

"A Time To Work"

A ton of asparagus cut and ready to pile on the roots for winter protection. 10-22-2018 Perryton, TX
I just finished another big job in my yard, The asparagus had grown so tall, and thick till it was leaning toward the ground all tangled up. It was very hard to find the root so I could clip them off. The stalks had grown so close together, and was tangled so badly I could hardly pull them apart. At last I got them all cut, and now I just have to cut the stalks closer to the ground. Tomorrow I will pile all the cuttings on top of the roots so they won't freeze out this winter. I did find a place in the garage to store some of the potted plants, and I'm hoping they will still be alive next spring. My garage is attached to the house, and has good insulation so I think the plants will survive.

After lunch at the Center today I visited a friend in the hospital. She has had a hard time getting over a fall, but is finally doing much better. We are looking forward to having her back at the Center. She also had a daughter to come home today after spending nearly three months in the hospital. The daughter had two or three issues that required a lot of time to get them all fixed. It looks like now she is on her road to complete recovery. Her release from the hospital today was a big plus for her mother to hurry and get home. We all are so thankful to God for his love, and mercy.

I went to buy groceries when I left the hospital then came home and started cutting asparagus stalks. Now that I'm writing this blog I am beginning to get very tired, and having some back pain. Nothing comes easy for anyone trying to keep the things done that make life worth living. I want to fight a good fight as long as I possible can, because I believe that is what I was born to do. There is too much evil in this world for good people to do nothing. There is a famous quote that goes like this, “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.” I don't believe God would be pleased if we did nothing to fight against evil. I will be voting this next Wednesday in early voting for one of the most important elections America has ever had. I'm casting my vote declaring it is nothing but voting against evil. God knows who voted, and who didn't. He also knows who is for good, and who is for evil. I think everyone needs to vote even if a ballot has to be brought to your bedside. It is very certain in this time of earthly, uncontrollable behavior, we are recognized both in the old Testament, and the New, And those who thought the Old Testament was null and void, you better think again. It really wasn't as easy as some thought it was.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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